Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dumb question re. simple inverter

No, that is not a problem with my explanation.

I said that it uses a high speed converter to convert to 170V DC, then inverts that to AC. This second step would obviously be at 60Hz. The difference is that this step does not require a transformer.

Thanks for the clarification. I guess I was confused because you said they could use a smaller transformer or induction coil because of the high frequency of the boost converter. I appreciate the feedback.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Thanks, Bob. The problem with your explanation is that the inverter output is only 60 cps.
No, you have not understood Bob's explanation.

The input voltage is first stepped up to about 170V DC using a converter operating around 50~100 kHz, then the 170V DC is used to power a circuit that's effectively just a high-voltage amplifier, just like an audio amplifier, which is supplied with the 60 Hz sinewave and generates the output voltage directly without requiring any transformer operating at 50 Hz.

This solution is a lot smaller lighter than the old approach. The amplifier could be a Class D one for maximum efficiency, to reduce the heatsinking requirements as well. It could be made pretty light, quite compact and quite efficient.