Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: Can twisted wire replace shielded wire?


Roy L. Fuchs

If you are going to take the roll of being a group administrator thats
fine but I don't need to be told how I can post or the way I can post.

It is Usenet, dope. One should quote what one is replying to. It
isn't your email. It isn't FOR you. It IS for the world, and YOUR
post referenced to NOTHING. Learn and follow the protocol. The fact
that you didn't means EXACTLY that you need to be told how to post.
Here is some constructive criticism for you: I find your manner to be
blunt and tastless.

Good for you. I find your ability to make a valid assessment
hovering somewhere near nil.
You assume.

You assume that you can invade any forum with your web based
browsing bullshit, and not follow decades old conventions when YOU
interlope your lame ass into them. YOU need to LEARN about the forums
you invade. THIS one is called Usenet.
That is your biggest mistake.

Your biggest mistake is that you do NOT know how to make a proper
Usenet post. It really is that simple, and if you do not think so,
then it is YOU that is simple.

In the interest of not creating another run on post I am going to stop

Like your petty announcements mean a damned thing.


On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 20:01:46 -0500, Cliff <[email protected]> Gave us:

One must always tie one's Faraday Cage to earth...
as often as one can... :-]


It will build an electrostatic charge up for one thing.

That has nothing to do with a Faraday Cage.
Nor does it follow.

Bullshit. ALL ESD protection is drained to earth ground at some

Where did the charges come from in the first place?
Faraday cages have more functions that the ONE you seem to
think it ONLY has. It has several functions.

So do rocks.
Bullshit. "Things" can be grounded, but a full "cage" which is
grounded diverts electrostatic buildups to ground, so there is none.

Sort of like a Van DeGraff generator, eh?
After all, there's very little surplus charge *inside*, right?

Or one could put (with care) an insulated charged ball inside .....
and the magic surplus of charge on it would just vanish, right?
ANY electrostatic accumulation is typically referenced to ground,
and can be balanced to "zero" via grounding. Earth IS the reference.

So if you instead connected to a power line ...
The Earth is rarely at "zero volts".
Any conductor whether it be a wire or even a sphere cannot hold an
electrostatic charge if it is in contact with ground. It has to be
supported free from contact to build a charge. Said charges are the
bane of modern circuitry. Earth ground is and has always been the
reference. Static charged build on insulator surfaces, but can also
build on conductors that are isolated from a drain.

Isolation transformers, floating grounds ....
They are YET one more function of the reasons for caging a circuit.
Lightning SHOULD hit a pole, and travel down the grounding wires on
each pole, but it can and does hit the cable bundles themselves as
well. Hell, and ungrounded bucket truck can build a HUGE ES charge if
it isn't grounded. If you are not familiar with this effect, you
shouldn't be in this discussion.

Cages are sometimes good against EMP pulses ...
In this case, twisted pair bundles cancel some noise but not ALL
noise. So they get shielded. The sheathed cable runs are for yet one
more small protection against noise injection, and also stop inductive
taps from being feasible.

Don't tell the neocons about taps.


You assume that you can invade any forum with your web based
browsing bullshit, and not follow decades old conventions when YOU
interlope your lame ass into them. YOU need to LEARN about the forums
you invade. THIS one is called Usenet.

THEN you flame the turkeys <G>.

Roy L. Fuchs

On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 20:01:46 -0500, Cliff <[email protected]> Gave us:

One must always tie one's Faraday Cage to earth...
as often as one can... :-]


It will build an electrostatic charge up for one thing.

That has nothing to do with a Faraday Cage.
Nor does it follow.

Bullshit. ALL ESD protection is drained to earth ground at some

Where did the charges come from in the first place?

Anytime one has ANY object separated from ground that has air passing
over it, it will accumulate a charge. Were you sleeping during this
portion of your electrical education?
So do rocks.

You are heading to trollville quite quickly.
Sort of like a Van DeGraff generator, eh?

No. Sort of like ANY object that is not at earth's potential.
After all, there's very little surplus charge *inside*, right?

I'd say that in your skull, there was very little to start with.
Or one could put (with care) an insulated charged ball inside .....
and the magic surplus of charge on it would just vanish, right?

The cage is a conductor. If it contacted this charged sphere, it
would drain charge from it. If the sphere were an insulator, it would
drain charge from locations it made contact with. If the sphere were
a charged conductor, it would drain ALL of the charge from the object,
balancing it with the earth ground potential.
So if you instead connected to a power line ...
The Earth is rarely at "zero volts".

There is a huge DC intertie up north. You should examine how it
operates. 2 million volts, 800 miles, earth return.
Isolation transformers, floating grounds ....

You keep jumping back and forth from power distribution from
electrostatic discussion. Get yer shit straight, son.
Cages are sometimes good against EMP pulses ...

Nope. An EMP pulse can pass through the entire planet. It can make
it through a cage. They are good at diverting (read attenuate) a good
portion of it, however, as well as local EMI and RFI.

Cages are sometimes good for trolls like you.
Don't tell the neocons about taps.

You'r an idiot. When you go, you won't deserve taps.

Don't tell folks on the net what to do.

Art Deco

Roy L. Fuchs said:
It is Usenet, dope. One should quote what one is replying to. It
isn't your email. It isn't FOR you. It IS for the world, and YOUR
post referenced to NOTHING. Learn and follow the protocol. The fact
that you didn't means EXACTLY that you need to be told how to post.

Good for you. I find your ability to make a valid assessment
hovering somewhere near nil.

You assume that you can invade any forum with your web based
browsing bullshit, and not follow decades old conventions when YOU
interlope your lame ass into them. YOU need to LEARN about the forums
you invade. THIS one is called Usenet.

Your biggest mistake is that you do NOT know how to make a proper
Usenet post. It really is that simple, and if you do not think so,
then it is YOU that is simple.

Like your petty announcements mean a damned thing.

Hi, Numby! When do you change socks again?

Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads in alt.astronomy
Co-Winner, alt.(f)lame Worst Flame War, December 2005

"Causation of gravity is missing frame field always attempting
renormalization back to base memory of equalized uniform momentum."
-- nightbat the saucerhead-in-chief

"Have patience. First I shall deal with the State of Oregon
and County of Josephine, Then the AFAB, government/media
disinformation Agents with whom you conspire to libel me and my
family. Your time will come."
-- Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, usenet "christ"

"Classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim, and rather ironic, coming from
someone who obviously has no understanding of what a signature is. Tell me,
Haslam, do you sign your checks as 'Can't you show a little restraint?'"
-- David Tholen, Clueless Newbie of the Month, February 2003

Art Deco

\Roy L. Fuchs said:
You'r an idiot. When you go, you won't deserve taps.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, good one, Numby!
Don't tell folks on the net what to do.

Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads in alt.astronomy
Co-Winner, alt.(f)lame Worst Flame War, December 2005

"Causation of gravity is missing frame field always attempting
renormalization back to base memory of equalized uniform momentum."
-- nightbat the saucerhead-in-chief

"Have patience. First I shall deal with the State of Oregon
and County of Josephine, Then the AFAB, government/media
disinformation Agents with whom you conspire to libel me and my
family. Your time will come."
-- Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, usenet "christ"

"Classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim, and rather ironic, coming from
someone who obviously has no understanding of what a signature is. Tell me,
Haslam, do you sign your checks as 'Can't you show a little restraint?'"
-- David Tholen, Clueless Newbie of the Month, February 2003


Newsgroups: alt.machines.cnc,sci.electronics.basics,,,,,alt.usenet.kooks

Who is/was Art Bell?

Art Deco

Cliff said:
Who is/was Art Bell?


Also see:


Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads in alt.astronomy
Co-Winner, alt.(f)lame Worst Flame War, December 2005

"Causation of gravity is missing frame field always attempting
renormalization back to base memory of equalized uniform momentum."
-- nightbat the saucerhead-in-chief

"Have patience. First I shall deal with the State of Oregon
and County of Josephine, Then the AFAB, government/media
disinformation Agents with whom you conspire to libel me and my
family. Your time will come."
-- Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, usenet "christ"

"Classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim, and rather ironic, coming from
someone who obviously has no understanding of what a signature is. Tell me,
Haslam, do you sign your checks as 'Can't you show a little restraint?'"
-- David Tholen, Clueless Newbie of the Month, February 2003

Real Friendly Neighborhood Vote Ranger

Cliff said:
Do you ever wonder how long posts will live on in the various Usenet
Many seem to have tunneled out of Google (and are missing there) yet
others are all over the Net ...

Mine will live forever when the cabal kills me.

Real Friendly Neighborhood Vote Ranger

Honest John said:
Real Friendly Neighborhood Vote Ranger said:
Cliff said:
Did they give you a certain time ?

I don't know when I will die;-) I want a GENE SPAFFORD MEMORIAL "USENET
SAMARITAN" AWARD for being a crusader against self-elected authorities on