Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Plimer and Silicon Chip



KR said:
The only problem was the cost involved in building/maintaining it when
compared to traditional nuclear power stations.

Partly why they said the Chinese were still preparing to build dozens of
conventional reactor power plants.



Davo said:
It's only the deterrent effect of having America standing behind us that
Australia hasn't been invaded by other countries. Australia wouldn't
stand a chance on its own. It's cool to be anti-establishment but
totally unrealistic to think we don't depend on America for our
security. China would be here in a flash otherwise.

Bollocks. New Zealand pissed off the yanks when they banned nuclear war
ships and reduced military co-operation. Nobody invaded them.
(Australia continued to be "invaded" by New Zealanders though :)



terryc said:
At home, probably not.

Why on earth would you think that?
With over a Billion expendable people, *and* nuclear weapons, *and* their
own aircraft and ship building facilities, what makes you think we'd last a



Roger Dewhurst said:
Your politicians have effectively disarmed the populace!!!!!!!! Silly

Single shot rifles are no match for nuclear weapons in any case.



Jasen Betts said:
The you don't seem to get is the other allies made greater sacrifices.

Maybe he should instead be thanking those allies who helped the yanks fight
wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan they had no real interest in,
(at their own expense, and largely with equipment bought and paid for from
USA companies I might add!) especially when even the UN was against the US
invasion of Iraq.
So the allies are still paying for any perceived war "debts" it would seem
to me. I think it's the USA who should be grateful now.


Trevor Wilson

KR said:
AFAIK, NZ hasn't got a defense force at all.

Im told that its an extremely hard place to invade to start with

**Nope. There's just no point.


Michael said:
What is a 'vasion'? They only buit a small percentage of the planes,
when compared to what the US supplied.

I found these figures for lend-lease items given to Russia on the
internet, accuracy not guaranteed

Machine guns........................131,633
Explosives..........................345,735 tons
Building equipment valued.......$10,910,000
Railroad freight cars................11,155
Cargo ships..............................90
Submarine hunters.......................105
Torpedo boats...........................197
Ship engines..........................7,784
Food supplies.....................4,478,000 tons
Machines and equipment.......$1,078,965,000
Non iron metals.....................802,000 tons
Petroleum products................2,670,000 tons
Chemicals...........................842,000 tons
Cotton..........................106,893,000 tons
Leather..............................49,860 tons
Army boots.......................15,417,000 pairs

On that basis, the Russians built far more aircraft than the US gave them.


Michael said:
Prove that they weren't. Our pilots were trained in anything that
flew, including crop dusters to free up the best planes for use
overseas. The planes sent to Russia were a lot better than what was
used to train our pilots. Some leaned to fly in patched together

The vast majority of WWII pilots of all nations trained in biplanes.

Trevor Wilson

Mr.T said:
Single shot rifles are no match for nuclear weapons in any case.

**Nor is anything in the hands of the most rapid gun nutter. American gun
nutters fail to recognise this simple point. Against the most ancient
technology, still in active service in the US military (B-52 Bombers - ca
1952), civilans have zero defence. Hell, even some very well equipped
military forces have no defence against them.

Guns, in the hands of civilians are simply no match for a well equipped,
well trained military force.

Jasen Betts

AFAIK, NZ hasn't got a defense force at all.

hasn't got much of a defense force,
no fighter planes, main battle tanks, or ships larger than frigates.

total force 12409 personnel

14658 is about 0.3% of total population

currently about 780 serving overseas.
Im told that its an extremely hard place to invade to start with

several thousand kilometers of sea will slow most people down,
and then there's the accent :)


Once again, you snipped most of the message.

Shrug, you asked a question and I replied. Is "english" not your first
language or didn't they teach you any basic sentence construction?

Dyna Soar

John said:
And none of the other precious darlings on aus.electronics seem to
have a problem with it ?

I have a problem with any off-topic postings, but don't have the paranoia
about it that you do.

While do you even bother reading this group when you make absolutely no
posts about electronics? We know the answer, of course, it's your obsession
with Wilson. I have news for you, he just ain't worth it.

Dyna Soar

I'm sure many have a problem with both anti-gun or pro-gun viewpoints in
this group. I know I do. Perhaps they're not as vocal.

Perhaps in your own mind.

Jeezus, that old post just further proves your paranoia with Wilson. (I
think I said so at the time)

Keithr suggested Wilson post his gun stuff "somewhere else". No where did
he either say he approved or disapproved of Wilson's "anti-gun rants
appearing on aus.electronics", yet you've jumped to one conclusion.

Your obsession makes you read whatever turns your paranoia on, irrespective
if it is what is written.

Dyna Soar

Why did keithr want Trevor to take his "gun stuff" somewhere else?
Answer - "otherwise you'll have your alter ego and
his little mates from APG swarming all over the place again."

Yes, so? You're saying that is not what happens?
I'll note that no-one here challenged Trevor previous anti-gun rants
on aus.electronics, but were most upset at an alternative viewpoint
being posted.
You've challenged me a number of times about responding to Trevor's
anti-gun rants on aus.electronics, have you ever challenged Trevor
about posting them here in the first place ?

Not sure if I have in this group, but I definitely have in others.
Actually, I regard Wilson as a complete nutter and no longer respond to any
of his posts. Why don't you do the same?