Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old style filament lamps?


Phil Allison

"Meat Plow"
Who is going to arrest you for selling incandescent bulbs? The bulb

** Here, all that has to happen is someone report the shop keeper to the
relevant Energy Authority.

They would end up being fined for breaching the regulation called " MEPS" =
minimum energy performance standard in relation to selling non compliant

..... Phil

William Sommerwerck

The Home Depot lamps come on instantly at a level I'd judge to be around

On one of our stairways, the ceiling light is two identical CFL's.
They come on instantly, at about 80% of full brightness, enought to
see where the top and bottom steps are, so it is not a safety
hazard. I would guess that they reach full brightness in 10 sec or
so, just about the time I have traversed the staircase. I have them
all over the house except in dimmable fixtures. I haven't been able
to stomach the cost of the dimmable lights, and we can still buy the
full range of incandescent lamps here in the USA.

The Home Depot lights are X10-dimmable, though marked as not dimmable.

You need to use a wall-switch lamp controller. These do not interrogate the
lamp to see if the switch has been turned on or off, so you don't get
flickering when the lamp is off.

Terry Pinnell

Arfa Daily said:
Maybe you can't see anything wrong with them, and they suit your eyes, But
they are no good for me on both counts. I, and many others both here and
over there, *can* see their deficiencies, and don't like them. As indeed
prompted the OP to make his post ...

Arfa: Agreed. My feelings exactly.

Terry Pinnell

M.Joshi said:
'Terry Pinnell[_3_ said:
;2636067'](Re-posted from the lower traffic sci.electronics.misc

Does anyone know where I can buy 'normal' filament lamp bulbs in the UK
please? I just cannot get on with the new economy type. My remaining
of 60W and 100W is dwindling rapidly.

Do you mean that your light fittings cannot accomodate the larger
compact fluorescent bulbs?

No, my gripes are more basic: I like instant light when I flick a switch
and I like bright light to work and read by. I also resent what seems to
be downright misleading statements by the manufacturers about 'equivalent'
ratings. I've never found one that warrants the claim.
If so, there are halogen bulbs available in the same form factor as the
old incandescent filament bulbs. These are classed as lower energy than
a standard incandescent and can be purchased from most supermarkets and
DIY stores. See the link below:

They give you full brightness at switch on unlike compact fluorescents
that take time to warm-up.

Thanks, I'll investigate and try a few, although from what I've read
up-thread it sounds as if I'll still favour the old filament types.

That link gave me a nice picture but can anyone recommend a specific 60W
and 100W UK supplier please?

Phil Allison

"Terry Pinnell"
"Arfa Daily"

Arfa: Agreed. My feelings exactly.

** Arfa has admitted to being colour blind.

So you are too - it seems.

Have trouble with 1% resistor codes do we???

12% of all males are colour blind - ie they fail one of the basic tests.

Only 1 or 2% of females are so afflicted - but THEY are the CARRIERS !

..... Phil

Smitty Two

William Sommerwerck said:
The Home Depot lamps come on instantly at a level I'd judge to be around
60% -- maybe higher -- of full brightness. Full brightness takes another 30
seconds or so.

That is some serious backpedaling from your earlier assertions. Thanks
for telling the truth this time around.


That link gave me a nice picture but can anyone recommend a specific 60W
and 100W UK supplier please?

CPC Farnell
LP00298 100W BC PEARL
£4.72 (inc VAT) for 10

They do not seem to do 60 watt but our local high street electrical
shop still sells both.

Geoffrey S. Mendelson

Jim said:
you need color rendering accuracy to READ?

I don't have a way of quantifying it, but a continous source is much easier
for me to use as a reading lamp. So a 20 watt halogen lamp on "low" is
easier to read than an 11 watt flourescent at the same distance.

Farther away it works the same way too, but I no longer have an incandesent
lamps except for special purpose ones (reading lamps, photgraphic safelights,
etc) to do an eaual distance comparison.


Smitty Two

Arfa Daily said:
I would like to still be
able to get the proper bulbs for them that their designers intended to go in

If you really didn't stock up before the bans, have you tried
or similar?

Geoffrey S. Mendelson

Arfa said:
Well. 'looking a bit funny' might be fine in your home, but it's not in
mine. Light fixtures are part of the decor, chosen as much for their
appearance, as for their lighting function, and I would like to still be
able to get the proper bulbs for them that their designers intended to go in
them. I don't want candle bulbs that are half as long again as the 'real'
thing and stick out of the shades, or convoluted spirals that look
ridiculous in open or glass shaded fixtures.

That's my biggest problem with CFL's. I can live with the color problems,
I can live with the slow startup, but what bothers me is the extremely bright
end sticking beyond the fixture causing my eyes to compensate when I look in
that direction, making the rest of the room too dark until I look away and
they recover.

It's very annoying that while I have several globe fixtures that perfectly well
took 75 watt incadescent bulbs, there are no similar CFLs. Even the short
curly ones don't fit in the same space once they get beyond the equivalent
of a 40 watt incadescent bulb. :-(

Also what do you put in a refrigerator?????


William Sommerwerck

Probably warm / soft white; any other fluorescent is
horror movie lighting. If you don't have the color temp
spec, hold a lit, known temperature bulb next to it and
see if it looks redder, bluer, or the same.

It is difficult to specify a "color temperature" for a non-continuous

The bare bulbs look "white", leaning a bit to the warm side.

William Sommerwerck

Yes, indeed -- I am colour blind, and if that is what makes the
difference between someone who does have an issue with
CFLs, and someone who doesn't, then 12% -- one eighth --
of the population being forced to suffer because of this legislation,
seems a pretty poor show of arrogance by the powers that be, in
insisting that we suffer in the way that we are being made to.

I assume you suffer from protanopia or deuteranopia. My father did. (I

I worked with a guy with that problem. One day he asked me to help him pick
colors for a Web site. It was causing him all kinds of confusion. I showed
him a fluorescent-green pen, and asked him what color it looked to him --
"Orange". (That doesn't mean he saw it in the way a person with normal color
vision would see orange. Rather, he could not distinguish it from what we
would call orange.)

Peter Wensberg, the author of "Land's Polaroid" (a beautifully written and
wonderfully entertaining book) told how, during a lunch of Chinese takeout,
Dr Land administered one of the standard color perception tests (the kind
with colored circles, where you indicate which letter or number you see).
Wensberg utterly flunked it, getting every one wrong.

I've lived with fluorescent light for more than 60 years, and have never
suffered (except in my early days at Microsoft, when the office lights gave
me (and some others) headaches). It appears to me that your suffering is
primarily aesthetic.

William Sommerwerck

Smitty Two said:
That is some serious backpedaling from your earlier assertions.
Thanks for telling the truth this time around.

I'm not backpedaling in the least. They do, indeed, come on instantly. You
ASSUMED that "come on" means "light at full brightness".

Consider tubular fluorescent lights. Many DO NOT come on instantly. But when
they do light, it's at full brightness -- at THAT instant, which could be
considered the point of turn-on.

William Sommerwerck

What do you put in a refrigerator?????

Refrigerator bulbs represent such a small percentage of energy consumption
there would be no point in switching to CFLs.

Once the color problems with LEDs are solved, there will no doubt be an LED
refrigerator lamp.

Roger Blake

** Here, all that has to happen is someone report the shop keeper to the
relevant Energy Authority.

Very Orwellian, and I suspect this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Rather than fawning all over the "royal couple" (it's hard to imagine a
more worthless set of parasitical leeches than the "royal" family), it may
be time for the Brits to start planning revolution.

Of course we have our own problems with these enviro-nazi types on our side
of the pond as well. When a ban on incandescents was planned here I stocked
up and have a basement with a lifetime supply of good ol' 100 watt bulbs.

Roger Blake (Change "invalid" to "com" for email. Google Groups killfiled.)

"Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental
protection... the next world climate summit in Cancun is actually
an economy summit during which the distribution of the world's
resources will be negotiated." -- Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC

Geoffrey S. Mendelson

Arfa said:
Yes indeed - I am colour blind, and if that is what makes the difference
between someone who does have an issue with CFLs, and someone who doesn't,
then 12% - one eighth - of the population being forced to suffer because
of this legislation, seems a pretty poor show of arrogance by the powers
that be, in insisting that we suffer in the way that we are being made

That's an interesting point. If 12% of the population is aflicted with a
gentic disorder, or one caused by a disease or trauma, then the National
Health should provide them with incadescent bulbs and a susbidy for
electricity to run them.

I know the US has the "Americans with Disabilities Act" that would require
it, and I'm sure there is something in British or EU law like that.

I would persue it based on what the National Health does for people
with macular degeneration and work backwards. At what point is the
inability to see defined and where does color blindness affect your
daily life.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson

Arfa said:
I'm afraid that I cannot, by any stretch of my imagination, equate
"60%" and "30 seconds" to either "instant" or satisfactory replacement

Besides outdoor lighting where I needed hundreds of watts of incandesent
lighting, I used the first for indoor lighting in places that
traditionally have lights on timers. In a windowless bathroom an 8 watt CFL
provides enough light at so low a cost I just leave them on.

After all a timer uses electricty too, and figuring out when to have it go
on and off without leaving people in the dark is an art.

We don't turn lights on or off during the Sabbath, and used to leave the
main light in our apartment on all Friday night. We installed a timer
to turn it off at midnight (when the last of us goes to sleep) and on again
at six AM, (when the first of us gets up), but it will take 200 weeks
to even out the cost of the timer and installation versus the cost
of electricity. By that time, we will have long since moved out. :-(


Terry Pinnell

He told me he intends to open the shop tomorrow (Friday).

I warned him that, if he had a website, people would expect him to do
mail order, but I don't know if he is ready for it yet.

Adrian: I phoned this morning but it appears as you suspected that Mr
Wright supplies only to those visiting his shop. He did say he'd have a
think and "talk to Adrian...". However, I'm pleased to say I've now found
another local source. I bought 20 x 60W and they've ordered the same
number of 100W.

BTW, I was surprised to learn that no 'pearl' types are now made, all are
clear glass.