Maker Pro
Maker Pro

how to bypass dremel tool internal variable speed control?



Last time I saw a cat go through a fan, it went in white and came out
mostly red.
Gerry :)}
London, Canada

Im bottle feeding a kitten (the other 2 didnt make it more than a
day), not weaned yet, whose momma decided to sleep on that nice warm
forklift engine. The client knew there were kittens and kept an eye
on them for a couple days and realized that momma was not going to
care for them. He thought she had abandoned them...until she started
to stink. He found everything other than her head. Took a while to
get most of the pieces out of the forklift though. They finally
resorted to a pressure washer.....

I figure they were without food or water for about 5 days. Two died,
the third is a loud, hungry, obnoxious little asshole.
Ive named her Hillary.



Im bottle feeding a kitten (the other 2 didnt make it more than a
day), not weaned yet, whose momma decided to sleep on that nice warm
forklift engine. The client knew there were kittens and kept an eye
on them for a couple days and realized that momma was not going to
care for them. He thought she had abandoned them...until she started
to stink. He found everything other than her head. Took a while to
get most of the pieces out of the forklift though. They finally
resorted to a pressure washer.....

I figure they were without food or water for about 5 days. Two died,
the third is a loud, hungry, obnoxious little asshole.
Ive named her Hillary.

Does she watch ringside, while your intern/girlfriend gives you head?

Michael A. Terrell

Gerald said:
Last time I saw a cat go through a fan, it went in white and came out
mostly red.

So, cats can qualify for the 'Darwin Award', too? :(

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Gunner said:
Im bottle feeding a kitten (the other 2 didnt make it more than a
day), not weaned yet, whose momma decided to sleep on that nice warm
forklift engine. The client knew there were kittens and kept an eye
on them for a couple days and realized that momma was not going to
care for them. He thought she had abandoned them...until she started
to stink. He found everything other than her head. Took a while to
get most of the pieces out of the forklift though. They finally
resorted to a pressure washer.....

I figure they were without food or water for about 5 days. Two died,
the third is a loud, hungry, obnoxious little asshole.
I've named her Hillary.


Good luck with her, Gunner. :)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Good luck with her, Gunner. :)

Got a really odd look the other day..working on a machine too, told
the customer Id be right back, I needed to go feed the baby.

He followed me out to my truck and within a couple minutes, he is
standing there in the middle of the parking lot with a tiny baby
bottle in one hand..feeding a hungry kitten in the other.each making
baby noises at each other, and a big grin on his face as Hillary made
bread on his hands, sucking on the bottle.



Got a really odd look the other day..working on a machine too, told
the customer Id be right back, I needed to go feed the baby.

He followed me out to my truck and within a couple minutes, he is
standing there in the middle of the parking lot with a tiny baby
bottle in one hand..feeding a hungry kitten in the other.each making
baby noises at each other, and a big grin on his face as Hillary made
bread on his hands, sucking on the bottle.

I guess you did name her appropriately. ...except it's Bill sucking
on the bottle.

Bruce L. Bergman

So, cats can qualify for the 'Darwin Award', too? :(

Sorry, no. Sentient and self aware thinking beings only.

One of the key elements of earning a DA as I see it is doing
something extremely stupid with the advance knowledge that it is
extremely stupid, but you deliberately go ahead and do it anyway.

"Here, hold my beer and watch this!"

--<< Bruce >>--

Joseph Gwinn

Bruce L. Bergman said:
Sorry, no. Sentient and self aware thinking beings only.

Umm. Cats are all three.

The problem is that it's hard to interview them.

Joe Gwinn


Umm. Cats are all three.

The problem is that it's hard to interview them.

Joe Gwinn

They are very good at asking for more food (demanding), and more pets!

Belly petting ONLY when Belly is authorized!

The cats are the masters... we are at their beckon call! :-]


I'm on my second electronic variable speed control inside my Dremel
model 395 tool. This one just crapped out with the same temperamental
symptoms as the last one. I need to use the tool tomorrow night, and
would like to bypass the internal variable speed circuitry to simplify
it; maybe buy an external control later.

There aren't any wiring diagrams I could find on the Dremel site. I'm
thinking if I had one for the model 275 tool (single speed) and the
395 (electronic variable speed), I might be able to make the 395 into
a 275 by just jumpering some wires. I'll probaqbly need to at least
retain the variable speed assembly, since the brushes fit into it.

Can anyone help?

1) Turn knob all the way up.

2) Apply large piece of tape onto knob, such that it can no longer be

3) Use fixed setting tool.

Problem: You are allowing to much dust from whatever you are using the
tool on to get into the inner works of the dremel. The tape will seal it
off, for one thing. You could actually seal it off at a speed other than
max as well.

Gunner Asch

Umm. Cats are all three.

The problem is that it's hard to interview them.

Joe Gwinn

Its easy to interview them. However...if they dont like you, or get
bored...they wont tell you shit.


Bruce L. Bergman

Okay, maybe 'sentient' would be a better word than 'self-aware', but
I still stand behind the statement.
On their terms.

When mine shows you his belly, don't believe it. It's bait!

Only if you're a cheeken and give up too easy. I call their bluff
if they try using claws - they get their paw slapped and a "No!"

If I start with the belly rubbins I'm going to keep doing it, and
they're going to damn well stop complaining and just sit there and
enjoy it. And it never fails, thirty seconds later they're purring
loud enough for CalTech to pick it up on the seismographs...
The cats are the masters... we are at their beckon call! :-]

Dogs have masters; cats have staff.

Oh youbetcha!

--<< Bruce >>--


Okay, maybe 'sentient' would be a better word than 'self-aware', but
I still stand behind the statement.
On their terms.

When mine shows you his belly, don't believe it. It's bait!

Only if you're a cheeken and give up too easy. I call their bluff
if they try using claws - they get their paw slapped and a "No!"

If I start with the belly rubbins I'm going to keep doing it, and
they're going to damn well stop complaining and just sit there and
enjoy it. And it never fails, thirty seconds later they're purring
loud enough for CalTech to pick it up on the seismographs...
The cats are the masters... we are at their beckon call! :-]

Dogs have masters; cats have staff.

Oh youbetcha!

--<< Bruce >>--

You never met my twenty pound "George Orr" cat. He was an effective

If you violated the authorized belly rule, you may just be pulling back
a bloody stump!

I have a picture of him next to a stack of albums, and he dwarfs them!

We would comb fur out of him, make fur balls big enough to make another
cat, and we attacked them viciously!

If we placed a tiny plastic army man in his water dish, however, he
would "save his life" by reaching in with his paw, and scooping him out
from underneath in a very delicate manner, then sniffing at it along side
the dish to check for life signs.

George Orr was a cool cat! Sad that he is now in kitty heaven... sad
for me... I am sure he is fine.

He used to be able to jump all the way up on the frige, but he quit
doing it when his enormity got to be so much that his paws hurt on his
"return to earth". We think he was trying to achieve escape velocity.

Nope... one did NOT force one's way into the furry softness that was
"Authorized Belly". It was a rare treat, and encroachment was cause for


We would comb fur out of him, make fur balls big enough to make another
cat, and we attacked them viciously!

HE attacked them, not us... :-]


ChairmanOfTheBored said:
You never met my twenty pound "George Orr" cat. He was an effective

This is the first reference to "Lathe of Heaven" I have encountered on
Usenet (then again I haven't searched for one either ;) ).



Rich Grise

Umm. Cats are all three.

The problem is that it's hard to interview them.

Its easy to interview them. However...if they dont like you, or get
bored...they wont tell you shit.[/QUOTE]

Anthropomorphizing cats is a sign of serious mental illness.

Hope This Helps!


Joseph Gwinn <[email protected]> wrote:
Umm. Cats are all three.
The problem is that it's hard to interview them.

Okay, maybe 'sentient' would be a better word than 'self-aware', but
I still stand behind the statement.
They are very good at asking for more food (demanding), and more pets!

On their terms.

Belly petting ONLY when Belly is authorized!

When mine shows you his belly, don't believe it. It's bait!

Only if you're a cheeken and give up too easy. I call their bluff
if they try using claws - they get their paw slapped and a "No!"

If I start with the belly rubbins I'm going to keep doing it, and
they're going to damn well stop complaining and just sit there and
enjoy it. And it never fails, thirty seconds later they're purring
loud enough for CalTech to pick it up on the seismographs...
The cats are the masters... we are at their beckon call! :-]

Dogs have masters; cats have staff.

Oh youbetcha!

--<< Bruce >>--

You never met my twenty pound "George Orr" cat. He was an effective

Our "short-bus kitty" (Louis) just went to the vet for a checkup,
shots, and drugs for the move. He tilted the scales at 26#. He's a
Maine-Coon X mutt, monster. He doesn't like his belly rubbed either,
but will just leave. The other one is an all-black, all-American
short-hair. He's the one with the attitude issues.
If you violated the authorized belly rule, you may just be pulling back
a bloody stump!

He's de-clawed, but the backs are their real weapons. The fronts are
just for show.
I have a picture of him next to a stack of albums, and he dwarfs them!

We would comb fur out of him, make fur balls big enough to make another
cat, and we attacked them viciously!

If we placed a tiny plastic army man in his water dish, however, he
would "save his life" by reaching in with his paw, and scooping him out
from underneath in a very delicate manner, then sniffing at it along side
the dish to check for life signs.

George Orr was a cool cat! Sad that he is now in kitty heaven... sad
for me... I am sure he is fine.

He used to be able to jump all the way up on the frige, but he quit
doing it when his enormity got to be so much that his paws hurt on his
"return to earth". We think he was trying to achieve escape velocity.

Nope... one did NOT force one's way into the furry softness that was
"Authorized Belly". It was a rare treat, and encroachment was cause for

"Thunder" does it for play. He'll roll over and put his paws in the
air, right in front of you, and stretch . He's cute, but what he
really wants is for you to put your arm where he can grab and shred


This is the first reference to "Lathe of Heaven" I have encountered on
Usenet (then again I haven't searched for one either ;) ).

My cat is responsible for the world we now live in. :-]