Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Exposed Adapter, Uncertain.

Hello, I purchased a replacement adaptor for a musical keyboard of mine. There are two millimeters of the actual adapter exposed as shiny metal when the adaptor with tip is inserted(it is slightly longer than the insertion hole.)

I was also thinking of covering the last .5 cm with black electric tape. Are there any problems with this idea? Would just the 2mm metal outside of the housing be an electrical problem in any way - or is the current in the tip/inside part, and is safe?

Thank you,

Edit: The tape is more or less to make it look nicer too.
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If its not mains voltage or high current/voltage and it is not possible to easily short circuit it, its probably safe. You could still seal it so there is no danger of short circuit if something small would get in there.
If it's on the low voltage side of your adapter that plugs into your keyboard, then you can use some heatshrink or electrical tape will also be fine if you are concerned about it being exposed.
Those barrel plugs and jacks typically come in two lengths, ~9mm and ~11mm. An 11mm plug in a 9mm jack is only a problem if it gets levered causing physical damage to the jack. You can replace the plug with a shorter one if you like.