Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco Gemini P3200 is stupid


Mark Leuck

Robert L. Bass said:
It can be done but you should probably avoid address programming on that

Why? It would take 1 minute to do the fixes by keypad programming and 10-15
minutes to do it via downloading. If I was programming the entire panel I'd
do it by downloading but for 2 or 3 locations? Pfft, you'd be lost if your
modem ever broke
That has nothing to do with you being a DIYer. I make a living
supporting DIYers and I teach them to do all kinds of things paid installers
say they can't possibly do.
However, most installers don't do address
programming on Napco Gemini series panels because there's way too much to
jiminex up.

Completely false and I find it odd someone knows so much about a panel yet
can't do one of its basic functions, Napco includes 2 program manuals just
for that purpose

I don't even consider operating downloading software unless I know how to
keypad program the panel first

Frank Olson

I make a living supporting DIYers and I teach them to do all kinds of
things paid installers say they can't possibly do.

Which begs the question... How do you do this when you:

a/ don't answer your phone;
b/ don't put paper in your fax machine;
c/ don't answer your email;
d/ there is no "d". This is only a figment of your imagination (much like
your "stellar" customer service)...

Allan Waghalter

This guy may just be Paulies cousin....
Definitly has an attitude problem...
Bad enough that I had no desire to spend my time helping him...

Robert L. Bass

This guy may just be Paulies cousin....

Compared to some here he's a peach. :^)
Definitly has an attitude problem...
Bad enough that I had no desire to
spend my time helping him...

That's OK. I don't mind helping him anyway. It costs nothing to be nice.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support
Thanks for nothin'. How many times must I say that "Interior 1 Bypass"
is not relevent in this situation? I found what to do, mostly due to
looking up address 2420 (not 2421) on page 14 and flipping through the
screens on the PC loader software until I found it.
By-Feature --> Options --> Auto Interior Bypass/Easy Arm
Requires Interior Normally Bypassed to be turned on, however.

Robert L. Bass

Thanks for nothin'. How many times must
I say that "Interior 1 Bypass" is not relevent
in this situation?

OK, I tried to help. Best of luck.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Mark Leuck

Allan Waghalter said:
This guy may just be Pxxlies cousin....
Definitly has an attitude problem...
Bad enough that I had no desire to spend my time helping him...

You know I was going to say that myself but decided to hold back


"Address 2421, bit 0" and "location 1284 and 1384" are meaningless to
me. I know how to use the PC loader software. Spewing those addresses
does show how remarkably knowledgable you guys are, and how terribly
unwilling to help out. I find much of this to be showmanship and ego,
plus maybe a bit of you-simply-don't-know-how. Now, if someone
genuinly knows how to accomplish this (no, it's not auto-bypass and no,
it's not simply marking it as an Interior zone), and you know how to
set this up using the PC loader software (this screen, this page, that
option, click this, etc), then by all means I welcome your advice.
But, if you're just going to spew nonsense to somehow show-off that you
know this panel then please don't reply because you're embarrassing
yourself. Knowing this panel at the address level is no great
accomplishment worthy of an ego.

You never stated your technical knowledge level nor did you indicate
possession of the software. The answer was appropriate without knowing those

Mark Leuck

Thanks for nothin'. How many times must I say that "Interior 1 Bypass"
is not relevent in this situation? I found what to do, mostly due to
looking up address 2420 (not 2421) on page 14 and flipping through the
screens on the PC loader software until I found it.
By-Feature --> Options --> Auto Interior Bypass/Easy Arm
Requires Interior Normally Bypassed to be turned on, however.

Yup I guess that means the panel is stupid even though we've all got it
working, now as far as all the other stuff you've screwed up because you
didn't bother reading the manual ....


Mark said:
Yup I guess that means the panel is stupid even though we've all got it
working, now as far as all the other stuff you've screwed up because you
didn't bother reading the manual ....

I just read through this thread.

Reading it after the fact, it's hilarious.

Had I been here at the beginning it wouldn't have ended up so funny.

These are the kind of guys I just ~~~~ LOVE ~~~~ to deal with.

If you played it right you could have had him six levels into the
program looking for non-existant locations.

" you simply go to the 'interior configuration page' of the program
..... You are using version 5.2.1 ..... aren't you?
Oh? You don't have that page? Well then, go to the location that says
erase program ..... (pay it no mind, it doesn't really erase the
program) press enter and then when the screen goes blank .... go to
location 001.

This guy sounds like he'd win an act-alike contest with Bass.