I was referring to post #16 with a correct symbol.The transistor's terminals aren't labelled in the drawing in post #14, which represents the transistor as a rectangle with 3 leads.
This is the problem with the kind of "schematics" as shown in #14: using non-standard symbols makes understanding hard. Presumably the box shows the frontal view of the transistor, Acc. to the datasheet the pins are from left to right

which fits the logic of the diagram nicely.
It allows methis forum doesn't allow you to edit posts
Have a look at one of these multifunctional component testers. These come in handy for such purposes (they may not be a hallmark of precision, but way better than guessing).The transistor I used is unmarked so I couldn't look up which lead is which.
O.K., this escaped my attention.the HC-SR501 has a 1K resistor in series with the output