Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Plimer and Silicon Chip


Trevor Wilson

David L. Jones said:
No thanks to G W Bush and his insane post 9/11 nuclear policies, and those
who followed.
Also no thanks to Regan who had the best chance ever to stop all the
madness at Reykjavik, but insisted on the stupid Star Wars fiasco that
left poor Mikhail scratching his splotch.

**I recall reading a report when the scientists reported to some politician
that they had managed to achieve a power density (of the laser they were
testing to shoot down ICBMs) of 10^5 Watts/sq cm (or close to that). The
pollie then asked how much power they needed for the system to work. The
scientist replied that they needed 10^10 Watts/sq cm. "Oh good" replied the
pollie, "you're half way there"...

And they leave idiots like that in charge of the 'button'.

Politicians should be taught about the power under their control.

Trevor Wilson

No thanks to G W Bush and his insane post 9/11 nuclear policies, and those
who followed.
Also no thanks to Regan who had the best chance ever to stop all the
at Reykjavik, but insisted on the stupid Star Wars fiasco that left poor
Mikhail scratching his splotch.

Yes indeed.
Those interested in such things should read Jonathan Schell's The Seventh
Decade. I'm just finising it off, a great read on the subject of weapons

Pakistan are only but one of the issues.
Japan are sitting on a stock of something like 50tons of Plutonium, enough
to make thousands of weapons. And the capacity to make untold more, like
80tons projected in the next year or two (that's more Pu than the entire
arsenal). They are the new Pu global powerhouse. Once they go nuclear (and
their aversion to nuke weapons is shinking to zero), the whole deck of
playing cards starts to fall.

I didnt know about that. WOW.

I forgot to add Japan to the list of countries under US protection and
therefore at huge risk if the US fails.
I'm not surprised that the Japanese' aversion to Nuke weapons is
shrinking to zero.

**If you imagine that Japan could not assemble a nuke within 24 hours, I
suspect you are in for a huge shock.

David L. Jones

Yeah, I didn't know about that either until I read Schell's book.
**If you imagine that Japan could not assemble a nuke within 24
hours, I suspect you are in for a huge shock.

Schell quotes they can do it "in a matter of days".

A plutonium implosion nuke isn't as trivial and foolproof as a gun type
uranium one, but the japs ain't exactly lacking talent in how to build



KR said:
If you are producing a project with proprietary parts (ie a coded
microcontroller) that can't just be grabbed off the shelf as a
standard part by regular kit suppliers, and you want to sell the chip
rather than publish the code, then SC probably would help you get more
sales than an unknown webpage.

Yes that is one area where you could possibly benefit.
Whether sales of this type are worth the trouble is another matter.

Agreed, but attacking someone if THEY personally don't think so is rather
silly IMO.



David L. Jones said:
And that's the point. If something CAN happen or be used, it's a threat.
How can being able to almost completely wipe out the human race within a
matter of hours or days at the push of a button, NOT be the biggest threat
facing this planet?

Well it may be a "threat", and still not a "major problem". The severity of
the problem depends on the liklihood of the threat occurring.
The only equivalent threats would be cosmic borne catastrophes.

Yes indeed. So one learns to live with what is totally out of human control.
That does not include population increase and baby bonuses IMO.

As Phil and KR have mentioned, there are many other benefits (and the
occasional problem) with getting something published. So you aren't just
"generating income for someone else", far from it.
Phil summed it up nicely when he said "Time spent that benefits both oneself
and others is never wasted."

Sure, but only the individual concerned can make the judgement of how his
time is best utilised. No one has infinite time available to them.

You can have your cake and it eat it too.
You can put a project up on your your webpage as well as getting it
published. And getting it in SC or some other mag gives you large direct
exposure to people who otherwise generally won't find your stuff unless they
went specifically looking. And SC will pay you too, not a large amount, but
a nice bonus.

And what I object to is that they make more money from my endevours than I
do. YOU may not care, and that is your right, however I am happy to forego a
small amount of money, and some ego stroking, just so someone else can make
even more money. For those who are real professionals, having their name
printed in SC is hardly something to get terribly excited obout IMO :).
However your personal situation may indicate otherwise perhaps.

While it may be a profit generating magazine, there are those who like to
think of the aussie electronics magazine scene as a more of a "community"
they grew up with, and therefore like to give something back in return for
what they have gained over the years. Thinking you are just helping a
magazine make a profit is a very narrow minded view IMO.

Nope, this very newsgroup and thousands of web sites now provide what we
needed the magazines to do once upon a time. We no longer need to pay the
cost of the magazine to read some stupid opinions on climate change etc. Nor
to read contruction articles for Jaycar/DSE/Altronics etc. kits.
I once bought EA, ETI, and SC every month, but not for a LONG time, I just
don't see the value any more.

Sure, I agree.
But you have to look at my critisim in context to "Peter K"s post at which
my comments are directed.
He criticised the magazines content, of which he claims to be quite capable
of contributing to. He even mentioned he would be happy to contribute, but
then chucked a hissy when he found out SC won't pay his consulting like fees
(LOL!). Anyone who just criticises something but is in a position to help
change for the better, deserves a serve in my book.

That's my point, he IS entitled to criticise it (and you are entitled to
Just because he chooses not to "donate" his time to help improve a "for
profit" magazine, doesn't mean he is wrong. You just have different



How can being able to almost completely wipe out the human race within a
matter of hours or days at the push of a button, NOT be the biggest
threat facing this planet?

Well, there are only two militaries involved with this theorectical
capacity. The Russians who have a decrepit and unreliable system and The
USA who so far have cocked up every war (including independence) they
entered unless someone else was wiping their arse and helping them.


KR said:
Personally, I have always been amazed at how SC, & the former EA teams
and their contributors over the years have managed to think up,
design, build, prototype and publish such a wide and diversified range
of electronic designs, every month, for so many years, on top of all
t>he hassles of running a business. - Even before the days of the
internet. The time and effort involved in some of these projects must
be staggering

You ignore the fact that many of the projects were provided by Dick
Smith/Jaycar/Altronics etc to sell kits.
Then there are the projects like those under discussion that they pay
peanuts for.
It's been a long time AFAICT that they had a big team of in house engineers
and technicians doing their own kit development.
The rest of the mag is mostly ads, press releases, ads, an editorial rant
that's just like those on these internet use groups which millions of people
post for nothing, ads, and a couple of regular columns like "Serviceman"
that they presumably do pay something for.

It all reminds me of Jaycar who have been advertising for staff in SC every
month for YEARS, simply because they won't pay the amount of money necessary
for the sort of staff they would like to have! They keep hoping someone is
desperate I guess.



The rest of the mag is mostly ads,

It is the number of ads that determine how big the magazine can be and
thus how many projects they need.


terryc said:
Well, there are only two militaries involved with this theorectical
capacity. The Russians who have a decrepit and unreliable system and The
USA who so far have cocked up every war (including independence) they
entered unless someone else was wiping their arse and helping them.

You must read different history books to mine, if it wasn't for the
Americans entering WWII England would be speaking German and Australia
would be talking Japanese.


You must read different history books to mine, if it wasn't for the
Americans entering WWII England would be speaking German and Australia
would be talking Japanese.

It was the Russians more than the Yanks that defeated the Germans.
Whether the Japanese could have invaded Australia is moot, they had
pretty well run out of steam before they got here. It was, of course the
Yanks who mainly defeated the Japanese, but they didn't do it on their own.


You must read different history books to mine, if it wasn't for the
Americans entering WWII England would be speaking German and Australia
would be talking Japanese.

Definitely a different "history" book to you. Yours must have entirely
forgotten that WWII was basically won by the Russian. The USA only joined
at the end to protect the loans they had made to the UK and Australia had
already beaten the Japanese to a stand still with the rump of their


Sure, I agree.
But you have to look at my critisim in context to "Peter K"s post at which
my comments are directed.
He criticised the magazines content, of which he claims to be quite capable
of contributing to. He even mentioned he would be happy to contribute, but
then chucked a hissy when he found out SC won't pay his consulting like fees
(LOL!). Anyone who just criticises something but is in a position to help
change for the better, deserves a serve in my book.


My main critisism of SC is that, now so many projects are microprocessor
based, mostly they do not include the source code. In the "Old days" you
could build a project from a magazine either straight as published, or
modify is as you saw fit. Now, the hardware in many cases is simply the
framework that lets the firmware do the job. Without the source code,
there is no option but to build exactly as specified, and it is all just
a soldering exercise.

Probably a set of articles on programming some of the more popular
microprocessors would be an excellent thing for them to publish.


Davo said:
You must read different history books to mine,

Maybe he reads ones NOT written by the yanks!
if it wasn't for the
Americans entering WWII England would be speaking German and Australia
would be talking Japanese.

The Hawaiians would probably be speaking Japanese I guess.


Phil Allison

"Mr.Turd "
It all reminds me of Jaycar who have been advertising for staff in SC
month for YEARS, simply because they won't pay the amount of money
for the sort of staff they would like to have! They keep hoping someone is
desperate I guess.

** You ever met up with either Gary Johnson or Bruce Routley ??

Like meeting the BOSSES from HELL !!!!

All Jaycar are *ever* preying after is disaffected staff from DSE who have
no where else to go.

..... Phil

Phil Allison

My main critisism of SC is that, now so many projects are microprocessor
based, mostly they do not include the source code. In the "Old days" you
could build a project from a magazine either straight as published, or
modify is as you saw fit. Now, the hardware in many cases is simply the
framework that lets the firmware do the job. Without the source code,
there is no option but to build exactly as specified, and it is all just a
soldering exercise.

** Bob Parker's most famous " ESR Meter " article did not include the
source code.

Cos no-one alive could make head nor tale of it if he did include it.

But Bob WAS able exercise some control over kit suppliers because of

Cept for that *appalling* Rod Irving character.


Probably a set of articles on programming some of the more popular
microprocessors would be an excellent thing for them to publish.

** Pathway straight into to hell and bankruptcy is that idea.

...... Phil


Probably a set of articles on programming some of the more popular
microprocessors would be an excellent thing for them to publish.

Must be a decade ago(?) that they did an intro to something (smaller than
PC micro).

Trevor Wilson

keithr said:
It was the Russians more than the Yanks that defeated the Germans. Whether
the Japanese could have invaded Australia is moot, they had pretty well
run out of steam before they got here. It was, of course the Yanks who
mainly defeated the Japanese, but they didn't do it on their own.

**Indeed. Russia and Pearl Habour were the big mistakes made by Germany and
Japan. Had Germany left Russia alone and Japan left the US alone, the
outcome would certainly have been very different. There was no will in the
US to become involved in another European conflict.

Trevor Wilson

Jeßus said:
:> SC now appears to be trying to consolidate a fading readership that
:> far-right ratbags. Would not be surprised to see it go the same way as
:A hardcore left-wing propaganda machine like the current ABC is hardly

When are people like you two fools going to realise that simplistic
labelling of people as "far-right ratbags" and "hardcore left-wing" has
become meaningless and even worse, increasingly misleading? Makes you
feel better to have a boogyman to blame for <insert issue here>?

People like you are the real problem: so easy to exploit at the voting

**Indeed. As I recall, an investigation set up by the previous Liberal
government recently found that the ABC had a slight bias TOWARDS the Liberal
Party. Moreover, anyone who watched last week's Four Corners is left in no
doubt about the impartial attitude of the ABC towards (NSW State) Labor.


The Russians, using American built planes and supplies. Read up on
the 'Lend - Lease' program where America supplied ammunition, weapons,
fuel, food and medicine to the Allies during WWII.

supplied = sold, not donated.