Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: Can twisted wire replace shielded wire?



Ergo the egg came first.

"The Erg and I"?

Required Reading for Mathematicians

The Jacobins and their struggle for Independence
A 10 day diet to improve indeterminate forms
Cheaper by the Googol
1001 best loved double integrals
The Torus and I
A short table of even primes (abridged)
Will success spoil Runge-Kutta?
Dining out on Hilbert space
100 tasty fillings for empty sets
How to keep condensation points from dripping into open sets
A child's garden of Chebyshev polynomials
Tom Swift and his electronic cycloid
A treasury of matrices - upright and inverted
Improving Lipschitz conditions in the slums
How to prevent rust on Riemann surfaces
The decline and fall of exp(-x)
First aid for Dedekind cuts and bruises
The Peano postulates transcribed for violin and cello
A collection of happy endings for incomplete Beta functions
Lebesque integration in the United States
One million random digits in ascending order

NunYa Bidness

Provably explains why glass & plastics of various densities have
various indexes of refraction, right?
It's clearly a mass effect (gravity), right?

Aluminum is used as a lens material for x-rays.
OOPs !! The less dense plastics can have a higher index of
refraction .... and, as light always seems to take the path of
*least time* ..... (BTW, How does it know in advance what
path that is?)

Collision avoidance software, and advanced MEMS GPS.

NunYa Bidness

Yes, electrons don't travel very fast at all. Nowhere near c.

See the post "How fast are these electrons moving" in a.b.s.e.

Then come back and give an answer... :-]


The word you want is "source".

Why? Consider a superconducting loop with an induced current ...
There must be a return path to the
source for flow to occur.

You can stuff quite a few electrons on the surface of a
sphere .... see Van de Graff generators ...

NunYa Bidness

Why? Consider a superconducting loop with an induced current ...

Changing the subject?
You can stuff quite a few electrons on the surface of a
sphere .... see Van de Graff generators ...

Electrostatics are a bit different. Accumulated static charge is a
bit different than a DC or AC source, a conductor, and a return path.

Terry Given

Cliff said:
Ergo the egg came first.

"The Erg and I"?

Required Reading for Mathematicians

The Jacobins and their struggle for Independence
A 10 day diet to improve indeterminate forms
Cheaper by the Googol
1001 best loved double integrals
The Torus and I
A short table of even primes (abridged)
Will success spoil Runge-Kutta?
Dining out on Hilbert space
100 tasty fillings for empty sets
How to keep condensation points from dripping into open sets
A child's garden of Chebyshev polynomials
Tom Swift and his electronic cycloid
A treasury of matrices - upright and inverted
Improving Lipschitz conditions in the slums
How to prevent rust on Riemann surfaces
The decline and fall of exp(-x)
First aid for Dedekind cuts and bruises
The Peano postulates transcribed for violin and cello
A collection of happy endings for incomplete Beta functions
Lebesque integration in the United States
One million random digits in ascending order

LOL :)


Jasen Betts

Have you ever heard of a G-line?

actually I have it, (I recall seeing a picture in some book)
it occurred to me shortly after hitting "send"
Or do a net search for G-line antenna way too many hits to list.

Is it an antenna or a transmission line?
They really work. The loss is less then that of comparable ladder line
and way
less then 300 ohm ribbon or coax. Even though I have installed several,
I still

Don't the function sort of like a coax with an infinite outer diameter?



I've always thought the whole chicken-and-egg question does little more
than demonstrate that philosophers are all a bit thick. define "chicken"
- pretty soon you have some form of a genetic spec. At some point during
the evolution of a chicken, a couple of non-chickens did the wild thing
(made the beast with two beaks?), and by the miracle of recombinant DNA
ended up with a chicken egg. Ergo the egg came first. It also doesnt
matter what you decide to call a chicken.... QED.

Actually, the reptiles came first...

NunYa Bidness

Actually, the reptiles came first...
This just proves that folks can wear blinders in any setting.

What part of "at some point during the evolution of a chicken..." do
you not understand?


This just proves that folks can wear blinders in any setting.

What part of "at some point during the evolution of a chicken..." do
you not understand?

Man, you need to let your undies out a little.

Ever hear of this thing called "humor"?

Besides, there had to be lizards before there could be a chicken to

J. Clarke

Scott said:
Man, you need to let your undies out a little.

Ever hear of this thing called "humor"?

Besides, there had to be lizards before there could be a chicken to

Actually diapsids came before either lizards or birds and if current
thinking is correct birds are not descended from lizards.


Changing the subject?

You think so? Why?
Electrostatics are a bit different. Accumulated static charge is a
bit different than a DC or AC source, a conductor, and a return path.

So you are claiming that the laws of Physics change?
About that Aluminum foil ....