Maker Pro
Maker Pro

multimeter that has a transistor test socket for hfe testing



Richard's point, you son of a diseased omega dog's whore, is that there are
no proper permissions for such a thing, and he's right.
Furthermore, you're area of focus, and in fact your initiation of this foray
into homosexual insult - related territory is evidence of your obvious
raped-prison-bitch type syndrome. Clearly, you have been taken advantage of
and you are going through the rest of your miserable life seeing hostile
homosexuals in everything from skype cartoons to random text typos. If I
took the time on this that you obviously do, there would be no typos and
omitted words like 'of' for you to see evidence of nazis and homosexuality
where there are none. What do you see in Rorshasch blots, diseased
son-of-dog-whore? Fags, and oh so not nice NAZI-esque caricatures?
Remember the start of all of this --- you're intellectually challenged
drive-by comment, "Oh please, get rid of skype, they have not nice nazi
cartoons, and they aren't nice, god help me, moan, snivel, whine."
How deep does the snow have to get, before you get the drift --- I can make
it as deep as the sky is high and hell is low, you poster child for the
prohibition of the making of pornographic videos involving ovulating,
fertile female humans and genetically challenged but fertile, mongrel
canines that are terminally infested with lice, fleas, ticks, scabies,
ascaris intestinal worms, tapeworms, mange, canine spongiform encephalitis,
and whose rank in the pack is so low that their food intake is so miniscule
that their ribs show even when ALL other members of the pack are hideously
I like beating you up like this, can we keep doing it?

Skype Name:


Additionaly, son of a diseased and starving-in-a-time-of-plenty, son of an
omega dog's whore --- I would like to compliment you. You are
multi-talented individual, congratulations!
You are a poster child not only for the organization of those who would
prohibit beastiality, but you are also a poster child for the organization
of those who wish for more severe penalties to deter inbreeding, you son of
a diseased omega dog's whore who was also the cheapest train station whore
of all time --- making multiple videos of the worst of the unspeakable acts
with diseased, omega dogs, for sums of money insufficient to purchase a
single tobacco cigarette.
Indeed, using the gene pool metaphor, your gene pool has not only dried up
around the edges. No, your gene pool has become a dusty, circular region
within which there are baked hard octagons of clay and deep, dry cracks ---
that is the extent to which your gene pool has dried, not just dried around
the edges. John, mongoloid idiots from isolated, religious, coal mining
communities in northern Tennessee have more intellectual heft than you.

Skype Name:


Don't get me wrong --- I'm not saying you're not an effective flamer, or
anything. You're a good flamer (big, friendly smile), it's just that you
could be even better if you're posts had a wider scope, greater variety and
at least some intellectual depth --- even a lttle bit of intellectual depth
would be really good.
All you do repeat the same old, worn out, generic characterizations:
-you're stupid
-plainly stupid
-you'r mother was stupid
-your stupidity
-orientation related
-gone ballistic
-uncontrolled frenzy
-frenzy of banality
-you're angry

And that's good (another big friendly smile), but SURELY your repetoire
can't be THAT limited --- can it?

Skype Name:


.... that's part of what I'm getting at. You don't seem to be able to
differentiate between 'your' and 'you're', (or even to use the
apostrophe properly, since there is no such word as 'you'r') even
though I've taken the time and trouble to explain the difference
between them to you.
More mediocre characterizations of inability --- based on the result of a
lackadaisical attitude about leaving in typos stemming from the use of a
small keyboard with large fingers --- I just can't be bothered to clean-em
up like you anally retentive son of diseased, omega dog's whore, feel driven
to. Look on the bright side, it gives you fodder with which to visualize
things that are non-existent but vital to your distorted, unstable
weltenshaung. For instance, you can continue harping on your cognitive
distortion that material like " 'you'r' " derives from of a lack of command
of the language on my part, not an inadvertent key-press --- stuff like
-you're stupid
-plainly stupid
-you'r mother was stupid
-your stupidity
-orientation related
-gone ballistic
-uncontrolled frenzy
-frenzy of banality
-you're angry
See, that's part of what I'm getting at. You don't seem to be able to
differentiate between 'your' and 'you're', (or even to use the
apostrophe properly, since there is no such word as 'you'r')
I would point out that the examples of the characterizations that you're
citing as evidence of my lack of command of the language are quotes from
your own posts, I just couldn't be bothered with the standard formatting
and quotation marks because I'm not trying to impress you (huge guffaw).
But I don't point that stuff out because it could so easily collapse your
fragile, unstable delusional architecture.
Oh, and what the hell kind of Haiku format is that? Where's the seasonal
But, you're trying --- little Johnny. In addition to the same old shabby
characterizations, there's a little poetry and some german --- good boy!
And your foreign word dropping behaviour should be encouraged --- maybe one
day when you're a grown up, li'l Johhny, you'll actually be able to speak
another language.
And that's good (another big friendly smile), but SURELY your repetoire
can't be THAT limited --- can it?

As far as _you_ can tell, such seems to be the case.
Clearly, within the 'cloud-cuckoo-land' (ask a german) of your delusional
architecture, any negative perceptions about you are solely the result of
the perceivers inabilty to see the truth --- your imaginary 'truth'. A
'truth' that I suspect your present alter spends a lot of time and energy
convincing itself is real --- a task that I just don't have the heart to add
to. Psychologicaly abusing the feeble-minded isn't my bag.

Referring to your calibre of material as 'pearls' is a reach, I do however,
take pride in being swinish --- but only to certain ppl, and hopefully I am
good and swinish to you (as you've said I am --- thankyou), given my efforts
to be. Nothing would please me more than the thought of you --- aghast,
cringing and recoiling from an onslaught of menacing, man-eating, tusked
boars. Remember the Hannibal scene where the porkers make a meal of the
wheelchair-bound, child rapo villian? I'm a tusked, alpha boar who gets the
first bites of the tasty tender bits, and you're my immobilized,
quadraplegic dinner. Hold still, stop wiggling your head around so much
while I'm chewing your nose and ears off --- it's impolite to wiggle like
that whilst being eaten by one so much igher up on the food chain.

So, even though you get a failing grade --- you're trying. Please keep it
up, although I suspect you have already reached the limits of your
creativity. Maybe you could try some exotic metaphors or smt --- good luck!

Skype Name:


Oh, it, 'interesting ..." that I'm using a metap[hor in which I am eating
carrion --- yes, but only insofar as you are cast in the role of
not-quite-yet-deceased carrion. Carry on, carrion.

Skype Name:


"Entire posting history ..." --- really, you're sense of self worth is so
invested in this, that you've actually been scanning old posts of mine? Get
a life, you son of a beastiality offending, train-station whore.

Skype Name:


To you, I deliberately flout the standards of usenet decency --- obscenely
and provocatively excreting a top-posted nonsensical bit-sequence. A
bit-sequence serving no purpose whatsoever other than to exacerbate your
clearly apoplectic state.

Skype Name:


Just one question --- how long did it take you to write that?

Skype Name:

Rich Grise

To you, I deliberately flout the standards of usenet decency --- obscenely
and provocatively excreting a top-posted nonsensical bit-sequence. A
bit-sequence serving no purpose whatsoever other than to exacerbate your
clearly apoplectic state.

To whom? Everybody?

Then take your execrable little sensibilities and back off in your own
jack yard.



No, Rich --- only to the behaviour of this other individual --- John Fields.
Fields himself is ashamed of his execrable (yes, that is a good word, isn't
it?) behaviour as evidenced by his recent spate of self-cancellations.
Particularly noteworthy is the fact that Fields waited till activity in this
thread had all but ceased before cancelling the first post he made here, the
one that started the ball rolling, the outrageous, off-topic, drive-by
comment that he now regrets so profoundly and is justifiably so deeply
ashamed of.


whine, snivel, moan --- yeah, right. The post self-cancelled when it woke
up one day and realized how stupid it was, they can do that, you know.

Pat Kennedy

Gee.....I was just browsing for some interesting circut designs and it seem
like it is mostly morons arguing with each other here! Why don't you guys
just e-mail your insults to each other and leave the group for what it was