Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Isolated, regulated, toroidal step down transformer AC power supply design.



I almost forgot: He Eatsthe Bunnies, of course.

But, the bunnies are 'hip' to the wolves in woolly coats. So they put on
penguin suits.

Wolves won't eat penguins. Too salty. Everyone knows this.

Because the wolves ain't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, pretty soon
they notice: No bunnies? Lots of penguins!

One or two wolves report that penguins do in fact taste like bunnies. So
with little or no further thought the wolves decide that the penguins must
have eaten all the bunnies. Cries of " It's us or them" ring-out amidst the
pack. The wolves realize that they must start eating penguins or turn on
themselves. After all, there are no bunnies to be seen, anywhere, and the
wolves certainly won't eat the fish. (Too salty, remember)

But the bunnies had foreseen this eventuality. They knew that the wolves,
still dressed as sheep, would eventually start eating penguins. Some of them
had already prepared sheep's clothing in advance whilst others decided that
the water offered a safest haven and dressed as fish. After all, wolves
can't swim.

But, the penguins who dressed as fish all drowned because they forgot they
were only bunnies dressed as penguins. Bunnies can't swim either. The
penguins who dressed as sheep initially faired much better because the
wolves mistook them for other wolves, who also dressed as sheep, and had
resolved not to eat themselves.

The wolves survived for a short time eating the fish that washed up on the
shore. Mysteriously, the fish tasted like bunnies.

Pretty soon though, the bunnies who dressed as penguins who dressed as sheep
and pretended to be wolves knew that the wolves who dressed as sheep would
have to consider eating other wolves dressed as sheep or face starvation.

The wolves who dressed as sheep naturally assumed that the sudden appearance
of large numbers of new sheep and the complete absence of penguins must mean
that these new sheep must be the wolves who ate all the penguins (wolves
ain't very sharp) and this made them angry.

Sure enough and before very long the bunnies began to see wolves, dressed as
sheep, eating other sheep, that might have been wolves or bunnies dressed as
penguins, but they really didn't know who was who at this stage.

The wolves doing the eating begain to belive that some wolves, when dressed
as sheep, actually tasted like bunnies, but they didn't much think or care
about it.

They began to believe that everything tasted like bunnies anyway.

The bunnies needed to come up with something quick. True, the wolves were
now eating each other as well as the other bunnies, but the bunnies knew
that no matter how things worked out, the last surviving sheep must be a

What to do? ( be continued.)


a) No electronics knowledge whatsoever.

Only the ability to mechanically de-solder parts and the ability to use
Google to identify the harvested parts.

The electronic parts can be reused within existing applications or sold on
EBay. Lots of people do the harvest/resell trade, not just with UPS and not
just on EBay.

b) I never claimed to have parted-out an UPS. I just observed that lots of
other people do it. I might have done it. Maybe not. Either way, it requires
no electronics knowledge whatsoever.

c) My child is not sick nor is his severe disability the result of any
sickness. I've already made that quite clear. Crude personality types and
midget brained morons often fail to make the distinction. I can only assume
that your Usenet name is a reflection of your personality, and not your

d) I don't need an UPS "all of a sudden". It's been discussed for weeks.


The history of this thread simply does not tally with your assessment.

I posed, what I thought was, a perfectly simple request for information and
made no claim about my knowledge of electronics. I posed it here, simply
because I was unable to Google a design myself.

Nearly all respondents reacted in an abusive manner to my request for an
AC/AC power supply design. Phil was especially abusive and successively

a) That I did not have an application which required 9VAC input. Re:

Me> Yes, I really do need 9 VAC for my application.

Phil> ** BOLLOCKS you do !!

It isn't clear to me how he could be so adamant about my application's input
voltage, since I had quite patently NOT included any information about the
application in my original request. I can only surmise that he either:

i) Wrongly concluded that I meant 9VDC and was being defensive about it.
ii) Wrongly concluded that 9VAC applications do not exist. (and that was why
I could not have one).

But whichever it may be, he was WRONG on both counts and he was being
extremely offensive to me, WHILST being WRONG. Apparently he is of the
persuasion that

b) That my explanation for needing 9VAC was physically impossible. Re:

Me > Yes, it is a pair of half-wave rectifiers which DOUBLE the voltage. 9
Me > in and +/-15 VDC out AFTER regulation.

Phil> ** Totally impossible bollocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Totally impossible only has one meaning and his reaction is consistent with
the first presumption (i) above, IE. he believed that 9VAC applications DO

c) I didn't think it was possible for him to make his position MORE
implausible, but in his latest effort to recover lost credibility, he does
just that.

Me> Apparently (because I had to look it up) Charge Pump devices work by
Me> electronically switching the polarity of the capacitors. IE "the
Me> is disconnected from the original charging voltage and reconnected with
Me> its negative terminal to the original positive charging voltage".

Phil> ** Exactly what the diodes do when the AC polarity changes.

It seems totally incongruent with this group's behaviour that he can make
such STATEMENTS and totally escape any criticism. Do I really have to
explain why he is WRONG again? Go on, make me:

I certainly don't want to risk being labelled "Arrogant" again.



d) I don't need an UPS "all of a sudden". It's been discussed for weeks.

Unfortunately, you don't *need* a UPS to solve your problem. What you DO need
to do - rather than jump to a ?solution - is address the cause of the problem,
which from your many descriptions in this saga\\\\thread would certainly appear
to be the DC rail regulators and possibly their regulating headroom.

While this has been pointed out to you by several posters (self included) in
both polite and well-reasoned response as well as somewhat less conciliatory
terms, you appear hell-bent on finding a regulated AC source solution.

It is a common - and bloody annoying - habit of many people to jump to a
"solution" before they actually understand the problem. This is the root cause
of your determination, and the inclination of most responders to adopt an
inflammatory posture.

If you don't want to actually get to the bottom of your problem, don't ask for
help in an area where help isn't helpful (your well-regulated AC source).


rebel said:

Unfortunately, you don't *need* a UPS to solve your problem. What you DO
to do - rather than jump to a ?solution - is address the cause of the
which from your many descriptions in this saga\\\\thread would certainly
to be the DC rail regulators and possibly their regulating headroom.

While this has been pointed out to you by several posters (self included)
both polite and well-reasoned response as well as somewhat less
terms, you appear hell-bent on finding a regulated AC source solution.

It is a common - and bloody annoying - habit of many people to jump to a
"solution" before they actually understand the problem. This is the root
of your determination, and the inclination of most responders to adopt an
inflammatory posture.

If you don't want to actually get to the bottom of your problem, don't ask
help in an area where help isn't helpful (your well-regulated AC source).

It was suggested TO me that I try an UPS as a TRIAL solution.

The observed clipping was PERCEIVED by me to be due to the occasional
over-voltage domestic supply.

I already HAD an UPS in another room, so the cost (to me) of suggested trial
solution is; NIL.

I adopted the suggested trial solution SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE many had indeed
suggested that the problem WAS NOT likely to be caused by the over-voltage
domestic supply.

Common scientific method is to try and DISPROVE a theory. A NEGATIVE result
of a TRIAL procedure is NOT a failed experiment. It serves its purpose.

If you feel the trial is a waste of YOUR time, then I suggest you take the
matter up with those who SUGGESTED it. I don't think it is in my interests
to do so.

If a regulated AC source does happen to work, then I don't give much of a
damn what the cause may be. I don't have any intrinsic interest in
electronics. My only interest is in solving the immediate problem.
Contingency factors mean very little to me.

I'd be very happy to walk away with a solution without EVER knowing the
cause or understanding the problem. I simply don't care. Perhaps you find
this attitude offensive but I consider myself to be a consumer of electronic
devices, not a technician. I only do what I do because I HAVE TO DO IT.

I can believe that many (some?) contributors here DO in fact have an
inflammatory posture towards the consumers of electronics. That is EXACTLY
why they may come here. It gives them the opportunity to humiliate a class
of person that they feel antagonistic toward. A class of person that might
have a lien over their INCOME in real life. A class of person that they feel
superior too.

It doesn't wash with me.

If those same people took a look outside their windows for just ONE SECOND
they would see a world outside that does not value people based solely on
their knowledge of electronics or the particular topology of their messages.

People who BEHAVE as if they do are INTERACTING with others based on a FALSE



ACVi 11.1~11.2 (unloaded)
ACVi 10.3~10.4 (loaded)


DCVi 12.38~12.44
DCVo 5.02


DCVi 26.1~26.2
DCVo 15.0


DCVi -26.0~-26.4
DCVo -15.0

Dodo has been unavailable since Saturday Morning. Their dial-up lines are
constantly engaged. I dialled about 30 times to get this line. As soon as I
loose this line (about 2 hours) I'll be back in the same boat until Monday.


DCVi 12.38~12.44
DCVi 26.1~26.2


7915 ???
DCVi -26.0~-26.4

they all look good, plenty of headroom etc...

how much ripple is there on those

build one of these:

gnd ----||----+--[1K]-------+-> to +ve test point
1000uF | |
| .-[100K]-+
| | |
10uF |
`-------> to meter

this'll give a voltage about 0.6V above the low point of the cycle
for testing the 7915 input reverse the diode.


He wants everyone to keep playing his infantile guessing game so he
can remain the centre of attention.
How many commercially manufactured mains-powered electronic devices
are critically sensitive to normal mains voltage variations, requiring
precise regulation of the input voltage? About none that I know of. Even
UPSs have to see a pretty big variation before they cut in.
He's had this problem since he went through this audiophile thing,
ripped out most of the electrolytic caps and replaced them with
audiophile ones. Remember his comment about us being too dull to ask him
if he'd made any bad solder joints?
He's made a pig's breakfast of what was a normally functioning CD
player or whatever it is, and now wants some loony solution to mask a
fault *he* caused.

Bingo! - That explains his weird posts perfectly.
And no Mark, we're not going to keep trying to guess what it is. My
suspicion is that the reason you don't want to tell is because it's some
audiophile thing you know Phil will laugh his head off about, and you're
scared of Phil from your experience in the aus.hi-fi newsgroup.
Here endeth today's sermon.... :)

ITYM: 'audiophool', not 'audiophile'. ;^)


Oh, we have Albert fucking Einstein here for sure. Read the thread.

Is true that you're some audiophool nutbar who screwed up his gizmo by
replacing all the standard electrolytic caps with audiophool caps?


a) No electronics knowledge whatsoever.

Only the ability to mechanically de-solder parts and the ability to use
Google to identify the harvested parts.

The electronic parts can be reused within existing applications or sold on
EBay. Lots of people do the harvest/resell trade, not just with UPS and not
just on EBay.

There are people dumb enough to buy parts desoldered from scrap
equipment by people who know nothing about electronics?
Now, /that/ is a scary thought.


7915, yes. How do I read the character based schematic?

or just email me a graphic to my email address.

jasen said:
DCVi 12.38~12.44
DCVi 26.1~26.2


7915 ???
DCVi -26.0~-26.4

they all look good, plenty of headroom etc...

how much ripple is there on those

build one of these:

gnd ----||----+--[1K]-------+-> to +ve test point
1000uF | |
| .-[100K]-+
| | |
10uF |
`-------> to meter

this'll give a voltage about 0.6V above the low point of the cycle
for testing the 7915 input reverse the diode.



That there are people in here who's lives are so unrewarding that they
compensate for it by dedicating their time & efforts in search of the
elusive 'Net-kudos'.

Have a look around EBay. You pay your money and you take your chances.



Lionel said:
Is true that you're some audiophool nutbar who screwed up his gizmo by
replacing all the standard electrolytic caps with audiophool caps?

W "Some people are alive only because it is illegal to kill them."
. | ,. w ,
\|/ \|/ Perna condita delenda est


7915, yes. How do I read the character based schematic?

use a fixed pitch font.
pasting it into notepad works well on ms-windows.
or in google groups "view source" (found under options)

it's possible I let some tabs creep into it which mangled it,
here it is corrected.

build one of these:

gnd ----||----+--[1K]-------+-> to +ve test point
1000uF | |
| .-[100K]-+
| | |
10uF |
`-------> to meter

this'll give a voltage about 0.6V above the low point of the cycle
for testing the 7915 input reverse the diode.

of course an oscilloscope is the best way to characterise the ripple,
but the above filter give a reasonable indication if used with a
high-impedance voltmeter (most DMMs)



Mark, several of the people who are answering you here are capable of eating
the vast majority of electronics repairers for breakfast when it comes to
design. All of the people of relevance on this group are capable of
designing half wave rectified voltage doubling designs in their sleep. Why
the big secrecy with respect to your application? You really are going on
like a wanker............