Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco P3200 & DST


Frank Olson

Everywhere said:
That's Cablevision's HQ. They provide Optimum Online. They service NY,
NJ, and CT.

He's also posting through Google Groups. I think that IP may be one of
their servers.

Everywhere Man

So who was the knucklehead that posted my info (as if it was a state

Frank Olson

Everywhere said:
So who was the knucklehead that posted my info (as if it was a state

Ummmm... That would be the "Question" thread started by "Mr. Tibbs" aka
"Group-Moderator" aka "HugeAss" aka "Riple" aka "Bass's Best Friend" aka
"Mike S".


G. Morgan replied:
Not so fast Frank. --->
Injection-Info:; blah,
blah, tech stuff showing it wasn't from Bass's location.

To both Messieurs Olson and Bass:

You know when you guys post speculative stuff that you can't prove, it
hurts your credibility in all arenas. I hate when that happens.
In order to avoid this problem, one has to be careful to only make
accusations made are impecably founded and of unreproachable veracity.
Please, lets maintain the level of insult and accusation to a standard
we can all be proud of.

Thank you.

Reply Optional.


Frank Olson said:
Ummmm... That would be the "Question" thread started by "Mr. Tibbs" aka
"Group-Moderator" aka "HugeAss" aka "Riple" aka "Bass's Best Friend" aka
"Mike S".

P-R-O-V-E it Frankie Boy....


From: "Mr.tibbs" <[email protected]>
Subject: Question:
Lines: 15
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 23:18:22 -0500
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
X-Trace: fe11.lga 1143778704 (Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:18:24 MST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:18:24 MST
Organization: Optimum Online

I just moved into Mount Vernon, NY. I want to have a security system
I found this company listed on the NYC Alarm Association Web Site.
Anybody in here familiar with this company?

Tom Fowler
24-7 Security Inc.
120 Stevens Avenue
Mount Vernon, NY 10550
Phone: 914-668-6625

Thank You
Mr. Tibbs

I believe the phrase "siddown and shad-up" is applicable here. ;)


(No, nor him. The other Frank).

Everywhere Man

So you're saying Mike Sabodish posted that? No way in hell. Mike would
never do anything like that. Mike tell them only a spineless lowlife
scumbag coward would do that to me and Jim.

Frank Olson

Everywhere said:
So you're saying Mike Sabodish posted that? No way in hell. Mike would
never do anything like that. Mike tell them only a spineless lowlife
scumbag coward would do that to me and Jim.

I think Mike did you a bigger service than you realize. Bass keeps
"bashing" you whenever he can. I doubt very much he could ever have
achieved what you have in the nine years or so that he was installing in
CT. In fact, he reminds me very much of this guy I knew. His "central
station" was a receiver on his nightstand. He'd show up at the monthly
CANASA meeting and complain about AC power failure signals and how
they'd wake him up at 2:30 in the morning.

Everywhere Man

Frank said:
I think Mike did you a bigger service than you realize. <

Mike didn't do that, Frank. Whoever did it thought they were 'exposing'
some dirty laundry, but all they ended up doing was posting info that
has been available to the public. It's not what they posted, but the
intent in which is was posted.
Bass keeps
"bashing" you whenever he can. <

And he always will. It was amusing when he ranted about me doing
business in a State I left 4 years ago. bAss never lets the facts get
in the way of his comments.
Now my only joy will be watching him go nuts trying to find your parts
counter, and an installer named Ejad.
I doubt very much he could ever have
achieved what you have in the nine years or so that he was installing in
CT. <

And by same token I will never be able to throw a stamp on an alarm
system and mail it off to some unsuspecting clod like he does.
In fact, he reminds me very much of this guy I knew. His "central
station" was a receiver on his nightstand. He'd show up at the monthly
CANASA meeting and complain about AC power failure signals and how
they'd wake him up at 2:30 in the morning. <

bAss belonged to the CBFAA for a few years. He was known as the strange
guy with the weird hats, and weirder comments.

Frank Olson

Everywhere said:
Mike didn't do that, Frank. Whoever did it thought they were 'exposing'
some dirty laundry, but all they ended up doing was posting info that
has been available to the public. It's not what they posted, but the
intent in which is was posted.

Check the headers. The IP address for Group-Moderator and a bunch of
other sock-puppets are the same. Check out the Mark Leuck thread. It's
Mike alright. I figure he wasn't trying to "start" anything with you.
Like I wrote earlier, he did you a bigger service than you realize. :)
And he always will.

It's what he does best.

It was amusing when he ranted about me doing
business in a State I left 4 years ago. bAss never lets the facts get
in the way of his comments.

That's something I've observed frequently over the years too.

Now my only joy will be watching him go nuts trying to find your parts
counter, and an installer named Ejad.

Truth be told, he's frequently got me looking for my "parts counter".
The only "counter" we have is in the kitchen/lunchroom. Which reminds
me, I've gotta restock the pop manchine.

And by same token I will never be able to throw a stamp on an alarm
system and mail it off to some unsuspecting clod like he does.

"Bass Approved"?? Is that anything like the "Eddie Bower" edtion Bronco
my partner drives? As far as I know the only difference between that
and the "regular" Bronco is some pin striping, a couple of labels, and
an extra $1500.00.

bAss belonged to the CBFAA for a few years. He was known as the strange
guy with the weird hats, and weirder comments.

Bass is an "installer wannabee". When you start analyzing the frequent
installation fables he posts into the Group, you very quickly realize
that his "experience" amounts to little more than what he reads in
manuals (and he frequently gets even that information wrong). I've yet
to see him post how to make a 2 line 32 character LCD keypad display:
"Attention Burglar. Go Ahead. Make my day." And this on a Napco system
which he's often stated he installed almost exclusively.

Bill Fuhrman recently wrote the closest thing to an honest comment on
Bass' antics I've ever seen posted in CHA. I figure Bass will announce
his induction into the "IB" shortly.

Frank Olson


Frank said:
Check the headers. The IP address for Group-Moderator and a bunch of
other sock-puppets are the same. Check out the Mark Leuck thread. It's
Mike alright. I figure he wasn't trying to "start" anything with you.
Like I wrote earlier, he did you a bigger service than you realize. :)

It's what he does best.

That's something I've observed frequently over the years too.

Truth be told, he's frequently got me looking for my "parts counter".
The only "counter" we have is in the kitchen/lunchroom. Which reminds
me, I've gotta restock the pop manchine.

"Bass Approved"?? Is that anything like the "Eddie Bower" edtion Bronco
my partner drives? As far as I know the only difference between that
and the "regular" Bronco is some pin striping, a couple of labels, and
an extra $1500.00.

Bass is an "installer wannabee". When you start analyzing the frequent
installation fables he posts into the Group, you very quickly realize
that his "experience" amounts to little more than what he reads in
manuals (and he frequently gets even that information wrong). I've yet
to see him post how to make a 2 line 32 character LCD keypad display:
"Attention Burglar. Go Ahead. Make my day." And this on a Napco system
which he's often stated he installed almost exclusively.

he said it was a partitioned sytem and that is how he was able to do it.
Personally I don't know if that is a way to do it as I don't do much

Frank Olson

Cam said:
he said it was a partitioned sytem and that is how he was able to do it.
Personally I don't know if that is a way to do it as I don't do much

Nope. Partitioned or not you cannot get the keypad to display:

"Attention Burglar." on the first line,
"Go Ahead. Make my day." on the second.

The first line is 18 characters (including the period).
The second line is 22 characters (including spaces and the period).

Maximum you can display on the first line is 16, ditto for the second.

Besides I don't recall him saying anything about a partitioned system.

Frank Olson


Frank said:
Nope. Partitioned or not you cannot get the keypad to display:

"Attention Burglar." on the first line,
"Go Ahead. Make my day." on the second.

The first line is 18 characters (including the period).
The second line is 22 characters (including spaces and the period).

Maximum you can display on the first line is 16, ditto for the second.

sounds like you're saying he made that story up?

Besides I don't recall him saying anything about a partitioned system.

pay attention Frank!


Frank Olson said:
Check the headers. The IP address for Group-Moderator and a bunch of
other sock-puppets are the same. Check out the Mark Leuck thread. It's
Mike alright. I figure he wasn't trying to "start" anything with you.
Like I wrote earlier, he did you a bigger service than you realize. :)
Frank Olson


Frank Olson

Group-Moderator said:

It's also "nit" nice to lie. I've posted plenty of "proof" that you
have (and continue to). And why are you shouting?

Frank Olson

G. Morgan said:
Thanks Frank. You're 100% correct, I had nothing to do with the
alleged complaint. Perhaps Fat-Ass will post a copy of the letter
since apparently attachments are allowed in the NG now!

Are you kidding?? The letter doesn't exist.