Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help stereo Light indicator problem on a 1976 technic SA - 5360 stereo receiver:

Hi I am having a problem getting my stereo light indicator to light up. I even adjusted the vco with a screw driver. I get and receive live radio stations that come in just fine I just cannot get the light indicator to light up. I checked the bulb and the bulb is fine. Any suggestions on what else I could do to test or get it to work?? Any help from this thread would be amazeing. Thank you. Joshua


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Hi I am having a problem getting my stereo light indicator to light up. I even adjusted the vco with a screw driver. I get and receive live radio stations that come in just fine I just cannot get the light indicator to light up.

has it ever worked and then stopped ? or have you never seen it working ?

I assume you were on FM mode ?

If it has never worked, the received signal may not be quite strong enough to active the stereo decoder and turn on the indicator
Also make sure you have an external antenna hooked up. Even a cheap dipole wire antenna will do.

By the way, nice receiver. They sure made quality stuff back in the day.