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Greens back retailers' internet GST bid


Rod Speed

Not absolutely everything,

Everything the mainstream media prints is.
but its near impossible to identify the tiny % that isn't ;)
Im not making any claims,

You clearly claimed that they delete comments that include brigalow.
bringing up the subject for discussion
I would be more than happy for someone to prove conclusively
that brigalow is crap, but living in QLD, the reality of life and
where things are heading makes me wonder.

Its hardly surprising that you do see some of that sort of thing.
In my opinion, People like Beattie and Bligh are the sort of pure evil human beings

Thats completely silly.
who would think nothing of doing something something like this.
Joh would certainly have been in on something like this even
though he isnt anywhere near as bad as the current government.

He was even worse, happy to accept bags of money quite literally.
That is the wonder of the thing called "freedom of speech",

You are free to discuss brigalow, just not free to do it in murdoch's shit rags.

I dont even read them unless there isnt anything else to read.
but we won't have that if this turns out to be true.

Thats completely silly. The most it affects is murdoch's shit rags.

Don McKenzie

Don McKenzie wrote:

You must be getting old and stupid if you have to ask that question

I may be old, I may be stupid.
I know the answer, but I was asking what you and others thought Terry.

I guess from your answer, you may not be sure at this stage.

Cheers Don...

Don McKenzie

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Gillard = Rudd in a frock

If it was just the 10% Bob, people would buy locally rather than overseas.
It is the up to 3 times the retail price in some cases, that is the real problem.

Lot of factors can cause that, particularly import duties charged in
Australia, freight, duopoly practices permitted by ALP to detriment of
consumer, etc.
How can large retailers give you up to 70% off during the days between Christmas and the new year. Are they selling at a



Depends what they're selling, and what their usual mark-up over 'cost'
price is.

If their usual markups are 400%, they're still doing OK by 'slashing'
their advertised prices by 50% :)

One problem is retailers and importers have to hold lots of stock, this
is to get it cheaper in bulk. Having stock costs money, it was about
27.5% over three months.

We now have too many stores and shopping centres every place you go to
has the same stuff.

These business people have brought it on themselves and want someone to
blame = joe public.

Rod Speed

Rob wrote
Andy wrote
One problem is retailers and importers have to hold lots of stock,

this is to get it cheaper in bulk.

Its never worth buying more than you can sell at a profit.
Having stock costs money,

Not if you get the volume right.
it was about 27.5% over three months.

Oh bullshit. It never costs that much.
We now have too many stores and shopping centres every place you go to has the same stuff.

They should get a clue and order what they can sell at a profit.
These business people have brought it on themselves

and want someone to blame = joe public.

And only a fool buys that line.


Don said:
I may be old, I may be stupid.
I know the answer, but I was asking what you and others thought Terry.

Yer, yer, yer, so you claim now, but there is no credibility now,
especially for a cross posting troll.


Rob said:
We now have too many stores and shopping centres every place you go to
has the same stuff.

We had this discussion at home recently when swmbo decided to buy some
new cups. As someone who loaths researching items to buy, she was amazed
when another person could list off eight places in the one shopping mall
that sold the particular cup and design she wanted.


Gillard said:
Lot of factors can cause that, particularly import duties charged in
Australia, freight, duopoly practices permitted by ALP to detriment of
consumer, etc.

Yawn. We recently purchased a new printer and scanner. As i wanted
specific brands/models, we went to hardly normal for a look and price
and since they had mostly empty shelves at the time, went around to the
local computer shop and asked his price. His was 20% cheaper than hardly

It is the same in a lot of items. Plenty of stores are cheaper than
hardly normal.

Don McKenzie

Yer, yer, yer, so you claim now, but there is no credibility now, especially for a cross posting troll.

Glad you didn't disappoint me Terry. :)

Cheers Don...


Don McKenzie

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