Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I require help repairing a Kitchenaid Water Kettle

Hey there!

So I got this Kitchenaid Water Kettle and it worked once. I just moved into the place and used it once, worked just fine. Two days later I tried to use it again but nothing, it simply didn't work any longer.
-> no smell of burned electronics or similar, no pop, no light flicker - it's like it was dead from the beginning

So the issue is, since I was in a move I lost the purchase documentation and the store keeps refusing to help me to simply return it so I thought I might open it up and see what could be the issue.

So I opened it up and that's what it looks like:

Here's a video that shows what should happen as soon as it is powered up:
~0:48 for the part of it actually being turned on

Needless to say mine doesn't do shit any longer. Now my electronic knowledge is almost non existing so all I really did was I checked the connections of all plugs that were easy to disconnect and connect afterwards as well as wiggle around the power cord while having it connected to see if its a short within that cable. Within the case, the power cord is being held down with a small piece of plastic (removed in the picture above) and that left this mark:

However nothing I did helped at any point. My initial thought was to maybe purchase some kind of other device to check if the interior of the device actually gets the juice to rule out the power cord itself but I thought it might be a good idea to ask for advice first since I don't know anybody with these kinds of skills. Any help is appreciated.

PS: living in france currently and my french is not that good and I'd like to fix that myself if at all possible
If more pictures are required, I'll make sure to provide those!

Kind regards,
Did you check the wall socket, to see if you blew a fuse/circuit breaker in your home?
Ah yeah, forgot to mention it - I used multiple sockets and I also tried other devices. I can rule out socket issues, it must be the base of the water kettle itself.


they are not really user serviceable ... out one died a couple of weeks ago
went into the rubbish bin. then a trip to the store to get a new one $20

easiest, cheapest and SAFEST thing to do !!

Yeah I suppose that will be the last solution but I honestly want to rescue that expensive piece of crap or at least try!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I agree, check the internal fuse. If you're not in the UK (or Hong Kong), you won't find a plug fuse :)
Ideally with a continuity tester.
You can make one very easily with a torch or a buzzer.
Or just a small bulb, wire and a battery.
Do you not have fuses in the plugs in France?
Something as simple as this..Sewing pins not necessary though.


According to google and looking at the plugs here, no fuses inside (and no way to get to the inside without cutting those apart) - thank you for the answer, I'll try to get a continuity tester ASAP!
Or make one from things around the home. Like the diagram. Can't get any easier than that.
Like Steve said, probably not in your plug.

Alright, I checked this using an analog multimeter,
this is how the inside look like:

This is a picture of where I checked it:

First off, the socket itself works just fine. Red marks the point I held the entire time (the only wire that comes directly out of the power cable and does not go directly into the board with the fuse), purple as well as light blue both gave off ~230 ACV (is that how it's written?), I also tested it with the other end of the fuse and it worked the same. So I think that proves that the fuse works just fine right?
What could I try from here on out?
I can't really say for sure by the picture.
But you need to unplug it and check your purple again and the other side of the fuse. Not for voltage but for continuity.

Yes, looks to be fine.
There are two big white boxes.
They are relays, can you here either click when you apply power and turn the kettle on?
First of all, thank you for taking time to help me! Second though I am sorry that have to ask like this, what is it exactly that you want me to try?
OK, sorry.
On the board where the fuse is.
There are two rectangular white boxes.
They are relays...
If you plug the base of the kettle in and turn the switch on, can you here either of those click?
Better still, can you give a better pic of the relay?

I don't think they are the problem though.
I think the Varistor or commonly known 'mov' may have blown.

To check for clicks it'll take a bit longer as I have to reassemble that thing partially due to the way its built. However as you can see from the video I posted in the initial thread, the base should work alone without the kettle itself already, just in case that makes any difference.

In the meantime, new pictures:

Voltage checks show voltage when I connect the parts as shown on the picture, however not in any other constellation.

Here's a picture of one of the relays:
Thank you.
There really is not much to go wrong. However, checking may be a little more difficult and CARE must be taken at all times..
You seem to be very good at tracing what is connected to what!!
That is very helpful. So well done.
We need to know that voltage is present to the board that has the variable switch and leds.
Also whether the relays click when powered and base turned on.
Take your time and assemble only the essentialls to keep it safe.
The video does show the base glow, beep and led get brighter.
We want to verify the boards are getting voltage.
Take care and tell us your findings.

No matter what I tried, I couldn't hear a click - if there is a click it must be extremely quiet.
In any case though, a couple of things that may or may not be relevant (the challenge of not knowing anything)

Here's the base for the overlay of the first board:

The overlay (photoshop helped):

And my professional additions of what's what (I think):

Now apart from all of these possibly irrelevant things, I wonder about #1:
There's a white smudge that looks out of place since there's nothing like it anywhere else.

And #2:
I checked voltage again, had one contact on purple and the other on the entire metallic "plate" on which the red dot can be seen. However the red dot marks the spot where voltage was detected, 1-2mm in any other direction and the meter went dead until I'd hit that spot again.

This is the connector that goes from the first board to the on/off (start cooking) switch - on the inside of that connector are 4 pins, I wasn't able to detect any voltage on them.

Just for refence, here's the unedited picture from the first post for the entire overview without any modifications:

And thank you for the compliment, since I am the one who needs the help I'll try to be as useful as possible of course! :) If more/better pictures are required - just ask, more than happy to take them of course.
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