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help wiring 3 phase washing machine motor

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Incidentally a 3ph motor that was used extensively for crane hoists, but rarely seen today because of VFD etc, is the wound rotor AC induction motor.
Instead of shorting bars, the motor used rotor coils brought out via slip rings, the resultant 3ph was then rectified and a variable resistor bank placed across the DC, varying the induced rotor current.
When decreased to 0 Ohms, the speed was at maximum..
Incidentally a 3ph motor that was used extensively for crane hoists, but rarely seen today because of VFD etc, is the wound rotor AC induction motor.

Also seen one used in the primary jaw drive in a rock crusher. (70HP with resistor bank))
Use of it had many advantages which included being able to literally be able to "rock" the motor by start -stop to clear a large bolder.
Crude I know but it worked for many years until someone "smarter" than us decided a standard runofthemill auto-tranny start motor would be better.
Lasted one full day. :)
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