Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Woo-Woo Posted nearly a year ago in Twilight Zone, project now proofed-of-concept

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Back in July I was I've done it to the point where anyone can build their own working copy of it. It is an Arduino sketch to measure a plant's response to telepathy, along with a description of the electrode construction. the thread I started then is Electrical R of a plant leaf vs. human thought

I decided to discourage metallic electrodes in favor of graphite. Graphite electrodes, I found out, are used in at least one EKG product. Of course, the person building the apparatus is free to use metallic, but I'm using a motor brush poked into a muddied and mud-filled pouch. The pouch simply uses the force of gravity to press against the adaxial epidermis of a selected leaf which is supported in a sling. (I suggest the fabric of the pouch and sling be of vegetative fiber such as hemp, linen, cotton, or jute for bio-compatibility...albeit, determining exactly which fiber may be end up being a point of concern which I'm not burdening myself with just yet). The second electrode might be pressed into the soil or placed on a second leaf, and one way may work better than the other. Adafruit took notice of my project and gave it a positive blog entry. Uses an Arduino, so anyone here in this forum should have no trouble building one for your own use. Thank you for this forum!
Communication between biofields by longitudinal propagation is not really anything new in the science, it just not very widely used in technology. I suspect the changes could also be noticed using certain types Kirlian photography.
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