Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Do you bother with reading from the LCD (HD44780)?



I have an extra pin; the R/W pin of the LCD is tied low so output always
works - but I could use that pin to control the line.

Does anyone read from the LCD; and if so, why?

Jan Panteltje

I have an extra pin; the R/W pin of the LCD is tied low so output always
works - but I could use that pin to control the line.

Does anyone read from the LCD; and if so, why?

You make a mistake, you need to *read* to check the 'busy flag'.

John Devereux

Jan Panteltje said:
You make a mistake, you need to *read* to check the 'busy flag'.

You don't *have* to - you could assume a "worst case" timing
instead. I used to do this, it means the program can still carry on
even if there is no LCD working. (Without needing timeouts on every
operation). Text output is usually so slow the extra delay does not

Jan Panteltje

You don't *have* to - you could assume a "worst case" timing
instead. I used to do this, it means the program can still carry on
even if there is no LCD working. (Without needing timeouts on every
operation). Text output is usually so slow the extra delay does not

That depends, if you are on RS232 and a small buffer (say 3 characters),
you will be more limited in baudrate if you use a fixed delay.
Your delay will have to accomodate worst case parameters, and be long.

And I do not see how you can select a line in a 4 line display with one bit.

John Devereux

Jan Panteltje said:
That depends, if you are on RS232 and a small buffer (say 3 characters),
you will be more limited in baudrate if you use a fixed delay.
Your delay will have to accomodate worst case parameters, and be long.

Sure, it's not always a good idea.

When I did it I had a separate task for the user interface and the
serial comms. An extra ms will make no difference in the UI task, and
could save a pin and some complexity.
And I do not see how you can select a line in a 4 line display with one bit.

Sorry, don't know what you mean here.


Jan said:
And I do not see how you can select a line in a 4 line display with one bit.

Are you talking about one bit on the interface or one bit in the LCD
control registers ??

Pin number Symbol Level I/O Function
1 Vss - - Power supply (GND)
2 Vcc - - Power supply (+5V)
3 Vee - - Contrast adjust
4 RS 0/1 I 0 = Instruction input/1 = Data input
5 R/W 0/1 I 0 = Write to LCD module/1 = Read from LCD module
6 E 1, 1->0 I Enable signal
7 DB0 0/1 I/O Data bus line 0 (LSB)
8 DB1 0/1 I/O Data bus line 1
9 DB2 0/1 I/O Data bus line 2
10 DB3 0/1 I/O Data bus line 3
11 DB4 0/1 I/O Data bus line 4
12 DB5 0/1 I/O Data bus line 5
13 DB6 0/1 I/O Data bus line 6
14 DB7 0/1 I/O Data bus line 7 (MSB)

I think the OP was wanting to use one bit on his micro to toggle the R/W

As far as reading the busy bit, any character write to the display takes
about 40 uSec to process.
In the past when I used these controllers, I has used a 1mSec interrupt
to control a FIFO out to the LCD.

No looping at all.

If the display was large enough, you might see a flicker.
But a 20x2 display looks solid.



Joel Koltner

John Devereux said:
You don't *have* to - you could assume a "worst case" timing
instead. I used to do this, it means the program can still carry on
even if there is no LCD working. (Without needing timeouts on every
operation). Text output is usually so slow the extra delay does not

This is true, although personally I always checkeded the busy flag just
because it grated on my nerves to have a CPU sitting there in an idle loop to
wait out the "worst case timing" that was usually something like 20x longer
than the "typical" timing. I'd usually have one routine that checked whether
or not the LCD was responding when the system first powered up and, if not,
didn't bother even trying to display anything later. After that if you yanked
out the LCD or it failed, the system would hang until the watchdog timer reset
everything some milliseconds later.

Jan Panteltje

Are you talking about one bit on the interface or one bit in the LCD
control registers ??

Yo uwil lhave to ask the OP,., but I think he was referring to the interface.
I think the OP was wanting to use one bit on his micro to toggle the R/W

Maybe the OP will be back.

As far as reading the busy bit, any character write to the display takes
about 40 uSec to process.
In the past when I used these controllers, I has used a 1mSec interrupt
to control a FIFO out to the LCD.

No looping at all.

Nice site, very informative.

James Beck

That was the OP's idea: 'to use the RW pin to control the line'.
Still not getting it.
If you mean select the line on the display, that is done by moving the
cursor to the memory location of the start of a line. You can do that
with just writes to the command register. It is selected with the R/S

John Devereux

Joel Koltner said:
This is true, although personally I always checkeded the busy flag just
because it grated on my nerves to have a CPU sitting there in an idle loop to
wait out the "worst case timing" that was usually something like 20x longer
than the "typical" timing. I'd usually have one routine that checked whether
or not the LCD was responding when the system first powered up and, if not,
didn't bother even trying to display anything later. After that if you yanked
out the LCD or it failed, the system would hang until the watchdog timer reset
everything some milliseconds later.

Hi Joel,

Sounds like a good compromise.

I don't use character LCDs much anymore, but in olden times I used
them on a shared bus with memory. When the system was dead, it made
fault finding a lot easier to have the rest of the system keep going
without the screen.

Spehro Pefhany

This is true, although personally I always checkeded the busy flag just
because it grated on my nerves to have a CPU sitting there in an idle loop to
wait out the "worst case timing" that was usually something like 20x longer
than the "typical" timing.

You don't need to spin in an idle loop you know, there are lots better
ways to handle things if it's desirable (interrupts, polling loop with
timer etc.)
I'd usually have one routine that checked whether
or not the LCD was responding when the system first powered up and, if not,
didn't bother even trying to display anything later. After that if you yanked
out the LCD or it failed, the system would hang until the watchdog timer reset
everything some milliseconds later.

Sometimes you might want it to limp along even if the display failed.
The display is probably relatively prone to failure since it's
generally pretty exposed.
Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Jan Panteltje

Still not getting it.
If you mean select the line on the display, that is done by moving the
cursor to the memory location of the start of a line. You can do that
with just writes to the command register. It is selected with the R/S

Sure, I know that, you know that, and now it seems the OP also knows that.

Joel Koltner

Hi Spehro,

Spehro Pefhany said:
You don't need to spin in an idle loop you know, there are lots better
ways to handle things if it's desirable (interrupts, polling loop with
timer etc.)

Indeed, although unfortunately LCDs fall into that category where interrupts
don't really look all that attractive because the "typical" LCD write time is
often around 1us per character. For your "run of the mill" "some MHz"
microcontroller, making such an interface interrupt driven may actually end up
slower than polling!
Sometimes you might want it to limp along even if the display failed.

Agreed, in some systems that would be preferable


John Larkin

You don't need to spin in an idle loop you know, there are lots better
ways to handle things if it's desirable (interrupts, polling loop with
timer etc.)

Sometimes you might want it to limp along even if the display failed.
The display is probably relatively prone to failure since it's
generally pretty exposed.

I avoid checking ready flags unless it's really necessary, so the
program won't hang if the peripherial does. If you must spin on a
ready bit, it's prudent to add a timeout on top of that!

You can always pipeline display logic: fetch the next character and
housekeep pointers or whatever in the right place in the loop.

Poke: compute : spin...

is better than

Compute: poke: spin...

but best is

Compute: poke...

I avoid checking ready flags unless it's really necessary, so the
program won't hang if the peripherial does. If you must spin on a
ready bit, it's prudent to add a timeout on top of that!

You can always pipeline display logic: fetch the next character and
housekeep pointers or whatever in the right place in the loop.

Poke: compute : spin...

is better than

Compute: poke: spin...

but best is

Compute: poke...

John- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

I allways buffer them, then write a character from the buffer on a
timer interrupt. If the display is busy just return without doing
anything. Next interrupt tries again. It makes editing very easy and
no delays to the main program whatever the display is doing.

Anthony Fremont

_ said:
I have an extra pin; the R/W pin of the LCD is tied low so output
always works - but I could use that pin to control the line.

Does anyone read from the LCD; and if so, why?

Yes, I do it when I can. It's wayyyyyyyyyyy faster than doing the fixed
delay thing, depending upon the particular LCD. Beware: you can't try to
read the BUSY flag until _after_ you get done initializing the LCD.

Joel Koltner

"I allways buffer them, then write a character from the buffer on a
timer interrupt."

Neat idea, I'll try that some time... at least in microcontrollers that have
enough RAM to keep a "framebuffer" around (I've used some that didn't!).