Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to develop a random number generation device


John Fields

But the state just before lockup *is* the lockup state.

No, it isn't.

The state before lockup is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.

If it _was_ the lockup state it would be 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.
And the state
just after lockup is the same. Either the register is all 0's, and
it's locked forever, or it's some other code, in which case it hopping
through the 2^n-1 states, none of which are zero.

That's not true. With the detector in place the state before all
zeros is: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
which is followed by: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and then: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XNOR feedback?

No, XOR, while the detector is a 7-input NOR. Here:

Version 4
SHEET 1 1140 680
WIRE 1008 -496 -320 -496
WIRE -400 -480 -432 -480
WIRE -432 -448 -432 -480
WIRE -432 -448 -480 -448
WIRE -560 -432 -880 -432
WIRE 464 -432 -320 -432
WIRE -432 -384 -480 -384
WIRE 224 -368 -320 -368
WIRE -432 -352 -432 -384
WIRE -400 -352 -432 -352
WIRE -256 -304 -320 -304
WIRE 704 -224 96 -224
WIRE -880 -192 -880 -432
WIRE -880 -192 -928 -192
WIRE 464 -192 464 -432
WIRE 464 -192 96 -192
WIRE -1008 -176 -1056 -176
WIRE 32 -176 -784 -176
WIRE -16 -160 -784 -160
WIRE 224 -160 224 -368
WIRE 224 -160 96 -160
WIRE -256 -144 -256 -304
WIRE -256 -144 -784 -144
WIRE -848 -128 -928 -128
WIRE -496 -128 -784 -128
WIRE -736 -112 -784 -112
WIRE -864 112 -1216 112
WIRE -624 112 -864 112
WIRE -384 112 -624 112
WIRE -144 112 -384 112
WIRE 96 112 -144 112
WIRE 336 112 96 112
WIRE 576 112 336 112
WIRE 816 112 576 112
WIRE 944 112 816 112
WIRE -864 160 -864 112
WIRE -624 160 -624 112
WIRE -384 160 -384 112
WIRE -144 160 -144 112
WIRE 96 160 96 112
WIRE 336 160 336 112
WIRE 576 160 576 112
WIRE 816 160 816 112
WIRE -1056 208 -1056 -176
WIRE -944 208 -1056 208
WIRE -736 208 -736 -112
WIRE -736 208 -784 208
WIRE -704 208 -736 208
WIRE -496 208 -496 -128
WIRE -496 208 -544 208
WIRE -464 208 -496 208
WIRE -256 208 -256 -144
WIRE -256 208 -304 208
WIRE -224 208 -256 208
WIRE -16 208 -16 -160
WIRE -16 208 -64 208
WIRE 16 208 -16 208
WIRE 224 208 224 -160
WIRE 224 208 176 208
WIRE 256 208 224 208
WIRE 464 208 464 -192
WIRE 464 208 416 208
WIRE 496 208 464 208
WIRE 704 208 704 -224
WIRE 704 208 656 208
WIRE 736 208 704 208
WIRE 1008 208 1008 -496
WIRE 1008 208 896 208
WIRE -976 256 -1056 256
WIRE -944 256 -976 256
WIRE -704 256 -736 256
WIRE -464 256 -496 256
WIRE -224 256 -256 256
WIRE 16 256 -16 256
WIRE 256 256 224 256
WIRE 496 256 464 256
WIRE 736 256 704 256
WIRE -1216 288 -1216 112
WIRE -1056 288 -1056 256
WIRE -976 352 -976 256
WIRE -736 352 -736 256
WIRE -736 352 -976 352
WIRE -496 352 -496 256
WIRE -496 352 -736 352
WIRE -256 352 -256 256
WIRE -256 352 -496 352
WIRE -16 352 -16 256
WIRE -16 352 -256 352
WIRE 224 352 224 256
WIRE 224 352 -16 352
WIRE 464 352 464 256
WIRE 464 352 224 352
WIRE 704 352 704 256
WIRE 704 352 464 352
WIRE -1216 384 -1216 368
WIRE -1056 384 -1056 368
WIRE -1056 384 -1216 384
WIRE -864 384 -864 304
WIRE -624 384 -624 304
WIRE -624 384 -864 384
WIRE -384 384 -384 304
WIRE -384 384 -624 384
WIRE -144 384 -144 304
WIRE -144 384 -384 384
WIRE 96 384 96 304
WIRE 96 384 -144 384
WIRE 336 384 336 304
WIRE 336 384 96 384
WIRE 576 384 576 304
WIRE 576 384 336 384
WIRE 816 384 816 304
WIRE 816 384 576 384
WIRE 944 384 944 112
WIRE 944 384 816 384
WIRE -1216 432 -1216 384
FLAG -1216 432 0
SYMBOL voltage -1056 272 R0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 0 1e-6 1e-6 .001 .002)
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -864 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -976 -96 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR InstName A14
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -624 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -384 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -144 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 96 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 336 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 576 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 816 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -528 -352 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -368 -400 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR InstName A10
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -368 -272 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR InstName A11
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\or 64 -128 R180
WINDOW 3 -8 128 Invisible 0
SYMATTR InstName A12
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\or -816 -208 M0
WINDOW 3 -8 128 Invisible 0
SYMATTR InstName A13
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL voltage -1216 272 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(5 0 1e-6)
TEXT -704 536 Left 0 !.tran 0 .512 0

So you're just detecting some arbitrary state, and forcing the next
state to be zero. Then detecting the zero state 0 and restarting the

Vladimir Vassilevsky

Spehro Pefhany wrote:

If you care about fault tolerance you will ensure recovery from a zero
state which occurs at any time.

The all zero state just should not be. If it is, it means that the major
screw up happened. In the cases where it really matters (such as
encryption, gambling machines, etc.) they run the self test sequences at
the every few cycles. This is in the addition to all sorts of other


John Larkin

If you care about fault tolerance you will ensure recovery from a zero
state which occurs at any time.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

That gets into the philosophical issue: should we attempt to detect
and correct for transient hardware errors in digital systems? That can
apply to config bits in FPGAs (do we check them on a regular basis?),
registers in uPs (including PC, SP, etc), values in counters,

We generally assume that if it's broke, it's broke.


Spehro Pefhany

That gets into the philosophical issue: should we attempt to detect
and correct for transient hardware errors in digital systems? That can
apply to config bits in FPGAs (do we check them on a regular basis?),
registers in uPs (including PC, SP, etc), values in counters,

I generally do. Check or refresh (sometimes checking has side effects
or refreshing has side effects, unfortunately).
We generally assume that if it's broke, it's broke.


If power cycling doesn't happen regularly or cheaply then a flipped
bit can have almost the same cost as a hardware failure. Since soft
errors are more common than hardware problems, IME, why not try to
increase the reliabilty of your product? Of course for bench
instruments or if there's a power switch within easy reach, it's not
so important, but consider a microcontroller-based signal conditioner
sitting out in an inaccessible area of a large plant and powered 24/7
for years and years. For space stuff there's generally a way of
recovering from that sort of thing, which is good because single event
upsets are more likely in that enviroment.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
That's not true. With the detector in place the state before all
zeros is: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
which is followed by: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and then: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

It follows that the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sequence isn't a lock-up state for
your generator. Presumably, one or more of of your XORs is actually an
XNOR and the actual lock-up state is something different.

John Larkin

I generally do. Check or refresh (sometimes checking has side effects
or refreshing has side effects, unfortunately).

If power cycling doesn't happen regularly or cheaply then a flipped
bit can have almost the same cost as a hardware failure. Since soft
errors are more common than hardware problems, IME, why not try to
increase the reliabilty of your product? Of course for bench
instruments or if there's a power switch within easy reach, it's not
so important, but consider a microcontroller-based signal conditioner
sitting out in an inaccessible area of a large plant and powered 24/7
for years and years. For space stuff there's generally a way of
recovering from that sort of thing, which is good because single event
upsets are more likely in that enviroment.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

In most of our recent products, the big heap of dynamic bits are FPGA
config bits, sometimes 5 million per chip [1]. They are also,
probably, the worst as regards being flipped by neutrons or whatever.
And we can't read them back to see if they're OK, and we can't afford
to regularly reset the FPGAs and reprogram them.


[1] which has to fit into a 4Mbit eprom! Luckily, they compress
No, it isn't.

The state before lockup is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.

If it _was_ the lockup state it would be 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.

That's not true. With the detector in place the state before all
zeros is: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
which is followed by: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and then: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

What's wrong with using the regular XOR feedback but simply invert the
output? Surely that eliminates the possibility of lockups (allowing
all zero state) and uses just one extra NOT gate:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.--|>o--|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
| | | | |

John Larkin

What's wrong with using the regular XOR feedback but simply invert the
output? Surely that eliminates the possibility of lockups (allowing
all zero state) and uses just one extra NOT gate:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.--|>o--|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
| | | | |

Then all 1's is the lockup state.



I would recommend searching through the Microchip website.
There you will find articles on Random Number Generators, and details
on specific devices that can drive display modules directly.

I agree. I've built pseudo-random noise generators from basic parts (I
used chips but today a FPLA would be the thing) and they work. But
assuming the "research" doesn't require true random numbers there are
chips out there that already do the job and are quite optimized within
their parameters.

Of course if you DO need random numbers then things get quit a bit
more sticky. In that case you first need a truly random source.
Candidates are atomic decay (geiger counters or other detectors of
radioactivity), noise diodes (there are chips that do this) or natural
noice (the sound between stations) or at very low frequencies one can
simply use a keystroke recording a system clock as a randomizer. The
problem with all these methods is you MUST check the system output
statistics for true randomness. Often things that appear random are
not. (a pseudo random noise generator for example) Testing for true
randomness is not as simple as you might think!

John Fields

It follows that the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sequence isn't a lock-up state for
your generator.

That's right. There _is_ no lock-up state in the generator.
Presumably, one or more of of your XORs is actually an
XNOR and the actual lock-up state is something different.

Your presumption is correct, if you're referring to the LTSPICE
circuit list I posted earlier. I used XNORs in error, which would
have made the lockup state all ones.

The BASIC source code I posted, however, is correct.

Here's the corrected circuit list:

Version 4
SHEET 1 1140 680
WIRE 1008 -496 -320 -496
WIRE -384 -480 -432 -480
WIRE -432 -448 -432 -480
WIRE -432 -448 -480 -448
WIRE 464 -432 -320 -432
WIRE -544 -400 -880 -400
WIRE -432 -384 -480 -384
WIRE 224 -368 -320 -368
WIRE -432 -352 -432 -384
WIRE -384 -352 -432 -352
WIRE -256 -304 -320 -304
WIRE 704 -224 96 -224
WIRE -880 -192 -880 -400
WIRE -880 -192 -928 -192
WIRE 464 -192 464 -432
WIRE 464 -192 96 -192
WIRE 32 -176 -784 -176
WIRE -16 -160 -784 -160
WIRE 224 -160 224 -368
WIRE 224 -160 96 -160
WIRE -992 -144 -1056 -144
WIRE -256 -144 -256 -304
WIRE -256 -144 -784 -144
WIRE -848 -128 -928 -128
WIRE -496 -128 -784 -128
WIRE -736 -112 -784 -112
WIRE -864 112 -1216 112
WIRE -624 112 -864 112
WIRE -384 112 -624 112
WIRE -144 112 -384 112
WIRE 96 112 -144 112
WIRE 336 112 96 112
WIRE 576 112 336 112
WIRE 816 112 576 112
WIRE 944 112 816 112
WIRE -864 160 -864 112
WIRE -624 160 -624 112
WIRE -384 160 -384 112
WIRE -144 160 -144 112
WIRE 96 160 96 112
WIRE 336 160 336 112
WIRE 576 160 576 112
WIRE 816 160 816 112
WIRE -1056 208 -1056 -144
WIRE -944 208 -1056 208
WIRE -736 208 -736 -112
WIRE -736 208 -784 208
WIRE -704 208 -736 208
WIRE -496 208 -496 -128
WIRE -496 208 -544 208
WIRE -464 208 -496 208
WIRE -256 208 -256 -144
WIRE -256 208 -304 208
WIRE -224 208 -256 208
WIRE -16 208 -16 -160
WIRE -16 208 -64 208
WIRE 16 208 -16 208
WIRE 224 208 224 -160
WIRE 224 208 176 208
WIRE 256 208 224 208
WIRE 464 208 464 -192
WIRE 464 208 416 208
WIRE 496 208 464 208
WIRE 704 208 704 -224
WIRE 704 208 656 208
WIRE 736 208 704 208
WIRE 1008 208 1008 -496
WIRE 1008 208 896 208
WIRE -976 256 -1056 256
WIRE -944 256 -976 256
WIRE -704 256 -736 256
WIRE -464 256 -496 256
WIRE -224 256 -256 256
WIRE 16 256 -16 256
WIRE 256 256 224 256
WIRE 496 256 464 256
WIRE 736 256 704 256
WIRE -1216 288 -1216 112
WIRE -1056 288 -1056 256
WIRE -976 352 -976 256
WIRE -736 352 -736 256
WIRE -736 352 -976 352
WIRE -496 352 -496 256
WIRE -496 352 -736 352
WIRE -256 352 -256 256
WIRE -256 352 -496 352
WIRE -16 352 -16 256
WIRE -16 352 -256 352
WIRE 224 352 224 256
WIRE 224 352 -16 352
WIRE 464 352 464 256
WIRE 464 352 224 352
WIRE 704 352 704 256
WIRE 704 352 464 352
WIRE -1216 384 -1216 368
WIRE -1056 384 -1056 368
WIRE -1056 384 -1216 384
WIRE -864 384 -864 304
WIRE -624 384 -624 304
WIRE -624 384 -864 384
WIRE -384 384 -384 304
WIRE -384 384 -624 384
WIRE -144 384 -144 304
WIRE -144 384 -384 384
WIRE 96 384 96 304
WIRE 96 384 -144 384
WIRE 336 384 336 304
WIRE 336 384 96 384
WIRE 576 384 576 304
WIRE 576 384 336 384
WIRE 816 384 816 304
WIRE 816 384 576 384
WIRE 944 384 944 112
WIRE 944 384 816 384
WIRE -1216 432 -1216 384
FLAG -1216 432 0
SYMBOL voltage -1056 272 R0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 0 1e-6 1e-6 .001 .002)
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -864 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -976 -96 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A14
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -624 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -384 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -144 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 96 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 336 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 576 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 816 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -528 -352 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -368 -528 M0
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A10
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -368 -400 M0
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A11
SYMBOL Digital\\or 64 -128 R180
WINDOW 3 -8 128 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A12
SYMBOL Digital\\or -816 -208 M0
WINDOW 3 -8 128 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A13
SYMBOL voltage -1216 272 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(5 0 1e-6)
TEXT -704 536 Left 0 !.tran 0 .512 0

John Fields

That gets into the philosophical issue: should we attempt to detect
and correct for transient hardware errors in digital systems? That can
apply to config bits in FPGAs (do we check them on a regular basis?),
registers in uPs (including PC, SP, etc), values in counters,

We generally assume that if it's broke, it's broke.

John Fields

Here's the corrected circuit list:


_Here's_ the corrected circuit list:

Version 4
SHEET 1 1140 680
WIRE 1008 -496 -320 -496
WIRE -384 -480 -432 -480
WIRE -432 -448 -432 -480
WIRE -432 -448 -480 -448
WIRE 464 -432 -320 -432
WIRE -544 -400 -880 -400
WIRE -432 -384 -480 -384
WIRE 224 -368 -320 -368
WIRE -432 -352 -432 -384
WIRE -384 -352 -432 -352
WIRE -256 -304 -320 -304
WIRE 704 -224 96 -224
WIRE -880 -192 -880 -400
WIRE -880 -192 -928 -192
WIRE 464 -192 464 -432
WIRE 464 -192 96 -192
WIRE 32 -176 -784 -176
WIRE -16 -160 -784 -160
WIRE 224 -160 224 -368
WIRE 224 -160 96 -160
WIRE -992 -144 -1056 -144
WIRE -256 -144 -256 -304
WIRE -256 -144 -784 -144
WIRE -848 -128 -928 -128
WIRE -496 -128 -784 -128
WIRE -736 -112 -784 -112
WIRE 944 64 -1216 64
WIRE -864 112 -1136 112
WIRE -624 112 -864 112
WIRE -384 112 -624 112
WIRE -144 112 -384 112
WIRE 96 112 -144 112
WIRE 336 112 96 112
WIRE 576 112 336 112
WIRE 816 112 576 112
WIRE -864 160 -864 112
WIRE -624 160 -624 112
WIRE -384 160 -384 112
WIRE -144 160 -144 112
WIRE 96 160 96 112
WIRE 336 160 336 112
WIRE 576 160 576 112
WIRE 816 160 816 112
WIRE -1056 208 -1056 -144
WIRE -944 208 -1056 208
WIRE -736 208 -736 -112
WIRE -736 208 -784 208
WIRE -704 208 -736 208
WIRE -496 208 -496 -128
WIRE -496 208 -544 208
WIRE -464 208 -496 208
WIRE -256 208 -256 -144
WIRE -256 208 -304 208
WIRE -224 208 -256 208
WIRE -16 208 -16 -160
WIRE -16 208 -64 208
WIRE 16 208 -16 208
WIRE 224 208 224 -160
WIRE 224 208 176 208
WIRE 256 208 224 208
WIRE 464 208 464 -192
WIRE 464 208 416 208
WIRE 496 208 464 208
WIRE 704 208 704 -224
WIRE 704 208 656 208
WIRE 736 208 704 208
WIRE 1008 208 1008 -496
WIRE 1008 208 896 208
WIRE -976 256 -1056 256
WIRE -944 256 -976 256
WIRE -704 256 -736 256
WIRE -464 256 -496 256
WIRE -224 256 -256 256
WIRE 16 256 -16 256
WIRE 256 256 224 256
WIRE 496 256 464 256
WIRE 736 256 704 256
WIRE -1216 288 -1216 64
WIRE -1056 288 -1056 256
WIRE -976 352 -976 256
WIRE -736 352 -736 256
WIRE -736 352 -976 352
WIRE -496 352 -496 256
WIRE -496 352 -736 352
WIRE -256 352 -256 256
WIRE -256 352 -496 352
WIRE -16 352 -16 256
WIRE -16 352 -256 352
WIRE 224 352 224 256
WIRE 224 352 -16 352
WIRE 464 352 464 256
WIRE 464 352 224 352
WIRE 704 352 704 256
WIRE 704 352 464 352
WIRE -1216 384 -1216 368
WIRE -1136 384 -1136 112
WIRE -1136 384 -1216 384
WIRE -1056 384 -1056 368
WIRE -1056 384 -1136 384
WIRE -864 384 -864 304
WIRE -624 384 -624 304
WIRE -624 384 -864 384
WIRE -384 384 -384 304
WIRE -384 384 -624 384
WIRE -144 384 -144 304
WIRE -144 384 -384 384
WIRE 96 384 96 304
WIRE 96 384 -144 384
WIRE 336 384 336 304
WIRE 336 384 96 384
WIRE 576 384 576 304
WIRE 576 384 336 384
WIRE 816 384 816 304
WIRE 816 384 576 384
WIRE 944 384 944 64
WIRE 944 384 816 384
WIRE -1216 432 -1216 384
FLAG -1216 432 0
SYMBOL voltage -1056 272 R0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 0 1e-6 1e-6 .001 .002)
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -864 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -976 -96 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A14
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -624 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -384 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop -144 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 96 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 336 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 576 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 816 160 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -528 -352 R180
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -368 -528 M0
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A10
SYMBOL Digital\\xor -368 -400 M0
WINDOW 3 16 112 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A11
SYMBOL Digital\\or 64 -128 R180
WINDOW 3 -8 128 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A12
SYMBOL Digital\\or -816 -208 M0
WINDOW 3 -8 128 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value trise 10e-9 vhigh 5v
SYMATTR InstName A13
SYMBOL voltage -1216 272 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(5 0 1e-6)
TEXT -1192 408 Left 0 !.tran 0 .512 0

John Larkin

And my point is that it shouldn't "accidentally" get into a broken
state, any more than the program counter of a CPU should accidentally
find itself in never-never land.

If a digital system is unreliable, the cause should be found and
fixed. The problem with kluges like this is the same problem with
watchdog timers: they hide the real problem, so keep it from getting

I always turn off the watchdog timer on test units, and protos
delivered to customers. I only enable it after we're sure we don't
need it.


Rich Grise

Then all 1's is the lockup state.

The Xilinx app note says that using the all 1's lockup state is
recommended, (i.e., XNOR) because the flip-flops' default powerup
state is 0, which is in the sequence, so it doesn't lock up by
default. ;-)


John Larkin

The Xilinx app note says that using the all 1's lockup state is
recommended, (i.e., XNOR) because the flip-flops' default powerup
state is 0, which is in the sequence, so it doesn't lock up by
default. ;-)


Shift registers are very cheap in Xilinx chips (you can use the cell
config bits) so you can make huge sequences. And you can initialize
any shift register to any pattern, so an xor or xnor is equally safe,
as long as you init it to something random-ish.

We just did an FPGA that contains eight channels of Gaussian noise
generator. Each channel uses, as I recall, eight *long* shift
registers of different sequence lengths, with a 16 bit random number
manufactured by scrambling bits from various registers. Every shift
register is initialized to something different. Clocked at 128 MHz, no
channel will repeat a pattern in the life of the universe.

The 16-bit random words are digitally lowpass filtered to produce a
nearly-Gaussian probability distrib and programmable -3 dB point, from
mHz to 2 MHz.



And my point is that it shouldn't "accidentally" get into a broken
state, any more than the program counter of a CPU should accidentally
find itself in never-never land.

If a digital system is unreliable, the cause should be found and
fixed. The problem with kluges like this is the same problem with
watchdog timers: they hide the real problem, so keep it from getting

I always turn off the watchdog timer on test units, and protos
delivered to customers. I only enable it after we're sure we don't
need it.

Watch dogs don't always recover the system from a glitch. If you are
storing data in battery back RAM or flash, you need to be sure that
wrong values don't cause things to hang in some non-recoverable way.


I agree. I've built pseudo-random noise generators from basic parts (I
used chips but today a FPLA would be the thing) and they work. But
assuming the "research" doesn't require true random numbers there are
chips out there that already do the job and are quite optimized within
their parameters.

Of course if you DO need random numbers then things get quit a bit
more sticky. In that case you first need a truly random source.
Candidates are atomic decay (geiger counters or other detectors of
radioactivity), noise diodes (there are chips that do this) or natural
noice (the sound between stations) or at very low frequencies one can
simply use a keystroke recording a system clock as a randomizer. The
problem with all these methods is you MUST check the system output
statistics for true randomness. Often things that appear random are
not. (a pseudo random noise generator for example) Testing for true
randomness is not as simple as you might think!

For that matter it is not actually possible. Any string of bits no
matter how long may just be part of a longer repeated string. You
have to assume things about what the circuit is doing to be able
really test for it being random. This is where you can get into
serious trouble because what you assume my blind you to a problem with
a random generator.

The odds of getting 10 zeros in a row vs the odds of 100 zeros and
etc depends on the low frequency content of the noise. Ac coupling in
the circuit messes with this.

Guy Macon

John said:
And my point is that it shouldn't "accidentally" get into a broken
state, any more than the program counter of a CPU should accidentally
find itself in never-never land.

If a digital system is unreliable, the cause should be found and
fixed. The problem with kluges like this is the same problem with
watchdog timers: they hide the real problem, so keep it from getting

I always turn off the watchdog timer on test units, and protos
delivered to customers. I only enable it after we're sure we don't
need it.

I have seen engineers get into trouble that would have been
avoided had they only followed the above advice.

Another problem-hider is filling unused ROM with jumps to the
reset vector. I only do that on the production units; for
the prototype (and sometimes for the pilot run) I like to fill
unused ROM with stop instructions.

A technique that I sometimes use when designing toys is to
have the button / switch that tells the toy to start moving
and making noise cause a hardware reset, and the timeout at
the end of play that tells the toy to stop moving and conserve
power to invoke the deepest available sleep mode -- usually
with the clock stopped entirely -- to be woken up by the next
hardware reset. In industrial control applications you
sometimes see the same sort of thing but with a counter causing
the resets to occur every N seconds. This techniques isn't
always applicable (check to see how fast the oscillator can
come up, for example; some are annoyingly slow) but in some
limited cases it works well.

John Fields

And my point is that it shouldn't "accidentally" get into a broken
state, any more than the program counter of a CPU should accidentally
find itself in never-never land.

It shouldn't, but it can [get into a "broken" state] if that broken
state is allowed to exist. For instance, a glitch on a power supply
rail can cause any number of problems, including putting a shift
register in a prohibited state and causing a circuit to hang.

My circuit (Not "mine" in the sense that I invented it; I didn't.)
side-steps the problem by forcing the potentially problematical
normally prohibited state to be part of the sequence.
If a digital system is unreliable, the cause should be found and

I agree, and my circuit is just one way to make the circuit more
reliable by totally eliminating the lock-up state.
The problem with kluges like this is the same problem with
watchdog timers: they hide the real problem, so keep it from getting

It's hardly a kluge, and I have trouble understanding why someone as
ostensibly intelligent as you profess to be can't see that the
circuit eliminates a potential problem. Either that or you're
miffed about something.


Another problem-hider is filling unused ROM with jumps to the
reset vector. I only do that on the production units; for
the prototype (and sometimes for the pilot run) I like to fill
unused ROM with stop instructions.

On the 8051 an erased cell is a worthless instruction that will let
the PC count off the end of code space and back in at 0000H. This has
the same effect.

I sometimes put a break point at 0FFFFH and run the code just to make
sure it doesn't happen.

An external watchdog to force the hardware into a safe state is a very
useful thing for making faults less costly. Here's an example of
something I have suggested humorously but would never in fact

Micros today commonly have an ADC so they can measure their own supply
voltage if the supply is not the reference for the ADC.

A very low parts count bucker regulator could be made if the micro
measured its supply voltage and turned off the pass transistor if the
voltage was more than the set point. The hardware would have to
default to turning the pass transistor on so that the system starts