Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help please with programming MOI TBS2900 satellite streamer

Hi guys (and girls?),

Hoping someone here can help me, I'm at my wit's end with this and getting nowhere fast.

A couple of years ago I bought a satellite network streaming box called the TBS2900, unfortunately, in order to program/update it using it's own webpage (It runs linux and includes a mini http server for configuring TVHeadend which it uses to stream DVB-S2 satellite TV) or via MicroSD card/USB I need to be on software version 2 or higher, I'm currently on version 1.2.

The unit no longer seems to work using XBMC (Now called KODI) so I want to try updating the unit.

Apparently, in order to upgrade from 1.2 to higher than version 2 I need to use SSH and physically connect my PC to the unit, unfortunately most other users on their forum seem to have a different model from me, they have an RS232 port on the back of theirs as follows:


My unit does not, however, have this RS232 port, it has a smaller 4 pin port and looks like this:


Confusingly, the port is labelled RS232 which I'm sure is wrong, from what I can gather it may be a UART/TTL port? I've not been able to find a cable I can use with it.

Could someone confirm what that port actually is called (It doesn't look proprietary, it seems kind of standard-ish) and where I might be able to get a cable to connect to it from a PC using SSH?

I had, previously, bought the following cable from Amazon but it does not have a connector on the end, it just has 4 separate cables, which I have no clue how to connect or what order the cables should go (I don't want to end up connecting a power cable to the wrong pin and blowing the circuit):

The manufacturer has been singularly unhelpful and I did not get any cable which would fit the connector in the box with the unit.

Hoping someone can save my skin and thanks in advance!

P.S. I'm more than happy to take the cover off and provide images if needed, I've had the cover off already to have a look but was none the wiser, it's old enough that I'm sure it's no longer under warranty, although, as I said, the manufacturer is not very helpful at all and has not responded to support requests. They don't even seem to respond to their own support forum.
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