Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Multimeter soar ME 523

Sir JSA . . . . .

You did not seem to specify if your need for an operators manual and a schematic, was for the need of repair of a presently damaged or inoperative unit . . . . . or mainly just needing the operators manual and having that schematic on hand, should you have future need to repair.

I initially prepped a magged up schematic with my additional RED LETTER fill ins of the distinct functional areas of the unit.
With you then, either reading values from the parts for their specs or consulting the manual materiel list.
For the latter, you will have to access this HOT link below, where if you activate that pages far right SCHEMATICS option, it will then utilize the arrows to sequentially show you 5 pages of instructions, followed by 2 pages of parts lists. Get to that site and then MAG up your screen size and cant your head 90 to the right to read . . . .OR . . .go through their QUITE involved membership or else, just "PAY THEM THE MONEY ! " . . .and THEN wait for final approval. . . . . Or . . . . you can load down a few freebie pages.
That's what I did, for just getting its schematic page, which I then enhanced and marked up..


AND BAMMMMMMMMMMM ! . . . . . . . le schematique supérieur


73's de Edd . . . .

I just love being over 90. I learn at least 1 or more things new every day . . . . . . but, I forget 5 others.

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