Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Napco P3200 & DST


Tim Fischer

Hi alll,

Been awhile since I've haunted these forums, but I know it's a great place
to get info.

I just heard that they just legally changed the definition of daylight
savings time. I'm wondering how this will affect my P3200 system. Will I
have to turn off DST and set the clock manually twice a year, or will Napco
come out with an upgrade? And how do upgrades work on the P3200 systems --
is it something that can be uploaded, or do you have to replace the firmware

I'm one of those dreaded DIY-er's, so I don't have any kind of maintenance

Thanks much,

Robert L Bass

Hi alll,

Been awhile since I've haunted these forums, but I know it's a great place
to get info.

I just heard that they just legally changed the definition of daylight
savings time. I'm wondering how this will affect my P3200 system. Will I
have to turn off DST and set the clock manually twice a year, or will Napco
come out with an upgrade? And how do upgrades work on the P3200 systems --
is it something that can be uploaded, or do you have to replace the firmware

I'm one of those dreaded DIY-er's, so I don't have any kind of maintenance

You're fortunate that you selected a Napco P3200 for your system. The fix is
easy. In the Napco Quickloader software open the "Panel Selection" window and
click the "Time Zone - DST" tab. There you can set the DST Start and DST End
day, week and month as well as the time of day (usually 2:00 am) when the change
should take place.

If you don't have the software, go to my website and download it for free.
You'll need a Napco PCI-Mini to connect your laptop to the alarm. If you need
one, I sell them online. If you need help, whether you need hardware or not,
feel free to contact me. I've installed hundreds of P3200 systems and
programmed countless more.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store

Tim Fischer

Thanks for the info -- sounds easy enough. I will need to pick up a
PCI-MINI from you sometime soon.


Robert L Bass

Thanks for the info -- sounds easy enough. I will need to pick up a
PCI-MINI from you sometime soon.

No problem. They're on the website. Just type PCI-MINI into the search tool on
my site and hit [enter]. You can download the software for free.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store


Tim said:
Hi alll,

Been awhile since I've haunted these forums, but I know it's a great place
to get info.

I just heard that they just legally changed the definition of daylight
savings time. I'm wondering how this will affect my P3200 system. Will I
have to turn off DST and set the clock manually twice a year, or will Napco
come out with an upgrade? And how do upgrades work on the P3200 systems --
is it something that can be uploaded, or do you have to replace the firmware

I'm one of those dreaded DIY-er's, so I don't have any kind of maintenance

Thanks much,

Tim I'd like to give you fair warning before you connect anything you
own to Robert Bass' web site. He's a convicted felon for pulling a gun
on someone and is responsible for the death of someone through
negligence. He can't be licensed to install alarm systems and has been
investigated twice by the Florida state authorities, for skirting the
laws govening alarm sales. He's got numerous unanswered complaints at
the Florida Better Business Bureau and has a long .... long documented
record in this Newsgroup of lying to and misleading end users into
thinking he has knowledge of the latest equipment available. The
program that he is offering to you to download is proprietary
information, put out by Napco and in their limitations is says for the
exclusive use of alarm installers only.

His method here is to demean alarm installation companys so that he can
convince end users into buying equipment from him. At the present time
he resides in South America Brazil and at presesnt, it just so happens
that his phone system went down and there's no way for him to receive
phone calls between the US and Brazil. Hows THAT for service?

Take heed before you deal with this miscreant.

Tim Fischer

Jim, thanks for your comments. I'm well aware of the fireworks that have
been part of this newsgroup for the past bazillion years...

I've ordered products from Mr. Bass in the past and had great service. I've
also spoken to him on the phone in the past regarding installation
questions -- again great service.

I know a lot of folks in the alarm business would like to keep people like
me from installing my own systems. But hey -- I'm a software engineer by
trade, and if you want to buy your own compilers and development tools,
there's nothing from keeping you guys from writing your own software --
including competing with the software I write. I don't understand why some
fields feel their products and information should be exclusive to those "in
the club"...


Frank Olson

Tim said:
Jim, thanks for your comments. I'm well aware of the fireworks that have
been part of this newsgroup for the past bazillion years...

I've ordered products from Mr. Bass in the past and had great service. I've
also spoken to him on the phone in the past regarding installation
questions -- again great service.

You're one on the "plus" side then. There are a good deal more
individuals that have posted here with real "horror stories" to tell
about his "great service".

I know a lot of folks in the alarm business would like to keep people like
me from installing my own systems.

What a crock!! We could care less what you do in your own home. Build
yourself a boat in your living room if you want. Or an airplane. I
doubt the Coast Guard or the FAA are going to care either way. Just
make sure that when it comes time to "test" the result you meet all the
required certification standards. The same thing applies to your alarm.
There's no sense in burning your house down around your ears or
winding up with so many false alarms you're afraid to arm your system
just so you could save a few bucks.

But hey -- I'm a software engineer by
trade, and if you want to buy your own compilers and development tools,
there's nothing from keeping you guys from writing your own software --
including competing with the software I write. I don't understand why some
fields feel their products and information should be exclusive to those "in
the club"...

Perhaps you should dig a little deeper into the root cause of the
problem here. Hint: It has nothing to do with us being "against DIY".

Robert L Bass

Jim, thanks for your comments. I'm well aware of the fireworks that have
been part of this newsgroup for the past bazillion years...

I've ordered products from Mr. Bass in the past and had great service. I've
also spoken to him on the phone in the past regarding installation
questions -- again great service.

I know a lot of folks in the alarm business would like to keep people like
me from installing my own systems. But hey -- I'm a software engineer by
trade, and if you want to buy your own compilers and development tools,
there's nothing from keeping you guys from writing your own software --
including competing with the software I write. I don't understand why some
fields feel their products and information should be exclusive to those "in
the club"...

You hit the nail on the head, Tim.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store


Tim said:
Jim, thanks for your comments. I'm well aware of the fireworks that have
been part of this newsgroup for the past bazillion years...

I've ordered products from Mr. Bass in the past and had great service. I've
also spoken to him on the phone in the past regarding installation
questions -- again great service.

I know a lot of folks in the alarm business would like to keep people like
me from installing my own systems. But hey -- I'm a software engineer by
trade, and if you want to buy your own compilers and development tools,
there's nothing from keeping you guys from writing your own software --
including competing with the software I write. I don't understand why some
fields feel their products and information should be exclusive to those "in
the club"...


I can't believe that you truly believe that this is about DIY'ers. No
one here or in the installation trade, that I know of, have the least
bit of interest in the fact that you choose to install your own system.
I am nowhere in your area and even if you were, if you are going to
install a system yourself, your just simply not my customer. There are
enough places on the internet that you or anyone can obtain whatever it
is that you need to install your own system. You don't even enter into
the equation when it comes to vieing for business. If you are the norm,
you will make mistakes that you'll never be aware of and hopefully it
will never cause you harm. As I'm sure you can well appreciate that
from your experience with people you've come across, who try to do your
job from an amatures perspective.

The issues with Robert Bass is that he is a black mark on this
industry. He's a liar a thief, a criminal, and irrisponsible. His
entire history and demeanor in this group and in his personal life is
an embarrassment to all the people in this industry who've tried to
clean it up through many many years. If it were just a history in this
group, it's possible that your suggestion of competition here were the
cause. However, his conduct goes back to prior to the existance of this
Newsgroup to an Aviation group that he was thrown out of, for doing the
very same thing he's done to people here, for years. What he does to
people here and to this group is not incidental and exclusive to this
group, therefore it is intentional.

If you've had success in dealing with him, you are a rarity as compared
to the others who've posted in this group, as a result of his bad
business practices. For years he's lied about his background and
experience in the industry and for the sole purpose of deceiving end
users who come here into buying equipment from him. He's been
investigated once by the authorities in Florida for skirting laws and
another investigation is presently in progress. He's a felon and can't
be licensed but provides services that require him to have a license.
Thus his reason for being out of the country at the present time. I
hear that he is also being sactioned by some manufacturers and
suppliers, at this time, for misrepresenting himself regarding the use
of their products.

Tim, you makes yer choices and ya takes yer chances.
I've been in this Newgroup since about 97 or 98, and Bass is as
slippery, slimey and nasty a sneaky snake as I've ever seen. Beware.
You may choose to do your own system and I'd be happy to give you
whatever help or advice as I can, in this forum, but there's plenty of
places on line that would be a lot safer to do business with than him.

Tim Fischer


I do appreciate your comments. This is the most 'civil' thread on Mr. Bass
I've seen in a long time. I've poked my head in here a number of times
since about 1999, and it seems like so many threads just turn into
name-calling. It turns me off when I see people resorting to calling names
like "Goofy" or "Basshole". If there are issues, lets stick to the issues,
and be civil about it (this thread, so far, has remained that way). But
frankly I've seen Mr. Bass give a lot of helpful info here, only to have the
thread turn into name-calling (and yes he does it too). It's highly

I did look over the BBB complaint page and it does concern me a bit. Mr.
Bass, do you have any comments as to why there were 19 cases opened, with
many closed unsatisfactorily? That's the kind of hard facts that make me
wonder. I've given you the benefit of the doubt many times over the past 6
years (even had a monitoring contract with you for several at our own home)
so I'm not trying to "start something", just trying to gain hard info. If
you've replied about this in the past, an could point me to that (e.g. via a
google groups link) that would be wonderful as well.

Thanks again, all. I do appreciate the opinions, no matter what they are,
when they're presented in an adult manner.


Robert L Bass

I did look over the BBB complaint page and it does concern me a bit. Mr.
Bass, do you have any comments as to why there were 19 cases opened, with
many closed unsatisfactorily?

Yes, just one. I tried to resolve a couple of complaints where customers really
tried to take advantage (returning merchandise they broke in one case). The BBB
wanted me to go to arbitration over it. I declined and they marked us as
"unsatisfactory". Ever since then if I got anything from them I'd deal with the
customer directly but not bother communicating with the BBB.

One complaint was over merchandise "not delivered". The customer called and
asked about a product. I said it was backordered and might not be available for
over a month but I could either take his name and number and notify him when
they were in or take the order and ship it when it arrived at the distributor.
The client opted to make the purchase and wait. A month went by and the product
was still on backorder. The client didn't tell me anything; just sent a letter
to the BBB and issued a chargeback. If he had called I'd have refunded him the
same day. I explained that to the BBB. They said "a month is too long to hold
the customer's money". Idiots!

What I've found is that the BBB in our area does an excellent job of protecting
the rights of its members. If you're not already a member they act like judge,
jury and executioner. I figure I lose a few sales a month because people check
and get scared off. The alternative is to spend a lot of time back and forth
trying to resolve petty complaints that could easily be handled directly with
the customer. Since I have only just so many hours in a day to work I say the
heck with the BBB. They're only a tiny bit more important than Jiminex.

BTW, the fellow who calls himself Alarminex has apparently (I have him filtered)
been very polite in his comments recently. If you'd like to know what he's
really like, do a Google search on his "alarminex" and any of the most vile,
hate-filled words and phrases in the American idiom. You'll find that not
everything is as it seems, especially not the "new, improved, polite" Alarminex.

One more interesting complaint letter was received from the BBB. Someone from
Waco, Texas claimed that he paid me $9,000 in cash and received nothing. Try to
imagine someone saying they sent $9,000 in cash to an online store. Now try to
imagine a BBB investigator dumb enough to believe such a story. Next do a
Google search on "G Morgan" and "Waco" in this newsgroup and you'll figure out
almost as fast as I did who the complainant was -- one of the regulars who fill
this newsgroup with vitriol every day.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store


Robert said:
BTW, the fellow who calls himself Alarminex has apparently (I have him filtered)
been very polite in his comments recently. If you'd like to know what he's
really like, do a Google search on his "alarminex" and any of the most vile,
hate-filled words and phrases in the American idiom. You'll find that not
everything is as it seems, especially not the "new, improved, polite" Alarminex.

Oh my oh my! Didn't you forget to tell him how you've been trying to
find out who I am for years and years and I'm just too smart for you
Fat Ass? How many telephone calls have you made to people in my area,
trying to find out information about me?
Havent you called people up in Canada to try and find out where Frank
works too? Gooooooolllllly ..... now THAT otta get someone a little
angry at ya ....... don't ya think there ..... Fat Ass? Now why would
you be doing that? Because you want to thank me for pointing out the
fact that your an arrogant bastard and have totally ruined this
Newsgroup and others as you've done in Usenet for over 10 years? I'd
say you deserve a lot more than someone calling you exactly what you
are ....... now, wouldn't you?

After all, can you really equate a little profanity against all of
nasty vile things you've done to dozens and dozens of people, who are
no longer in this group anymore because of you? I mean, how fair would
it be if only you could cause people to leave this Newsgroup because of
your vindictive pompous conduct. If you can do it then why can't
someone else do things that cause disruption too?
One more interesting complaint letter was received from the BBB. Someone from
Waco, Texas claimed that he paid me $9,000 in cash and received nothing. Try to
imagine someone saying they sent $9,000 in cash to an online store. Now try to
imagine a BBB investigator dumb enough to believe such a story. Next do a
Google search on "G Morgan" and "Waco" in this newsgroup and you'll figure out
almost as fast as I did who the complainant was -- one of the regulars who fill
this newsgroup with vitriol every day.

Now THAT might be true ...... after all, I'd say that was a pretty
light response considering that you actually contacted his employer and
told lies about him to get him fired from his job ..........

Frank Olson

Robert said:
Yes, just one. I tried to resolve a couple of complaints where customers really
tried to take advantage (returning merchandise they broke in one case). The BBB
wanted me to go to arbitration over it. I declined and they marked us as
"unsatisfactory". Ever since then if I got anything from them I'd deal with the
customer directly but not bother communicating with the BBB.

This is not the way the BBB deals with a complaint. Robert is out and
out lying.

One complaint was over merchandise "not delivered". The customer called and
asked about a product. I said it was backordered and might not be available for
over a month but I could either take his name and number and notify him when
they were in or take the order and ship it when it arrived at the distributor.
The client opted to make the purchase and wait. A month went by and the product
was still on backorder. The client didn't tell me anything; just sent a letter
to the BBB and issued a chargeback. If he had called I'd have refunded him the
same day. I explained that to the BBB. They said "a month is too long to hold
the customer's money". Idiots!

No, Robert. You're not telling the whole story (or you're being
untruthful). What "product" are we talking about here? I'd like to
verify this "story".

What I've found is that the BBB in our area does an excellent job of protecting
the rights of its members. If you're not already a member they act like judge,
jury and executioner.

Liar! The BBB does not respond in this manner and tries very hard to
provide fair service on complaints to both member and non-member
companies. To do otherwise would leave them open to "libel" or similar
civil proceedings.

I figure I lose a few sales a month because people check
and get scared off.

I would hope that the number of people that wind up being "scared off"
are a lot more than just a "few".

The alternative is to spend a lot of time back and forth
trying to resolve petty complaints that could easily be handled directly with
the customer.

Your efforts at doing so are on a par with your "promotion" skills.
You've posted a number of HTML messages into the group that amounted to
nothing more than meaningless gibberish (I'm sure it did a fat lot
toward "improving your search engine positioning" too!). It's because
you don't "handle things directly with the customer" that they have to
resort to complaining to the BBB. How many posts have been made into
this Group *from your customers* that are frustrated by not being able
to contact you otherwise?

Since I have only just so many hours in a day to work I say the
heck with the BBB. They're only a tiny bit more important than Jiminex.

Right. Eleven sales a day... two hours on the phone with each one
"coaching" them through their install... That does only leave two hours
to deal with complaints.... Tsk!!!

BTW, the fellow who calls himself Alarminex has apparently (I have him filtered)
been very polite in his comments recently. If you'd like to know what he's
really like, do a Google search on his "alarminex" and any of the most vile,
hate-filled words and phrases in the American idiom. You'll find that not
everything is as it seems, especially not the "new, improved, polite" Alarminex.

Better yet, "Google" on Robert L Bass Liar". You'll see posts the like
of which will make your skin crawl.

One more interesting complaint letter was received from the BBB.

Post the complaint letter! Let's deal with this together. This sort of
thing is a blemish on the entire industry.

Someone from
Waco, Texas claimed that he paid me $9,000 in cash and received nothing. Try to
imagine someone saying they sent $9,000 in cash to an online store.

I can't imagine it at all. I know how the BBB operates. My company is
a member and I can honestly say you are *full of shit*!

Now try to
imagine a BBB investigator dumb enough to believe such a story.

Your "imagination" is working overtime. The BBB would never involve
themselves in something like this without legitimate evidence. By this
I mean a cancelled cheque, credit card receipt or other physical
material from the complaintant. I invite you once again to *prove what
you've just stated.*

Next do a
Google search on "G Morgan" and "Waco" in this newsgroup and you'll figure out
almost as fast as I did who the complainant was -- one of the regulars who fill
this newsgroup with vitriol every day.

I know Graham. He's a licensed installer in Texas and would never
involve himself in something like this. What I do remember is that you
tried to get him fired by sending his employer a bogus complaint backed
up with a very selective group of forwarded posts from this Newsgroup.
Graham emailed me everything you sent his boss. It only took him a few
minutes online to discount everything you said and for his boss to agree
that you are a *total asshole*. I was going to say that "either you've
got a hell of a lot of nerve or are the dumbest sack of shit in Brazil",
but I figure you qualify on *both counts*.

To Matt Ion: I apologize for the "noise". I just couldn't remain
silent in light of all the obvious lies Robert's just posted. Take some
time to Google Robert L Bass and I think you'll finally understand why
he is so despised in this Group. Heck... Have a look at how he
"justified" posting HTML and PR messages only recently. If you still
think that "peace" in this Newsgroup can be achieved by my silence, then
I figure your understanding of the dynamics involved is as compromised
as Robert's ability to tell the truth.

Frank Olson

Bass's Best Friend

Jim said:
Oh my oh my! Didn't you forget to tell him how you've been trying to
find out who I am for years and years and I'm just too smart for you
Fat Ass? How many telephone calls have you made to people in my area,
trying to find out information about me?
Havent you called people up in Canada to try and find out where Frank
works too? Gooooooolllllly ..... now THAT otta get someone a little
angry at ya ....... don't ya think there ..... Fat Ass? Now why would
you be doing that? Because you want to thank me for pointing out the
fact that your an arrogant bastard and have totally ruined this
Newsgroup and others as you've done in Usenet for over 10 years? I'd
say you deserve a lot more than someone calling you exactly what you
are ....... now, wouldn't you?

After all, can you really equate a little profanity against all of
nasty vile things you've done to dozens and dozens of people, who are
no longer in this group anymore because of you? I mean, how fair would
it be if only you could cause people to leave this Newsgroup because of
your vindictive pompous conduct. If you can do it then why can't
someone else do things that cause disruption too?

Now THAT might be true ...... after all, I'd say that was a pretty
light response considering that you actually contacted his employer and
told lies about him to get him fired from his job ..........

Calm Down
Sound Familiar?
"Give me the wisdom to know the difference"

Tim Fischer

Oh my oh my! Didn't you forget to tell him how you've been trying to
find out who I am for years and years and I'm just too smart for you
Fat Ass?

Geez Jim, within a day of me posting thanking you (and everyone else) for
keeping this thread civil (mentioning name-calling in particular), you
respond like that?

If you really think this guy is a crook, then you need to present your case
in a civil, level-headed manner. Bass has presented a plausible explanation
regarding his experiences with the BBB. I have no idea whether or not it's
true, but it was plausible, and it was presented in a civil manner. To
counter with name-calling actually makes me believe Bass more.

I'm on nobody's "side" here. I'm just saying that we need to act like
grown-ups. And both Mr. Bass and his opponents are repeatedly guilty of
getting into child-like arguments. Do you folks run your businesses in the
same way you post on this group?

I've communicated with several of you in the past, and everyone I've talked
to seems to be helpful. Why can't we cut the childish crap?



Tim said:
Geez Jim, within a day of me posting thanking you (and everyone else) for
keeping this thread civil (mentioning name-calling in particular), you
respond like that?

TIM ........ get a fucking clue already!!!!!!!!!!!!1
If you really think this guy is a crook, then you need to present your case
in a civil, level-headed manner.

Please explain exactly WHY?

Bass has presented a plausible explanation
regarding his experiences with the BBB. I have no idea whether or not it's
true, but it was plausible, and it was presented in a civil manner. To
counter with name-calling actually makes me believe Bass more.

Well Gooooooooooooooollllllllyy! That outta really screw up my day.
I'm on nobody's "side" here. I'm just saying that we need to act like
grown-ups. And both Mr. Bass and his opponents are repeatedly guilty of
getting into child-like arguments. Do you folks run your businesses in the
same way you post on this group?

Nope and this isn't a business. It's a hobby. Bass has corrupted this
Newsgroup for years. His attitude is, No one runs this group. No one
can tell anyone what to do here. And if you don't like it you can
leave. If that's his attitude then there's nothing more to be said. If
no one takes him to task for that, then everyone can have the same
attitude. As long as one person decides that he's not going to abide by
the rules of social contract in a group, then there will always be
chaos. It doens't make any difference whether I participate in the
turmoil or not. Someone always will take offense at what Bass says
because he purposely says offensive things to people who disagree with
him. You've just seen what he recently did to Firetek. There will
ALWAYS be someone that he will irritate into conflict.

I really don't care if you're on one "side" or the other. I will
continue to be as offensive as I can be, to disrupt this group the same
as Bass believes he's got a right to do. I think that EVERYONE who ever
comes here should post the most obnoxious things that they care to
post, whether it be for or against Bass. As long as there is turmoil,
newbies coming here will see it and leave. That's exactly what should
happen. It is exactly what Bass doesn't want to happen. And that's fine
with me. Those that know me from the years I've been here, know what my
technical and business capabilities are. That's all that counts. You're
free to think what ever the hell pleases you. Contrary to my original
purpose in coming here, to what I thought was going to be a fantastic
opportunity to give and receive information from my peers ..........
I'm not here to please anyone ....... anymore.

Being much more truthful than FAT ASS I can tell you with all honestly
that my present purpose in being here, is to get some laughs and to
make Bass as miserable as possible by disrupting this Newsgroup until
he stops.
I've communicated with several of you in the past, and everyone I've talked
to seems to be helpful. Why can't we cut the childish crap?

Because your version of cutting the childish crap means that Fat ASS
continues doing what he does to the trade, to people and to this
Newsgroup with impunity. And that's NEVER going to happen. EVER! He can
post HTML, or LMNOPQRST until it comes out of his big fat ass, and as
long as he's here fucking up this group....
so will I.

Got it?

Robert L Bass

Oh my oh my! Didn't you forget to tell him how
you've been trying to find out who I am for years...

Nope. You're nowhere near as important to me as you seem to think you are.
and years and I'm just too smart for you...

Not in this lifetime.

The real Jiminex emerges from behind the "polite" facade.
How many telephone calls have you made to people
in my area, trying to find out information about me?

None. I once asked a distributor friend if he knew you after you flamed him
behind his back. He said yes, but prefers not to speak of you at all. I wonder
why that is. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store

Mark Leuck

Robert L Bass said:
None. I once asked a distributor friend if he knew you after you flamed him
behind his back. He said yes, but prefers not to speak of you at all. I wonder
why that is. :^)

Umm because it never happened and you never had that conversation?


Robert said:
Nope. You're nowhere near as important to me as you seem to think you are.

Not in this lifetime.

The real Jiminex emerges from behind the "polite" facade.

No one EVER accuses me of being polite when it comes to you, **** head.

Oh really? Seems I remember you saying that I was in Smithtown and a
few other places in NY. Wonder how you came across THAT information
Did that just come to you in your sleep or were you on the phone trying
to go real life with me as you like to do.

Give it up Fat boy. You can't find me and I'm happy to know that it
frustrates the hell out of you, because you can't go real life with me
the way you "like to do" with people who call you what you really are.

I once asked a distributor friend if he knew you after you flamed him
behind his back. He said yes, but prefers not to speak of you at all. I wonder
why that is. :^)


Now THAT just goes to show you what a fucking liar you are. There's no
one in the world who knows who's behind the screenames I use here. No
one. I don't use them anywhere else ....... So now lets' hear how some
"distributor" is going to know who I am. Come on now .......... let's
hear it ...............

Oh ..... and by the way ...... wadda ya think ...... is my name really
...... Jim ?


What a dumb-shit fucking asshole you are.
