Late at night, by candle light, John Larkin
Ack, I have a 200 kW 600 kHz transmitter just over a kilometer away.
Great for RFI immunity testing.
- YD.
Yes, but you have to be careful that nothing overloads in the
front-end, or in the first IF stage, from that 50 KW monster. A decent
antanna Q helps some. Fets are really good for avoiding nonlinearity.
So, low-gain jfets or mosfets in the front end and maybe the first IF,
and pile up selectivity and gain in later IF stages. Manual stage gain
pots, rather than AGC, would be fun.
Ack, I have a 200 kW 600 kHz transmitter just over a kilometer away.
Great for RFI immunity testing.
- YD.