Maker Pro
Maker Pro

More on lead-free junk solder


Jerry Peters

clifto said:
The world's best scientists told us it would be here before the year 2000.
So it's got to get here plenty soon enough to make a difference.
These wouldn't happen to be the same scientists who are now
caterwauling about "global warming" would they?



Jerry said:
These wouldn't happen to be the same scientists who are now
caterwauling about "global warming" would they?

I can't be absolutely sure, but I'd bet a dozen donuts.


A 200W combo, UK made 2002, with one solder joint to a small on-end
electrolytic failed
so could be just due to vibration/resonance.
But it is on a board with obvious conical solder joints so perhaps the most
likely inherently weak joint to fail first. The larger (heatsinky) joints
are shiny and conical, redone by hand with junk solder maybe, but all the
other small joints look horribly grey. On the other board all conical joints
but all bright silvery colour. What is the consensus of the panel - redo all
the grey joints with Pb-Sn solder and leave the bright ones, or if it aint
broke - don't poke. ?

In my experience the bigger the joint the sooner they fail.
A common example is scart sockets on TV's that start to move around
over time.
Perhaps this is why the big electrolytic has gone first.