Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Inverter fan always running now.

I have a generic chinese type inverter of 1000 watts .It started to turn the fans on all the time even when completely cold . They seem to be going full pelt.
Looking inside I see a thermistor on the heatsink a 100K type and I'm wondering how to test it in situ.

I was thinking of maybe cutting one leg and see if it stops first. Can always solder it back together.
While cut I could try a new replacement across the present one.
Will this be safe to do ? Will I be likely to blow anything doing it.
Is there a better way?
Thanks in advance
Sounds like what I would do without a second thought. Does the inverter run ok besides this, if so, you probabbly nailed it.
Yep inverter seems fine . I ordered some new thermistors and while I wait instea d of letting the fans run full bore I cobbled up a buck converter 24 V to 12 V and put a temperature board on it . Cut one of the fan lines and put it on the relay . Now I can set the on, off, and wait for parts . It cost me about $6 all up for both boards . $1.10 for the buck converter 2 amps. Bloody amazingly cheap . Probe hot glued over output mosfets

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Yep inverter seems fine . I ordered some new thermistors and while I wait instea d of letting the fans run full bore I cobbled up a buck converter 24 V to 12 V and put a temperature board on it . Cut one of the fan lines and put it on the relay . Now I can set the on, off, and wait for parts . It cost me about $6 all up for both boards . $1.10 for the buck converter 2 amps. Bloody amazingly cheap . Probe hot glued over output mosfets

View attachment 46268
so cool