Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Internal wiring of USA v UK mains plug


Dave Plowman (News)

Sorry, but the difference in time heating 4 quarts of water in a 1kW
vat is NOT 3 times that of the 3kW unit.
There are constraints. The water has to still be there when you are
If it takes a 1kW unit to heat it to boil in ten minutes, there is no
way in hell a 3kW unit will do it in three.
It is NOT linear, chucko.

Go on then Einstein, show the maths to prove this.

Spurious Response

So use a proper electric kettle. That will save your gas bill.

Bullshit. It would cost me twice as much to boil my water with your
kettle as it would with my gas and stove-top 2 quart saucepan.

Also, if your kettles have exposed coils in them, folks won't likely be
putting their pasta into them.

Spurious Response

Go on then Einstein, show the maths to prove this.

Basic inline water heaters prove it. If it were so much faster, we
would have 3kW inline water heaters. As it stands, that it not the case.

Sure, as you increase power, you get more work done. But you also lose
more of that heat as well.

What it really comes down to is the diameter (and length) of the coil.

Since both 1kW as well as 3kW coils BOTH reach temperatures far above
the boiling temp of water, it would seem to me that you would foresee
some point at which there are diminishing returns from the amount of
energy one dumps into those coils over the return of heat imparted into
the water.

I'd bet that a larger diameter coil will heat the water faster than a
smaller diameter coil, for any given equal wattage, and the reason is
that the coil surface area is so much larger, yet it's surface temp is
very much the same.

So to me, the ideal heater for water would be one that does the job
with the least amount of energy in a reasonable time.

Dave Plowman (News)

Bullshit. It would cost me twice as much to boil my water with your
kettle as it would with my gas and stove-top 2 quart saucepan.

I'd love to see your proof. A 'two quart' saucepan will have *vast* heat
losses. A decent electric kettle can cope with just one cupful of water if
that's all that's needed.
Also, if your kettles have exposed coils in them, folks won't likely be
putting their pasta into them.

Did you put soap in the kettle as a kid too?

Dave Plowman (News)

So to me, the ideal heater for water would be one that does the job
with the least amount of energy in a reasonable time.

Having had experience of a 1kW electric kettle I can tell you it doesn't
take a 'reasonable' time.


Go on then Einstein, show the maths to prove this.

He can't, he'll call you a retard and backpedel his way out.

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AUK Offishal Tinfoil Sombrero award 05/07
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< we all know how well that works...LOL >
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Co-inventer of the "Prongtard Yap-Dog Award"

<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>

Thomas Tornblom

Spurious Response said:
It look VERY inefficient.

On the contrary. It is very efficient as it is *only* the cookware
that heats up.

Did you miss the 84% vs 40% for gas efficiency paragraph?
It also REQUIRES iron cookware.

Most cookware sold today in Sweden is induction compatible, and have
been for quite a while. Even though we don't have have an induction
stove today I believe most of our cookware is compatible.

What type of cookware would you miss out on?
Two killers right there.


Total Suckage.

In fact... it sucks so bad that it sucks at sucking.

I would say you have no clue.

They started out in restaurant kitchens many years ago and they have
several advantages:

1) super quick cooking as no heat needs to be transfered to the
cookware, it is the cookware itself that gets heated, quite similar to
a microwave where the food itself generates the heat

2) much less losses, which reduces the cooling needed i the kitchen

3) easy and quick regulation

4) safe, the stove top doesn't hot, other than by transfer from the

I recommend following the link to this page:

to see the pros and cons.


Dave Plowman (News) said:
You do pasta in a kettle? Have you some secret way of getting it to align
so it can be poured?

This must be a cultural thing, but I have no idea what in hell you are
talking about.
You've found a source of open kettles then? Is this a US thing? I don't
think they would conform to UK H&S regs. Do you dip the cup into them to
get the boiling water out?
You use a spaghetti strainer. And yes, some things need an open kettle.


Dave Plowman (News)

This must be a cultural thing, but I have no idea what in hell you are
talking about.

Join the club. My stupid reply was in response to the stupid comment from
Spurious response.
You use a spaghetti strainer. And yes, some things need an open kettle.

Thinks. In the UK a kettle is only used for boiling water. Usually for
making tea or instant coffee. Do you guys call some form of general
cooking utensil a kettle too?

Malcolm Moore

Join the club. My stupid reply was in response to the stupid comment from
Spurious response.

Thinks. In the UK a kettle is only used for boiling water. Usually for
making tea or instant coffee. Do you guys call some form of general
cooking utensil a kettle too?

I think this may be the problem. From


"In the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Canada, a kettle is a device used
to quickly heat water for hot drinks, such as tea or instant coffee.
It is normally constructed out of durable plastic or steel (with a
plastic handle) and powered by mains electricity."


"In the United States, a kettle usually refers to the stovetop
metallic version with a steam whistle.

Elsewhere in the world (and sometimes in the United Kingdom) the word
kettle can refer to a metal pot for boiling or stewing, and a kettle
is probably the most ancient kind of metal cooking utensil.

The word kettle originates from Latin catillus, which in various
contexts is translated as bowl, deep dish, or funnel."

Perhaps SR is cooking pasta in something like a Kettle Drum :)

Jasen Betts

Sorry, but the difference in time heating 4 quarts of water in a 1kW
vat is NOT 3 times that of the 3kW unit.

There are constraints. The water has to still be there when you are

If it takes a 1kW unit to heat it to boil in ten minutes, there is no
way in hell a 3kW unit will do it in three.

Of course not! it'd take three and twentyy seconds.
It is NOT linear, chucko.

for a heating element immersed in the water it is almost exactly linear,
do the math.


Jasen Betts

Basic inline water heaters prove it. If it were so much faster, we
would have 3kW inline water heaters. As it stands, that it not the case.

Only 3KW? why would someone want a toy like that?
Sure, as you increase power, you get more work done. But you also lose
more of that heat as well.

What it really comes down to is the diameter (and length) of the coil.
Since both 1kW as well as 3kW coils BOTH reach temperatures far above
the boiling temp of water, it would seem to me that you would foresee
some point at which there are diminishing returns from the amount of
energy one dumps into those coils over the return of heat imparted into
the water.

do the math... heat is the one form of energy tat can always be
produced electrically with 100% efficiency.
I'd bet that a larger diameter coil will heat the water faster than a
smaller diameter coil, for any given equal wattage, and the reason is
that the coil surface area is so much larger, yet it's surface temp is
very much the same.

convection, and bubbling, will stir the water, a cappucino machine
will heat a mug of milk in only a few seconds - the steam jet is
good for over ten kilowatts.
So to me, the ideal heater for water would be one that does the job
with the least amount of energy in a reasonable time.

faster is generally more efficient.


Jasen Betts

Yes, but its not as bad as it sounds. Bills are made up of charge per
kWh and a fixed standing charge for the supply. The 44c/kWh rate only
occurs where people choose a no standing charge deal, where the first
so many units are hiked in price to add the standing charge. Its just
a marketing game.

16.4c here (0.128 USD)


Jasen Betts

heat, however, most, if not all plastics with high temperature capacity
are much better conductors of heat than their intolerant relatives.

In other words, if it is a high temp tolerant plastic, it conducts heat
far better than any plastic you might be thinking of. Kinda goes with the

Now silicone, SOFT plastic types do insulate thermally. That is
different, and there are not a large number of them in that category. We
are talking about solid, construction capable type materials here.
The plastic that would be used on a vat of boiling water as a major
element of its containment would likely be a fair conductor of heat.

polypropylene is commonly used, look it up.
The reason low tolerance plastic types have such a low tolerance is
because of their lack of thermal conduction. Apply heat to the surface,
and it stays there. This is a bad thing when said heat can make said
surface reach a melting temperature fairly fast.



Jasen Betts

Still a better insulator than the sort of metals kettles would otherwise
be made of, though, which was the point.

actually polypropylene is a slightly worse heat conductor than most other
thermoplastics :) this guy is just spurious.


Spurious Response

I'd love to see your proof. A 'two quart' saucepan will have *vast* heat
losses. A decent electric kettle can cope with just one cupful of water if
that's all that's needed.

Except that you cannot place your veggies in there, or any other
cooking need.

Some people do more than drink tea. We use continuously boiling water
for many cooking needs, and those are the only needs I have, and my cup
of tea works just fine with water that only takes a few minutes to boil
over a trickle flame.

I know how to apply heat to a surface and waste very little.


Dave Plowman (News) said:
Join the club. My stupid reply was in response to the stupid comment from
Spurious response.

Thinks. In the UK a kettle is only used for boiling water. Usually for
making tea or instant coffee. Do you guys call some form of general
cooking utensil a kettle too?
Having bought multiple cooking utensils in the past few years, I don't
recall seeing one in a box that said "kettle". From what I can gather, that
is pretty much an archaic term, and only used in a context such as tea
kettle; however, the latter is just as often called a tea pot. If I look
around in a store, they will have things called sauce pans (nothing to do
with a pan), stock pots, and Dutch ovens (nothing to do with an oven). I may
be wrong, but to me a kettle is a pot with a wire handle like a bucket. No
reason you could not cook spaghetti in it, if you found one.

I am still trying to figure out what the previous poster meant by aligning
the pasta.


Dave Plowman (News)

Having bought multiple cooking utensils in the past few years, I don't
recall seeing one in a box that said "kettle". From what I can gather,
that is pretty much an archaic term, and only used in a context such as
tea kettle; however, the latter is just as often called a tea pot. If I
look around in a store, they will have things called sauce pans
(nothing to do with a pan), stock pots, and Dutch ovens (nothing to do
with an oven). I may be wrong, but to me a kettle is a pot with a wire
handle like a bucket. No reason you could not cook spaghetti in it, if
you found one.

I think the UK definition means a container with a spout and handle. But
most would consider it the safest way to boil water and fill a cup etc
from it - saucepans are less than ideal for this.
I am still trying to figure out what the previous poster meant by
aligning the pasta.

If it were spaghetti, so it could be poured out of the spout?

Geoffrey S. Mendelson

Tam/WB2TT said:
I am still trying to figure out what the previous poster meant by aligning
the pasta.

If pasta is not aligned properly in relation to the Earth's magnetic
field then it will not cook properly. That's why sometimes it comes
out perfect and other times it comes out mush.

