Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old style filament lamps?


William Sommerwerck

Sorry, Phil... How are you going to get out of this one?

One buck apiece.

The posted reviews are mostly highly negative. I've had no trouble with any
of the Home Depot CFLs I've bought -- including these.

I put a free one they handed out at Christmas, 2009, in the "porch light" at
my door. It's been going for well over a year -- upside-down.

Home Depot apparently has major quality-control problems. No surprise for a
Chinese product.

Phil Allison

"William Sommerwerck is a Lying Pig "

Sorry, Phil... How are you going to get out of this one?

One buck apiece.

The posted reviews are mostly highly negative. I've had no trouble with
of the Home Depot CFLs I've bought -- including these.

** My post was:

" A CFL that **genuinely replaces** a 100W bulb cost at lot more than
$2.50 where I live."

Then you post an example of CFLs that are total crap.

Lasting only weeks and producing no where near the light of a 100W bulb.

And you cannot even divide 8 by 4 and get it right.

**** OFF you bloody IMBECILE !!

..... Phil

William Sommerwerck

Phil Allison said:
"William Sommerwerck is a Lying Pig "
** My post was:
" A CFL that **genuinely replaces** a 100W bulb cost
at lot more than $2.50 where I live."
Then you post an example of CFLs that are total crap.
Lasting only weeks and producing no where near the light
of a 100W bulb. And you cannot even divide 8 by 4 and get
it right. **** OFF you bloody IMBECILE !!

The only way to defend yourself against imbeciles is to speak the truth.

I haven't measured the output of a "100W" CFL. However, they're subjectively
quite bright, on the borderline of "too bright to stare at".

Are they as bright as a 100W incandescent? The light is spread over a larger
area, so it might not look as intense. Regardless, the opinions of some
reviewers that these are not "truly" 100W equivalents are suspect.

I have exactly the same four-bulb package shown. All the EcoSmart CFLs I've
bought have given good service -- at least one year of several-hours-daily
operation -- including the one in my den, which runs upside-down. When they
"die", they start erratically and fail shortly afterwards.

Why, Phil, do you want people to think you're a sociopath? Are you afraid
people might not respect you?

One of these days, you're going to run into someone less tolerant than the
people in this group, and he'll smash your head in. No doubt your dying
words will be "I was just joking". Well, I'm not amused, nor is anyone else

Why don't you just join Bin Laden? You're probably too old for him, but one
never knows. Perhaps the two of you can drop in on Chris and Satan.

William Sommerwerck

Why don't you just join Bin Laden?
You're suggesting he gets himself shot in the head?

No, I just suggested he join him. The method is up to Phil.

Phil Allison

"William Sommerwerck is a Lying Pig "

** My post was:

" A CFL that **genuinely replaces** a 100W bulb cost at lot more than
$2.50 where I live."

Then you post an example of CFLs that are total crap.

Lasting only weeks and producing no where near the light of a 100W bulb.

And you cannot even divide 8 by 4 and get it right.


..... Phil

William Sommerwerck

Phil Allison said:
"William Sommerwerck is a Lying Pig "
** My post was:

" A CFL that **genuinely replaces** a 100W bulb cost at lot more than
$2.50 where I live."
Then you post an example of CFLs that are total crap.

Lasting only weeks and producing no where near the light of a 100W bulb.

And you cannot even divide 8 by 4 and get it right.


Phil, you're so boringly predictable.

Phil Allison

"William Sommerwerck is a Lying Pig "

** My post was:

" A CFL that **genuinely replaces** a 100W bulb cost at lot more than
$2.50 where I live."

Then you post an example of CFLs that are total crap.

Lasting only weeks and producing no where near the light of a 100W bulb.

And you cannot even divide 8 by 4 and get it right.


**** OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..... Phil

Meat Plow

"Meat Plow"

** Says $5.97 when I look.

Plus delivery.

Says $3.97 when I look. Less than $2.00 each. You called Sommerwick a liar
when he said they cost less than $2.50 each. I proved they did.
** 23W CFL does not " genuinely replace" a 100W bulb.

That's your opinion. Mine is a 23 watt does in fact "genuinely"
replace a 100 watt incadescent.
** Says $7.97 when I look.

Plus delivery.

Say $3.97 when i look. You called Sommerwick a liar when he said they
cost less than $2.50. Here they cost less than $1.00 each.
You a bigger liar than Sommerwanker or is he a bigger one than you ??

Phil, you are the most crooked poster here in SEC. Don't try to back pedal
your way out of this, the prices don't lie and your opinion about a 23
watt CFL not being a "genuine replacement" for a 100 watt incandescent
is just obfuscated bullshit.

Meat Plow

"William Sommerwerck is a Lying Pig "

Sorry, Phil... How are you going to get out of this one?

** My post was:

" A CFL that **genuinely replaces** a 100W bulb cost at lot more than
$2.50 where I live."

No, your point was to call Sommerwick a liar when he said he could buy a
CFl that was your bullshit description of a "genuine replacement" for a
100 watt incandescent.

You are the lying pig here Phil. You've been handed your ass on this one
stop trying to spin your words out of it.

Phil Allison

"Meat Plow is a Lying **** "
Plus delivery.

Says $3.97 when I look.

** You are damn liar.

Say $3.97 when i look.

** You are a damn LIAR !!!

You a bigger liar than Sommerwanker or is he a bigger one than you ??

You a bigger **** than Sommewanker or is he a bigger one than you ??

Whatever, BOTH of you are low life, stinking SCUMBAG TROLLS !!!

Bowel cancer is too good a death for PSYCHO CUNTS like you.

...... Phil

William Sommerwerck

** You are a damn LIAR !!!
You a bigger liar than Sommerwanker or is he a bigger one than you ??
You a bigger **** than Sommewanker or is he a bigger one than you ??
Whatever, BOTH of you are low life, stinking SCUMBAG TROLLS !!!
Bowel cancer is too good a death for PSYCHO CUNTS like you.

If Phil is "sane" and thinks this is all very amusing... It's gone well
beyond that. It is no longer possible to distinguish sane from nutcase.

Either Phil needs to remit himself to the care of a physician, or someone
needs to drag him to an emergency room.

I am not joking.

Meat Plow

If Phil is "sane" and thinks this is all very amusing... It's gone well
beyond that. It is no longer possible to distinguish sane from nutcase.

Either Phil needs to remit himself to the care of a physician, or
someone needs to drag him to an emergency room.

I am not joking.

He doesn't take being wrong too gracefully does he? I could care less if
he pays a 100 bucks each for them. Just don't lie about it.

Mike Tomlinson

Terry Pinnell said:
Does anyone know where I can buy 'normal' filament lamp bulbs in the UK

Widely available at 99p for four in pound shops all over the UK.