Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help with satellite electronics

Hi all,
I need some advise if possible, I have a satellite automatic dish with a control box, the story is that Astra 2 satellite changed its transponder frequency and the box can no longer detect the signal and the company who produced the boxes say they want £500 as there is no more room on the ATMEGA128 chip.

They say there is no update to change the code inside the chip to lock onto the new frequency!.

Do you all think its possible to have the code changed to the new frequency or is this not possible.?

Here is a link to a pic of the electronics inside the box -

I have in the past dabbled with Arduino but I dont see any serial connections inside the control unit other than a row of pins which maybe some kind of serial lead goes onto.

Thanks for any advise



hi Ian
welcome to the forums :)

probably not

you would have to have a copy of the code, know what section relates to the frequency allocation
make the changes and be either flash a new chip or upload the changes to the existing chip

there may well be hackers out there in the world somewhere that could do this sort of thing
but it wouldn't be something the avg guy could do at home
