Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco P3200 & DST


Bass's Best Friend

Jim said:
There's no one in the world who knows who's behind the screenames I use
here. No
one. I don't use them anywhere else .......

Calm Down Ejad. "Give me the wisdom to know the difference"
More know you than you think.

Tim Fischer

Because your version of cutting the childish crap means that Fat ASS
continues doing what he does to the trade, to people and to this
Newsgroup with impunity. And that's NEVER going to happen. EVER! He can
post HTML, or LMNOPQRST until it comes out of his big fat ass, and as
long as he's here fucking up this group....
so will I.

Got it?

'tis your choice. But I've seen a lot more "noise" comeing from people
"Bass-bashing" than from Bass himself.



Bass's Best Friend said:
Calm Down Ejad. "Give me the wisdom to know the difference"
More know you than you think.

NOW I remember where I've seen this before.

Hello Cooper.

Well Coop...... If I remember right, you seem to think that you know
something about me. If you think you know something that's worth more
than your Loxomatic piece of crap ......... let's hear it.

I seem to remember that you don't have an answer to that question.


Tim said:
'tis your choice. But I've seen a lot more "noise" comeing from people
"Bass-bashing" than from Bass himself.
And that's exactly as it should be.

You're observation is right on the money. As long as he continues to
ridicule people. Lie to end users. Disparage the trade, Lie by
omission. Skirt the law. Use this group as his personal advertising
platform, the background noise will remain high. As long as he
continues, the noise continues. He's his own worst enemy. If his only
purpose was to get to the end users, if he'd use some diplomacy instead
of arrogance, many people would, in fact, recommend his site. He knows
this. Yet, in his egotistical plight, he prefers to cause turmoil which
raises the noise, which reduces his contact with end users. How stuipid
but compulsively self destructive ...... is that?

Tim, the point is ....... he knows exactly what he's doing here and his
only reason to continue is to be destructive to the group, is because
he can't have his own way. He is obsessive to the point of self
destruction. You now see why it's important to bring up his personal
past. The recklessness of his personal life is indicative of his
existance in Usenet. Because his personal life has been chaos. ( how
many people do you know that have pulled a gun on someone and who's
responsible for someones death, who's skirted the licensing laws for
years? ) He's possesed with the fact that he has to prove that he is
better than anyone else and that if he can run roughshod over anyone
who disagrees with him, then he'll be vindicated?. When, in fact, this
very obsessiveness about his shortcomings in life, makes him the
subordinate that he desperately doesn't want to be.

Stick around Tim. When it's your turn in the barrel, you'll have a
completely different viewpoint on the matter. Anyone can be drawn into
the frey at someones whim. I've proved it dozens of times, through the
years, when people like yourself get on their pulpit without having
been here to experience the maliciousness of this arrogant jerk.

Just stand by, if you choose, and pick the diamonds out of the BS. He's
as sneaky, and slimey an SOB that you've ever seen, but as time passes,
you'll eventually see the reason and the cause of the chaos here.

You really don't think it's mearly a coincidence that 90% of the
participants here, don't like him ....... do you?


G. Morgan said:

Check the headers, it's your pal Mike.

I wouldn't know a header from a footer.

Who ever it is .........

just insert the appropriate words and the message is the same.

Frank Olson

Jim said:
I wouldn't know a header from a footer.

Who ever it is .........

just insert the appropriate words and the message is the same.

Trace Route leads to a server in NJ. At least that's where the home ID
for [] ends. Last hop is []. The home computer's most
likely got a firewall. I'm not familiar with the environs around
Matawan. Is "syrvnj" short for Syracuse, New Jersey?


Frank Olson said:
Jim said:
I wouldn't know a header from a footer.

Who ever it is .........

just insert the appropriate words and the message is the same.

Trace Route leads to a server in NJ. At least that's where the home ID
for [] ends. Last hop is []. The home computer's most
likely got a firewall. I'm not familiar with the environs around Matawan.
Is "syrvnj" short for Syracuse, New Jersey?

There is no Syracuse, NJ. The 2004 census shows 8,698,879 people in NJ. Show
proof that this is Mike OR Shad up. You do the same thing wih Bass, you
guess at shit and 99.9% of the time you are wrong, which causes 99.999999%
of the problems in ASA.

Frank Olson

Group-Moderator said:
There is no Syracuse, NJ.

Didn't think so. Can't quite figure out the "syrvnj" part of the
identifier. Running it through my search index I come up with
"Hicksville". Had to pinch myself when I read that. I mean, I couldn't
have dreamed up a more appropriate "home town" for someone like the
"goofy webmaster". :)

The 2004 census shows 8,698,879 people in NJ. Show
proof that this is Mike OR Shad up.

You mean you're not Mike?? You're posing as Group-Moderator, spelling
like him, referring people to your store, posting a dozen spam messages
from the Goofy site, telling people to visit there, etc.

You do the same thing wih Bass, you
guess at shit and 99.9% of the time you are wrong, which causes 99.999999%
of the problems in ASA.

I'm not "wrong" about this. I noticed you've had to take down the
"" site. I imagine "someone in Brazil" finally got
around to filing a complaint about it. You're lucky he doesn't have
"deep pockets". If you had tried the same gag with "Dell" (for
instance), you'd be living in a run-down motor home like Clark
Griswald's cousin, Eddie by now.


Frank Olson said:
Group-Moderator wrote:

I noticed you've had to take down the "" site. I
imagine "someone in Brazil" finally got around to filing a complaint about
it. You're lucky he doesn't have "deep pockets". If you had tried the
same gag with "Dell" (for instance), you'd be living in a run-down motor
home like Clark Griswald's cousin, Eddie by now.

Me tinks u knead a nu DeLL DuDe works on my atari


Tim Fischer said:
Geez Jim, within a day of me posting thanking you (and everyone else) for
keeping this thread civil (mentioning name-calling in particular), you
respond like that?

If you really think this guy is a crook, then you need to present your case
in a civil, level-headed manner. Bass has presented a plausible explanation
regarding his experiences with the BBB. I have no idea whether or not it's
true, but it was plausible, and it was presented in a civil manner. To
counter with name-calling actually makes me believe Bass more.

Thank you all, gentlemen, for your comments.


Robert L. Bass and the Gang of ASA Thugs,

with the main topic being BASS and the BBB



The score was:
Bass: 9 points
Thugs: 5 points

Frank Olsens comments on April 5 would have made the score closer, but
they were not considered mainly because they were late, but also there
was not not much new in there and they would not have affected the
outcome sufficiently to alter the winner selection anyway.

Thank you and see you all at the next debate.



G. Morgan said:
Trace Route leads to a server in NJ. At least that's where the home ID
for [] ends. Last hop is []. The home computer's most
likely got a firewall. I'm not familiar with the environs around
Matawan. Is "syrvnj" short for Syracuse, New Jersey?



Never underestimate the stupidity of a very large person in powerful

Country: United States
City: Houston, Texas

Country Code: US
Currency: USD [United States Dollars]
Private IP? No
Known Proxy? No

Matt Ion

And the losers are... everyone else in ASA.

Thank you, all participants, your immaturity knows no bounds.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0615-0, 04/08/2006
Tested on: 4/9/2006 12:01:50 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2005 ALWIL Software.

Frank Olson

Matt said:
And the losers are... everyone else in ASA.

Thank you, all participants, your immaturity knows no bounds.

Give it a rest already! In case you two nimrods haven't noticed, the
"music's" stopped. :)

Total nerd

Tim --
I too am a software engineer and I've also installed my own P3200 with
ease. With Robert's help over the years, I've expanded it to use
nearly all available zones and options. While I hear my neighbor's
alarms false-trip all the time, mine remain solid. I've never received
anything but excellent support and service and I'll continue to shop
there until I have reason not to.
Ignore these imbeciles... they're obviously way too busy with their
successful alarm businesses to post responses on a unenet group
consisting of little more than schoolyard bullying.

Frank Olson

Total said:
Tim --
I too am a software engineer and I've also installed my own P3200 with
ease. With Robert's help over the years, I've expanded it to use
nearly all available zones and options. While I hear my neighbor's
alarms false-trip all the time, mine remain solid.

That could have nothing to do with the way the system was installed. If
you're using "your neighbour's" system as a means of supporting your
argument that's like saying all Fords are crap because I have to boost
my neighbour's car every weekend (where really the "old geezer's" to
cheap to buy a new battery). False alarms are primarly user caused (in
my experience at least).

I've never received
anything but excellent support and service and I'll continue to shop
there until I have reason not to.

Good for you. I'm glad he's treating you with good service. For every
"good report" I've seen in the Group there's been an equal number of
"bad" though.

Ignore these imbeciles... they're obviously way too busy with their
successful alarm businesses to post responses on a unenet group
consisting of little more than schoolyard bullying.

And your "contribution" here amounts to about the same thing in the end,
doesn't it? "The beat goes on".

Frank Olson


Total said:
Tim --
I too am a software engineer and I've also installed my own P3200 with
ease. With Robert's help over the years, I've expanded it to use
nearly all available zones and options. While I hear my neighbor's
alarms false-trip all the time, mine remain solid. I've never received
anything but excellent support and service and I'll continue to shop
there until I have reason not to.
Ignore these imbeciles... they're obviously way too busy with their
successful alarm businesses to post responses on a unenet group
consisting of little more than schoolyard bullying.

So you classify yourself as a what?
Someone who doesn't get involved with bad things that happen in
Newsgroups. You just sit on the side lines, take pot shots and run away

Yep, thank you for your contribution we'll be sure to mention that the
next time that Bass calls someone an idiot or lies to an end user. Or
how about the next time he steals some information from someone here
and then gives it to you as if it were his idea and that makes you like
him all the more.

Why don't you go engineer some software and play with your little
tinker toy alarm system ....... We can do with out you. Keep in mind:

You don't run things here and have no say in what anyone does here. If
you don't like it you can leave. If not, take the abuse you deserve.

Next time you talk to Fat Ass, tell him thank you for the attitude of
the people in ASA. That's exactly what HE deserves. ie Reap/sow

Total nerd

Haha! Holy cow, that gave me a very big laugh, thank you. So
narcisistic are you to believe you even have a small influence on
"running" things "around here." You are a joke and everyone secretly
laughs at you. You whine like a schoolgirl and your verbal skills are
outmatched by children. You are nothing but an old-school wanna-be who
used to get kicks out of bullying the kids smarter than you in school.
Just because you live for this group and chime in on every post doesn't
make you ruler of its domain. In fact, it makes you a pathetic loser
of the funniest kind. Haha! Hurry back with your witty response! I
can hardly wait to read the poorly worded insults! C'mon back now,

Frank Olson

Total said:
Haha! Holy cow, that gave me a very big laugh, thank you. So
narcisistic are you to believe you even have a small influence on
"running" things "around here." You are a joke and everyone secretly
laughs at you.

Speaking for the "whole Group" now are we?? That's pretty arrogant of
you. In fact, this last "line" sounds very similar to something Robert
has said.

You whine like a schoolgirl and your verbal skills are
outmatched by children. You are nothing but an old-school wanna-be who
used to get kicks out of bullying the kids smarter than you in school.

Now I know you're Robert.

Just because you live for this group and chime in on every post doesn't
make you ruler of its domain.

Nope. Just one of it's many participants. There is no "ruler" here.
Not even you, Robert.

In fact, it makes you a pathetic loser
of the funniest kind. Haha! Hurry back with your witty response! I
can hardly wait to read the poorly worded insults! C'mon back now,

How about you start posting as yourself and drop this rather sad excuse
for an alias?

Everywhere Man

That's Cablevision's HQ. They provide Optimum Online. They service NY,
NJ, and CT.

G. Morgan said:
Now I know you're Robert.

Not so fast Frank. --->


Location: United States [City: Hicksville, New York]

Looking up at

NOTE: More information appears to be available at AS6128.

descr: Optimum Online (Cablevision Systems)
111 new south RD
Hicksville, NY 11801
origin: AS6128
remarks: Abuse / UCE complaints *****
remarks: Network related issues ***
remarks: Routing entry updates / modifications *******
mnt-by: MNT-CVNT
changed: ********** 20051219
source: ARIN


Never underestimate the stupidity of a very large person in powerful groups.