Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Do you bother with reading from the LCD (HD44780)?



"I allways buffer them, then write a character from the buffer on a
timer interrupt."

Neat idea, I'll try that some time... at least in microcontrollers that have
enough RAM to keep a "framebuffer" around (I've used some that didn't!).

I start a loop on timer interrupt and check all status flags, then
move on if nothing interesting is happening. Usually the interrupt
loop just takes care of the hardware and posts another software flag
to the main loop. The idea is to spend as little time in the
interrupt as possible, or less. ;-)


I have an extra pin; the R/W pin of the LCD is tied low so output always
works - but I could use that pin to control the line.

Does anyone read from the LCD; and if so, why?

No, I just use the 4-bit (6-wire) interface with blind timing during
display init. There's no reason to ever have to read the display.

Save the extra line and the extra code. Keep it simple.
