Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How tasks are broken down into smaller task's

A real-Time operating system may be single or multitasking. What I'm trying to find out is how tasks are broken down into smaller tasks for real-time operating systems. I see that tasks execute on a priority basis. A high-priority task always runs first. I see some tasks have hard timing requirements and some have soft timing requirements. some don't need timing they can execute anytime.

I know how the system tasks will be broken down into smaller tasks it's total depend's on the specific project. I am looking for someone @Harald Kapp to help me to select a specific project for learning and help me to break down system tasks into smaller tasks

Harald Kapp

Probably only sampling needs real time.
FFT can't be real time as it needs the sampled data to compute.
Whether Display needs real time depends on the implementation. If the display is updated in real time, the display routine of course needs to be real time. However, imho one would prepare the page to be displayed in a display buffer (memory) which doesn't require real time. After the display page has been rendered, one would hand the buffer over to the display logic which ideally is realized in hardware and doesn't need software to run it continuously.
Probably only sampling needs real time.
Agreed This project can be done with RTOS and without RTOS. I take the situation that we have to do this project with RTOS.
Now we come back to the original question, we have to split the task for the RTOS. Can you offer any help in understanding how the tasks would be divided for this application