Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Improve Biometric Lock

does anyone here know how to improve or enhance the bio metric based electromagnetic lock??? please help me. thank you in advance.
Does anyone here know what you are talking about? Probably not.

Please explain what you are talking about, what the part or circuit is, what it is supposed to do, what are the inputs and outputs. Is this a purchased product? Post a link to data, the vendor, photos, etc.

What do you mean by improve or enhance? What is wrong with the one you have? Which biometric does the lock use?


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Does anyone here know what you are talking about? Probably not.

Please explain what you are talking about, what the part or circuit is, what it is supposed to do, what are the inputs and outputs. Is this a purchased product? Post a link to data, the vendor, photos, etc.

What do you mean by improve or enhance? What is wrong with the one you have? Which biometric does the lock use?



The device we planned to make consists of the following: Arduino, GSM Module, Keypad, LCD, Piezoelectric Sensor, Biometric scanner, indicator lamps. We will also use PLC, Power Supply, Battery and Relays. The Bicycle Parking Rack Security System will input your cellphone number for the Notification System and your fingerprint for the Security System. The LCD will display it when the fingerprint is successfully scanned and if your input cellphone number is correct. The LCD will display the words “Successfully Scanned.” once after placing your fingerprint. After fingerprint scanning, you can now put your bike into the rack and lock it. The Arduino will process the information based on the codes that is programmed to control every command of the device. When someone is trying to unlock the device at least three times, the piezoelectric sensor will be triggered and the system will send a warning message to the owner as a notification. Using the GSM Module, the device can connect to other network because of the capability of having a sim card to send a message when a trigger is occurred. The system will restart from the beginning only if the owner unlock it using his/her fingerprint again, and remove the bicycle from the parking rack.

any suggestion to share ? what kind of lock mechanism can we use?
Based on the thread title, are you asking about how to improve the fingerprint scanner? If so, what is the problem with the scanner now? Is there one fingerprint scanner for the entire rack, or one scanner for each bike rack position?
