I got a great big stack of linear Pot's from a 20 Chanel graphic eq that was in a bin. Also a bunch of filters pre arranged and waiting to be re-located.
Plasma Tv's have a mother load of HV and power silicon. As well as good frame steel.
I have a 3d printer/cnc frame I welded from Plasma TV frame.
Giant solar death rays can be had from rear projection tv's (both LCD and CRT) it you peel the screen apart there is a giant magnifying lens. You can focus nearly 2sq meters of sunlight down to a square inch. Big ones can melt/vaporise almost anything. (wear welding gear if you try this, the reflected light has heaps of uv, causes sunburn and eye damage similar to welding. NEVER LEAVE A LENS IN THE SUN UNATENDED!!!)
Printers, especially big commercial ones and photocopiers are great for metal for welding, as well as motors and optical/hall sensors. High Grade steel and stainless rods are great for reinforcing welding projects. My sand scoop I use metal detecting has printer parts in it.
I know a guy that cuts and re-welds Microwave transformer cores into giant flybacks for an electric fence. (Tested in Tasmania and Canada, works on cows and bears with 30km of grassed up fence)
I just fixed my bench grinder with microwave caps.
I have an Ion thruster on youtube I made from an old crt flyback, salvaged heatsink, old speaker wire and a salvadged resistor with a 2n3055 (the only purchased part) as a high voltage joule theif for the 40kv supply. The flyback lives in an ice cream tub filled with vegtable oil. The thruster itself is made from a coconut cream can (from a Satay that was delicious) and a paper clip.