Maker Pro
Maker Pro

OT: Replacement CPU fan?


Terry Pinnell

My MESH Athlon 1800 PC has a CPU fan and it badly needs replacing.
It's a common 3-pin 12V, 60mm type. Its depth (which BTW never seems
to be included in specs) is about 12mm. That's considerably thinner
than 60mm case fans, and the screw holes are much smaller diameter

After much googling I've so far still not found a replacement UK
source. Can anyone help please?

Neither my nerves nor skills are up to replacing the *heat sink*. I
want to replace only the fan.

Ray L. Volts

Terry Pinnell said:
My MESH Athlon 1800 PC has a CPU fan and it badly needs replacing.
It's a common 3-pin 12V, 60mm type. Its depth (which BTW never seems
to be included in specs) is about 12mm. That's considerably thinner
than 60mm case fans, and the screw holes are much smaller diameter

After much googling I've so far still not found a replacement UK
source. Can anyone help please?

Neither my nerves nor skills are up to replacing the *heat sink*. I
want to replace only the fan.

Fan/sink combinations are pretty cheap lately. To get the fan size you
want, you may have to buy a new combo and use the fan from it. Dunno bout
UK distributors, but Cofan offers a fan by itself that matches your

James Sweet

Terry said:
My MESH Athlon 1800 PC has a CPU fan and it badly needs replacing.
It's a common 3-pin 12V, 60mm type. Its depth (which BTW never seems
to be included in specs) is about 12mm. That's considerably thinner
than 60mm case fans, and the screw holes are much smaller diameter

After much googling I've so far still not found a replacement UK
source. Can anyone help please?

Neither my nerves nor skills are up to replacing the *heat sink*. I
want to replace only the fan.

Just about any 60mm fan will work so long as there's clearance for it,
any computer shop can help you out.

Replacing the heatsink is pretty easy too, most stores that will sell
you one locally will probably install it for a nominal fee too, or just
find the nearest tech savvy teenager.

Frithiof Andreas Jensen

After much googling I've so far still not found a replacement UK
source. Can anyone help please?

Neither my nerves nor skills are up to replacing the *heat sink*. I
want to replace only the fan.

Arrrgh!!!! The whole *UNIT*, fan+heatsink, is about GBP 10 in a mail-order
computer shop!!!!

*Just Order* and you will have it the next day or the day after.

Rip the fan off that if you must, or better just replace the whole thing
(remember to buy heat sink compound - whatever is under there have dried out
buy now). It's not a big deal, my 15-year old can do it.

Terry Pinnell

"Frithiof Andreas Jensen"
Arrrgh!!!! The whole *UNIT*, fan+heatsink, is about GBP 10 in a mail-order
computer shop!!!!

*Just Order* and you will have it the next day or the day after.

Rip the fan off that if you must, or better just replace the whole thing
(remember to buy heat sink compound - whatever is under there have dried out
buy now). It's not a big deal, my 15-year old can do it.

Not safely in my PC, I bet he couldn't. Clearance is very tight. But
that aside, why incur *any* risk by replacing a perfectly satisfactory

Frank Bemelman

Terry Pinnell said:
"Frithiof Andreas Jensen"

Not safely in my PC, I bet he couldn't. Clearance is very tight. But
that aside, why incur *any* risk by replacing a perfectly satisfactory

What risk? BTW, you start to behave like Jim Thompson, who also posts
off-topic stuff in SED, whenever his zipper jams or his mouse cable gets

Now, get out and buy a new fan ;)


Frithiof Andreas Jensen said:
Rip the fan off that if you must, or better just replace the whole thing
(remember to buy heat sink compound - whatever is under there have dried out
buy now). It's not a big deal, my 15-year old can do it.

With AthlonXP, the CPU chip die was practically exposed and being just a little bit
clumsy with the heatsink can chip the edges and the cpu is toast. It happened quite
a lot. I was scared to handle it. Thanks God the new opterons/athlon64/semprons
have metal case over the die.

I'd just scrap the old fan and mount the normal 80mm over it somehow. Usually there
are some fixing points available in the case, be creative with the old junk you have lying
in your drawers. This way it'll work better and more silent. Those small fans are noisy
and not that efficient.

Roger Hamlett

Frank Bemelman said:
What risk? BTW, you start to behave like Jim Thompson, who also posts
off-topic stuff in SED, whenever his zipper jams or his mouse cable gets

Now, get out and buy a new fan ;)
Though 'risk', is fairly low, many units that used the thermal transfer
'tape' assemblies, suffer from becoming permanently bonded to the chip. I
have seen a number of people have severe problems seperating these from
the processor (ranging from damaging the socket, trying to prise the
heatsink off, to actually breaking the CPU...).
Personally, I'd suggest that Terry measures the fan, and orders a heatsink
assembly, that has the same size fan, and just swaps this. Seperate fans
_are_ available from electronic suppliers, like Farmell, RS, and some from
Maplins, but in general, often cost more than the assemblies (the key is
how many of the latter are sold).

Best Wishes

Spehro Pefhany

"Frithiof Andreas Jensen"

Not safely in my PC, I bet he couldn't. Clearance is very tight. But
that aside, why incur *any* risk by replacing a perfectly satisfactory

If I felt there was any risk, I'd just pop into one of dozens of small
local computer shops where they'd do the work for cheap, probably
while I waited.

The fans eventually wear to the point where they start making a lot of
noise, and then eventually seize. That's why a lot of MOMBOs have fan
RPM monitoring hardware and firmware. The former situation is what I
think "badly needs replacing" implies.

Terry Pinnell

Roger Hamlett said:
Though 'risk', is fairly low, many units that used the thermal transfer
'tape' assemblies, suffer from becoming permanently bonded to the chip. I
have seen a number of people have severe problems seperating these from
the processor (ranging from damaging the socket, trying to prise the
heatsink off, to actually breaking the CPU...).
Personally, I'd suggest that Terry measures the fan, and orders a heatsink
assembly, that has the same size fan, and just swaps this. Seperate fans
_are_ available from electronic suppliers, like Farmell, RS, and some from
Maplins, but in general, often cost more than the assemblies (the key is
how many of the latter are sold).

Yep, thanks, that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

It's surprising how elusive a simple (UK) replacement is proving to be
though. Maplin looked hopeful but a phone call established they no
longer stock any suitable 60mm types. CPC are another possibility, but
specs (catalog or online) are never conclusive enough for a confident

Meanwhile, right now you'd never know the fan had died. After
re-oiling with 3-in-One, and a bit of Sellotape to seal it (the
original label was losing its adhesiveness), it now seems to be
running OK.

After recommendations in alt.comp.hardware, I've now installed a
monitoring program called MBM 5. It reports my CPU at a steady 50°C.
That sounds a bit warm, but I assume it's OK. (CPU = AMD Athlon
XP1800+ on ASUS A7A266-E m/b) The case is at 31°C. And the fan is
typically at about 4750 rpm. I'd prefer it to be slower (quieter). I
hope that will be the result if I eventually succeed in *finding* a
thicker (25mm instead of 12mm) 60mm replacement, maintaining similar
air displacement but at lower revs.

Terry Pinnell

SioL said:
With AthlonXP, the CPU chip die was practically exposed and being just a little bit
clumsy with the heatsink can chip the edges and the cpu is toast. It happened quite
a lot. I was scared to handle it. Thanks God the new opterons/athlon64/semprons
have metal case over the die.

I'd just scrap the old fan and mount the normal 80mm over it somehow. Usually there
are some fixing points available in the case, be creative with the old junk you have lying
in your drawers. This way it'll work better and more silent. Those small fans are noisy
and not that efficient.

Agreed, thanks. As per earlier posts, that's what I'm doing. (60mm,
not 80mm.)

Despite the gung-ho posts up thread, no way would I try shifting it
myself. Can't even get my fingers to one of the levers. Nor would I
contemplate the hassle, expense and stress of cable
disconnection/reconnection, getting the case to a computer shop, and
paying them to try removing and replacing the integral unit. Even if
*they* felt the risk worthwhile, I've now read enough tales of woe
that I wouldn't be comfortable. All that for a fan costing probably
5-10 UKP (9-18 USD), that's going to take me 5 mins to replace in
situ? No, it's just a matter of finding one!

Frithiof Andreas Jensen

Yeah - to clumsy people - the whip teaches ;-).
Agreed, thanks. As per earlier posts, that's what I'm doing. (60mm,
not 80mm.)

Despite the gung-ho posts up thread, no way would I try shifting it
myself. Can't even get my fingers to one of the levers. Nor would I
contemplate the hassle, expense and stress of cable

Nothing ventured, nothing Gained.

Besides, it is normally not a finger job, instead there should be a slot
where one inserts a flat screwdriver to unclip the "locking spring" that
holds the assembly. (The only problem is that it might be glued to the chip
with some of the 3M thermal strips).
disconnection/reconnection, getting the case to a computer shop, and
paying them to try removing and replacing the integral unit. Even if
*they* felt the risk worthwhile, I've now read enough tales of woe
that I wouldn't be comfortable. All that for a fan costing probably
5-10 UKP (9-18 USD), that's going to take me 5 mins to replace in
situ? No, it's just a matter of finding one!

Sure - and you spend what, GBP 250???, in your own time doing that (unless
it is at work, of course ;-)


Frithiof said:
Rip the fan off that if you must, or better just replace the whole thing
(remember to buy heat sink compound - whatever is under there have dried out
buy now). It's not a big deal, my 15-year old can do it.

If you want to replace the heat sink, pull the motherboard first.

Anyone who tells me it's not necessary gets to troubleshoot an A7V that
worked perfectly before the heatsink was replaced, and went to doorstop
mode afterward. (That's what I get for listening to people telling me
it was safe to do this.)

Rich Grise

Arrrgh!!!! The whole *UNIT*, fan+heatsink, is about GBP 10 in a mail-order
computer shop!!!!

*Just Order* and you will have it the next day or the day after.

Rip the fan off that if you must, or better just replace the whole thing
(remember to buy heat sink compound - whatever is under there have dried out
buy now). It's not a big deal, my 15-year old can do it.

Well, first, I don't recommend that you "rip" anything off anything, even
if you're salvaging - it will unclamp, or as FAJ says, just buy the whole
assembly. But _do_ unplug the old fan! And note the polarity! Then, be
sure to gently clean the old heat sink stuff off the top of the chip with
isopropyl alcohol. Gently, as in "with a Q-tip dipped in the IPA". And
don't be afraid to be generous with the new heatsink goo (I like DC-340) -
the spring holder is designed to apply the exact right amount of pressure
to squeeze the goo out from between to the right thickness, and the goo
that squeezes out around the edges is just spare. But it avoids voids,
sorry for the alliteration. :)


Kris Shaw

My MESH Athlon 1800 PC has a CPU fan and it badly needs replacing.
It's a common 3-pin 12V, 60mm type. Its depth (which BTW never seems
to be included in specs) is about 12mm. That's considerably thinner
than 60mm case fans, and the screw holes are much smaller diameter

After much googling I've so far still not found a replacement UK
source. Can anyone help please?

Neither my nerves nor skills are up to replacing the *heat sink*. I
want to replace only the fan.


I would try Maplin if you have one nearby. Otherwise, I have also
bought from Midland Computers:


Terry Pinnell

Kris Shaw said:

I would try Maplin if you have one nearby. Otherwise, I have also
bought from Midland Computers:
Thanks Kris. As mentioned up-thread, Maplin looked hopeful but a phone
call established they no longer stock any suitable 60mm types. But the
low-priced fan at
might be OK, perhaps with the plug adapter. The only minor snag might
be the larger hole diameter, but I imagine that springy washers would
ensure a snug fit with existing machine screws. (Don't want to have to
re-drill holes in the heatsink.)