Spike, If he doesn't want it, keep it for yourself mate. I don't really need it here. I'm sure you could put it to far better use, even if you just keep it for a spare, in case your other one is damaged. I'll never need to use the larger chip. Thank you very much for the offer, though. Very kind indeed.Yeh man! This is gonna be SO cool! I'll tell ya wot mate, I've ordered a Mega 2560 board for a friend of mine (got it cheap for about £2.50)! Cos he says he's gonna start getting into it, BUT I've got a feeling it's just chitter chatter. If he isn't that keen when it arrives, I'll donate it to your project. I'll post it over. Like I said, it was only £2.50 which is nothing over here. Not promising because he might shock me, but if im right, it's yours, my friend.
The simulator is made by Virtronics, an Aussie company I'm pleased to say.Spike said:P.S. I've never heard of that virtual thingy you were on about, I'm DEFINITELY gonna check that out.
Their website is here:-
In your GBP, it would cost bugger-all. (About 8.24GBP at the moment.)
It's still being developed, so prices are very low, but will go up pretty soon. This is a good time to buy.
Here's a screenshot that I just took:-

It allows you to connect inputs, both digital and analog, then monitor the outputs, among other things. In the screenshot, I have an analog input, (a pot, set at 127 in the pic), an analogue output, the "DimLED", and two other LEDs connected.
It runs in real-time, so during execution the LEDs are lit for the same period that they would be in a real Arduino.
Well worth the cost, for learning.
Glad you figured out the FIFO. (Stands for first-in first-out.)
It's a pity thay don't come in the larger PDIP through-hole package. It would make soldering much easier. If you search around, someone may already be selling them pre-soldered to a small carrier board. Here's the chip's datasheet, if you don't already have it:-
I downloaded the 'Brain Grapher' software yesterday, but it won't work on my old machine.
(It's used to display the brainwave data in graphic form on the PC.)
It needs the 'Processing' language, so I've downloaded a couple of versions of it, but still can't get it to work here. As an alternative, I've started studying up on 'Processing', learning the language, so that I can write my own visualisation software. It's based on Java, and once a 'sketch' is written, it can be saved as a Windows *.exe, so it's very convenient.
I noticed something very interesting, too. The 'Processing' software is almost identical to the Arduino software. Even many identical menu items, and the term 'sketch' is used in it too. It's fairly clear that the Arduino software was actually written in 'Processing'.
I managed to write code for a simple bar graph last night, with 8 bars that could correspond to the 8 brainwave inputs from the Arduino Brain Library, so I'm getting there. (It's a simple graphic representation so far, not tied to any inputs or anything, but I'm getting there.)
I'm buggered today - spent the whole night wrestling with it. Now back to the Arduino language study........
A processing window screenshot, showing the bar graph. It could be much larger if I use it for brainwave input display, with each channel labelled "Concentration", Low Alpha", etc.:-