This is exactly what I'm talking about! I've got a MASSIVE feeling that I'm going to learn a LOT from you. So let me say now for what you've taught me so far & what you're gonna teach me in the future (in case I forget) a MASSIVE thank you for taking the time out to talk to & educate me.
I'm just learning this stuff too right now, from all the videos I've been watching. Regarding the direct connection to the Neurosky chip, apparently the in-built micro, (in a Mindflex headset, at least), parses the info from the chip and doesn't send it all on to the baseboard, according to the article on the frontiernerds page, so with a Mindflex headset it's better to get the raw data straight from the chip.
You'll see what data is available when you check out the Brain Library and that frontiernerds page.
Incidentally, I've installed the library and verified it at least. It will compile fine without any problems.
This is the format of the data stream:-
(ex Brain Library excerpt I found on the Arduino Forums)
"signal strength, attention, meditation, delta, theta, low alpha, high alpha, low beta, high beta, low gamma, high gamma"
And I've never used an Arduino either, so I'll be doing a similar LED-flashing thing too.