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PIR operated DC motor project odd behaviour help

Will you be able if you have time to do one last schematic with all of theese modules so i can order all parts that i need and start making the product,already i have a demand for it
I really appreciate your help so far.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ivan, the rise time speed of the 4N33 optocoupler is probably a non issue because the FET isn't being cycled on and off repetitively like they are in PWM applications but the schematic I posted still doesn't provide the triggered ON - Timed Period - OFF operation that you want. I can add a 555 timer to the circuit but I see little point in doing so. The links I gave you in my last post describe modules (CHEAP) that need only a clean power supply and your good to go. What's the point of reinventing the wheel? Especially at those prices! You couldn't buy the components and PC board for 5 times those prices. This one particularly seems applicable for your project.

Okay,going with this latest module
Only thing is,where to connect gsm + and -
I see dc + and -,those are for power supply and on the output it isn't very well explained how to connect a motor ?
Do i need to solder those extra wires to the optocoupler ?


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Okay,going with this latest module
Only thing is,where to connect gsm + and -
I see dc + and -,those are for power supply and on the output it isn't very well explained how to connect a motor ?
Do i need to solder those extra wires to the optocoupler ?
That's one of the bugaboos with Chinese direct products. Products that aren't retailed through natives in the country of sale suffer from poor descriptions to nearly no descriptions. Sending queries to the Chinese seller is an exercise in futility.

You shouldn't have to do any soldering unless the 10 second delay isn't long enough for you. I'm guessing that the board employs a 555 timer to produce the delay. If it does we can stretch the timeout a bit. If they're using a PIC we won't be able to stretch the timeout. On the other hand, for all we know 0 - 10s in Chinese translates to 0 - 1hr! How long must the motor run before shutting off? If you've already posted that I've long forgotten.

I'll draw a hookup for you.

BTW, you still need a decent power supply for your experiments and final design. If you continue using what you have you're going to be spinning your wheels and going no place.


EDIT: Make sure you select the 12V model when you order!
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It isn't necessary for motor to have any delay before shutting off
But because pir has a delay that you can't avoid,that is why it is there in the first place
But if there is simple metod for this circut to work,it is not required

I have 12v 3A stabile supply in mind
I think that it would do the job



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ok,now i get it all
Gsm transmits signal to ir every second,it is not continious
At the motor,will it also run every second and not continious ? Or this opto, like PIR has a certain delay before switching off
Also,what symptoms can occure by having slow optocoupler with fast mosfet request ?

Do you remember when you posted this? The off delay is used to keep the motor running after the GSM receives its first ring. Otherwise the motor will be turning on and off with each ring (vibrator voltage).

Forgot that,nevermind.
5-10 second delay is enough
Just i still cant figure out where to connect gsm + and - to the module.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ivan, did you make sure you clicked the drop down box and selected the 12V model? Also, when it arrives please don't power it up until you post to this thread and tell us if it came with any further instructions or tech data. In particular I want more info regarding the Optocoupler and its input circuit. If you can read the Opto part number please post it. I also want you to take Ohmmeter measurements from the Opto's socket to the Opto's input pins. This is to insure they included a current limiting resistor for the Optocoupler's LED. It's very unlikely that they didn't but it can't hurt to check it.

when i connect it as shown above i get 12v voltage on this wires that go to this button,and when i connect ringer it stays always on
only when i disconnect wires it works as it should


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
when i connect it as shown above i get 12v voltage on this wires that go to this button,and when i connect ringer it stays always on
only when i disconnect wires it works as it should
Ivan, please select one.
( 1 ) You've been in a coma for the last 7 months.
( 2 ) Your dog ate your PC.
( 3 ) You've been busy because Bosnia & Herzegovina has suffered a Zombie Apocalypse.
( 4 ) You forgot that you started this topic in February.
( 5 ) All of the above.

That said, I'm curious of what I said in my last post (waaaay back in February) that you didn't understand?

Ivan, did you make sure you clicked the drop down box and selected the 12V model? Also, when it arrives please don't power it up until you post to this thread and tell us if it came with any further instructions or tech data. In particular I want more info regarding the Optocoupler and its input circuit. If you can read the Opto part number please post it. I also want you to take Ohmmeter measurements from the Opto's socket to the Opto's input pins. This is to insure they included a current limiting resistor for the Optocoupler's LED. It's very unlikely that they didn't but it can't hurt to check it.


At the time i was not able to afford the module
got it at the start of june.
Then i went out of country for a month and a half
Got back in july.
And only few days ago started working on this

Opto part number is 817cu546

module with this stock button works as it is designed.

Edit: I cant figure out where to place ohmmeter to measure resistance as You requested
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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I can find no reference for a 817cu546 opto.

Refer to the pictorial.
(1) Disconnect all inputs and outputs.
(2) Tie a 470Ω resistor (Rs) to the Positive (+) opto terminal.
(3) Connect the positive lead (Red) from your 12V supply to the unconnected end of Rs.
(4) Connect the negative (-) 'Black' lead to the negative opto terminal.
(5) Connect a voltmeter across the Pos & Neg opto terminals.
(6) Turn on power supply.
(7) Measure the opto voltage.
(8) Post the results.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
+ Is top left and - Is bottom left ?

Electronic shop Is closed for a month
I only have 560ohm resistor
Can i use it ?
The Opto input is the White (2 pin) connector. Pos(+) is the top (Red) wire. Neg(-) is the same White connector (Black wire) directly under the Red. A 560Ω will work fine.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
10.1 volts
OK Ivan. That test confirms that there's a current limiting resistor on the board because I don't think any of the OptoCouplers I'm familiar with employ an integral resistor.

You may ask what this means to you? It means that you should be able to connect the GSM ringer output directly to the Opto input with no need for a current limiting resistor like that 560Ω.

Next Test:
Wire it up as shown below. Leave the Red wire from the Opto (+) hanging. Turn on power supply and touch the Red opto lead (momentarily) to the Red (+) power supply input terminal screw. The motor should run for no longer than ~ 10 seconds.

Good luck,
View attachment 35712