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Maker Pro

connecting batteries in parallel or series, myth and theory


Vaughn Simon

If a section of the battery bank burst into flames before the generators come
on line, it is no concern for the company, as long as they maintain the load
long enough for the generators to pick it up. The fire suppression systems,
will put out the fire, and the maintenance crew will replace the melted parts.

Good theory but... We had a battery bank go wacko on us once. It wiped out
an entire Motorola trunked radio system. Every bit of equipment and copper in
that equipment building had to be replaced. The whole mess cost about a
megabuck. (fortunately, we had not taken delivery of the radio system yet, so
Motorola, the UPS vender, and their respective insurance companies quietly fixed

After that, we put the batteries in sealed cabinets with forced air venting
to the outside.
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a real NNTP server & news reader program and you will never go back. All you
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You probably already have a news reader program in your computer (Hint: Outlook
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Will poofread for food.
| I thought I would allow everyone to get their two bits in before I opened my
| mouth. So it's time for my view of things.
| Most of the myths, or bad advice isn't really bad advice. It is just
| misapplied advice. Most of the solar energy system installers are at a
| disadvantage right now. Solar power is a growing field and most of the know
| how, designs and regulations are not crafted for that type of application.
| Battery bank design has been crafted around the emergency backup systems.
| Like for telecom systems, mainframe backup system, and other mission
| critical intermittent high load systems. Something to keep things running
| until the diesels start. The things that are important in that system are of
| no concern to a off grid PV system.

And visa-versa ... things that are of concern to off grid PV systems (like
long running time over a gradual DOD, and varying amounts of available
charging power due to changes in wind, sun, and water flow, and variable
demands) are usually not of concern to emergency backup systems.

There's also a scale factor between backing up telco CO or a hospital while
generators start ... and operating a whole house.

| Lets look at the factors.
| Classic application emergency backup.
| It is monitored by a live person, or multi thousand dollar monitoring system
| 24/7
| The value of the battery bank and it's enclosure is immaterial. The
| batteries may cost $250,000 but if the system shuts down, it will cost you
| $2,000,000.

At least the latter dollar figure was the case for a place I used to work at
back in the 1970's.

| Because of that fact, batteries will get changed out as a group every two or
| three years, irrelevant of condition.

And hence a cheap supply of batteries of unknown condition (though possibly
all of similar condition).

| Any batteries that show any problems in the mean time, will get pulled as
| fast as you can spin your head.
| When they are called on to perform, they don't have to run a load for a day
| or two, or even three or four hours.
| The load they are called on to run will drain the entire bank in an hour or
| two. But all they need is for it to run it long enough for the big MW diesel
| generators to come on line in about 30 minutes.

Unfortunately, the place I worked for was space limited. They did not have
space for generators. They had to limit the battery capacity due to space.
The best they could hope for was enough to ride through the short outages
and get shutdown gracefully for the longer ones.

| Once the generators take over, then the battery bank starts it's recharge,
| and maintenance is dispatched to do a physical check of the bank after the
| outage event.
| If a section of the battery bank burst into flames before the generators
| come on line, it is no concern for the company, as long as they maintain the
| load long enough for the generators to pick it up. The fire suppression
| systems, will put out the fire, and the maintenance crew will replace the
| melted parts.

That didn't happen. But the room with the batteries and inverters did get
quite hot, typically around 110F. Only a couple fans vented the room to
the outside.

| Lets look at solar power systems.
| There is no 24/7 multi thousand dollar monitoring system, or live person
| looking over the bank all day. It just sits in the basement and minds it's
| own business. Neglected so to say.
| The battery bank usually cost more than most of the things running off of
| it. If it fails to supply the load that day, then the only damage is you
| miss the last part of "three's company"
| The battery bank is not changed every two to three years. It is changed when
| it can no longer supply load over a day to day basses.
| The only time individual batteries are changed out is if they misbehave so
| badly that it is impossible for the owner to ignore it.
| It is preferable for the owner to get as much usage out of a set of
| batteries as he can because they are a big investment.
| They have to be in the system 24/7
| They have to supply a light load for days, or even weeks between a
| significant recharge.
| A generator only kicks in to supply the load and recharge them when they hit
| the bottom of the barrel. No one will be dispatched to inspect them after
| each usage.

That's if the sun/wind/water was not coming at a rate to keep the bank topped
off, or the home owner put too much demand on it.

| If part of the battery bank burst into flames, it is a real problem. No
| automatic fire suppression system will put out the fire. And the most
| important thing to the owner will be burnt down by that fire (that being his
| house). If the load is maintained is the least concern to that owner at that
| time.

| As you can see. Very different factors affecting the design decisions. The
| classic deign is a set of big batteries of the same vintage connected in
| series parallel with large cables in a big battery bank to supply mega
| current to a device for a short period of time. Internal battery problems is
| of little concern to them because the batteries are always pretty much new.
| Cables have to be big because of the heavy loads that can drain them in an
| hour.
| In an emergency backup system
| Small batteries in parallel with large ones is a no no.
| Large currents won't drain all the batteries equally.
| Fuses in the battery system wiring is a no no.
| The batteries are not of concern.
| Long wires between batteries is a no no.
| Uneven resistance will cause the batteries to discharge unevenly under high
| load.
| Old batteries in parallel with new ones is a no no.
| The new batteries will support most of the load, and the old ones will do
| nothing under those heavy loads.
| All those things will reduce the chance of a system maintaining the load. In
| a solar power system the situation is a bit different.
| In a solar power system
| Slow discharges/charges will discharge/charge old/new and small/big
| batteries more evenly than heavy intermittent loads.
| Small wiring is a less of a problem with small continuous loads, as log as
| it is properly fused so the small wiring won't melt if there is a short or
| malfunction.
| Fuses in the battery bank are helpful because it will stop the battery bank
| from going south and burning everything down while no one is at home. And if
| they do blow and shut the load down, then it is just a minor inconvenience.

And it is something that can be addressed for the few loads that need to
be maintained (computer, TV recorder) with a conventional UPS.

| Hooking large/small and old/new batteries in parallel is a perfectly
| workable battery bank for a solar power system. As long as you properly fuse
| between parallel strings to stop the new big batteries from melting down the
| small old batteries if the small old batteries have an internal problem
| resulting from their age.

What about rectifiers to isolate them?

| The only time you have to worry about mixing old/new and large/small
| batteries is in a series battery string. They have to be matched in age and
| size or there is a possibility of one of them reversing polarity in the
| string during a load cycle, or being overcharged during a charge cycle.

My long time _guess_ has been that this risk of being reversed during load
increases with the length (voltage) of the string. I have read that this
_is_ a problem with alkaline technology primary cells, where attempting to
charge them, forward or reverse, can have serious consequences (though some
people have apparently found carefully controlled ways to do that).

| So it should be perfectly fine for you to have a big new matched series
| string in parallel with a small old matched series string of the same
| voltage. It will allow you to get the last bit of life out of the old
| string.
| Worst case scenario is the old small string won't contribute to the load,
| but you won't be any worse off for them being in the system. You just won't
| be any better off. Real worst case scenario is the old string shorts out
| internally and blows the fuse that connects it to the rest of the battery
| bank, and then it's life has come to an end.

One plan I had was to bring each string separately to a MLO breaker panel wired
in reverse (fed in through bolted branch breakers, and out via the main lugs).
I could then switch breakers to easily switch banks in/out in any combination.
Square-D QO breakers are rated for 48VDC in the ratings up to 70A.

| Right now, the prevailing logic is a result of people dealing with emergency
| power systems (the main use for large battery banks up to this point), and
| they are trying to apply that logic to solar power systems (a relatively new
| application for large battery banks) with mixed results.
| My No1 rule.
| Design your system around it's application, not around prevailing logic. You
| will always be better off in the end.
| A 2000Ah battery bank supplying a 20A load for days on end is far outside
| the traditional applications of large battery banks. The factors that go
| into designing, and the design of that large battery bank will be
| irrevocably different from traditional battery bank design.

And there is the chance that during those many days, at least one of the sun
shining or the wind blowing could provide some charging opportunity.

Still, I see most of the market seems to be oriented towards emergency backup,
even for the individual home. The Xantrex SW series inverters, which otherwise
seem fine for the application, include a charger built in. That seems to be
an assumption that the batteries will be charged by utility or a generator, or
is an assumption that solar or wind power sources will already be converted to
the same AC voltage as the utility. By contrast, they also have "grid tie"
systems which shut down and do not produce any AC when the utility goes down
(so they aren't suitable for continuous conversion of DC to AC for utilization
of the AC locally only, such as where the grid is miles away).

Johnny B Good

A very finely crafted and considered response, IMHO, with which I am in
full agreement. The OP would be well advised to take note of such sound

Johnny B Good

The message <[email protected]>
from "N9WOS said:
I thought I would allow everyone to get their two bits in before I
opened my
mouth. So it's time for my view of things.
Most of the myths, or bad advice isn't really bad advice. It is just
misapplied advice. Most of the solar energy system installers are at a
disadvantage right now. Solar power is a growing field and most of the know
how, designs and regulations are not crafted for that type of application.

====big snip of a very good posting already quoted to death. :)====

A very finely crafted and considered response, IMHO, with which I am in
full agreement. The OP would be well advised to take note of such sound

PS forgot that NOT quoting would leave my response totally without
context. :-(
| Are there a lot of "Homepower" battery systems running at
| 430vDC or 270vDC? Neon John is having trouble finding
| simple, cheap 48vDC inverters.

Yikes! Where does one find fuses/breakers for 430V DC?
| The difference between the "charging voltage" and the "dischange voltage" on
| the lead cells is on the order of 0.2 volts. If there are more than 10 or
| so cells in series the "normal" stack would not excesively charge a "one
| shorted cell" stack. But a nominal 12 volt system might be a problem
| which may explain why that fire truck mentioned in another post almost set
| itself on fire.

I'm thinking that I would go with a 48VDC system, so that would be 24 cells.
But my concern also includes the issue of _reverse_ charging a bad cell in
the string. It would seem to me that the higher system voltage raises the
voltage point where a bad cell could fail to keep up and end up reversing.

| The "one short" stack would tend to be over charged and monitoring the the
| chargin voltages would show that something is wrong.

Would it be good to have separate charging controllers per string?
In [email protected] wrote:

| If by "desired capacity" you mean that there is no cell/battery at all
| that will allow for a single series string, even at a larger capacity
| than desired, then you will have to use parallel strings. 2 parallel
| strings max. Keep in mind that cells with a capacity of 1500Ah are
| available.

What I am doing is finding out what I need to know in order to balance
the need for a good system and the need to make the system affordable.
If batteries at twice the cost for capacity also last longer because
the system works better, that favors the more costly batteries. This
is the kind of thing I'm trying to find out. Knowing all the issues
with parallel strings vs. parallel cells vs. monster cells, as well as
issues with selected voltages (for example 48VDC vs. 240VDC) all figure
into the design choice. Other factors that have to be considered include
whether I can lift the batteries by hand (only small ones) vs. needing a
forklift (more cost, more energy concerns, and also spacing concerns).

I have not made the decision, yet because I do not believe I have all the
information I need. What I have gotten so far does suggest the best way
to go would be the big Surrette 2V cells, 24 in series for 48VDC. Then
for larger capacity, split the loads into separate battery/inverter systems.
Some of these decisions will depend on what money is available when the time
tim build comes around.

| If by "desired capacity" you mean the ones at a price you want to
| pay... Get a grid connection

The idea is to eventually get off the grid _and_ do it without carbon based
fuel usage (e.g. no gas/diesel generator).

| As pointed out above if cost is the defining point of "desired
| capacity" then you should get a grid connection.

It's cost WITHIN the plan of going off-grid.

| Lifting batteries has never been a problem for tool using humans.

The selection of tool could affect things like battery layout, etc.
Smaller batteries have an advantage. Larger batteries are not ruled out.

|> What I want to know is not so what _the_ best system design is, but information
|> about the advantages and disadvantages so that I could weigh one design over
|> another. ONE way to explain this might be in terms of the cost of everything.
|> For example, just how much of a savings on smaller cells/batteries makes it
|> worth going that route, in your opinion/experience. If I can build a system of
|> one string of single cells for $30000, and would like to reduce the price, at
|> what price level would _you_ decide it's worth going with parallel strings?
|> $10000?
| Design by price is often used by those that want to buy a Rollex for a
| hundred dollars and complain because it keeps lousy time. At no time
| should you choose parallel strings on cost, unless you have not got
| the money at all to do better.

There seem to be some with opinions that say parallel is, while not the
best choice, not all that bad, either. More may say that when considering
rectifiers to isolate them from charging each other. But rectifiers have
a cost, too (including a voltage drop).

I'm exploring all options. I'm not interested in specific advice on what
I should do (at least not without well explained why) ... I'm interested in
the information to make the best decision in the circumstances that will be
present at the time the decision is to be made.

|> For me, once I can get a good handle on the _actual_ issues of parallel strings
|> vs. parallel cells vs. parallel batteries, then I could answer the above for
|> myself. Right now I'm getting answers like "batteries obey the laws of physics"
|> without any explanation of what laws apply (there might be more laws that apply
|> beyond the obvious ... and that is crucial to know).
| Parallel strings do not charge and discharge in a uniform manner. Two
| parallel strings are second best choice, but with care and diligence
| with maintenance are acceptable although if you lose a single cell you
| still have to replace the lot.

Information I want is to know just how close that second best is to first
best. Once I get all the issues, I may be able to come up with some idea
of this.

|> Right now I'm not getting much better answers here than I got from Googling.
|> But I did get one useful answer that the measurement of a single cell can be
|> masked when another is in parallel to it ... but that just tells me it is
|> better to parallel the strings rather than the cells (which also happens to
|> be a lower cost option).
| Cost again. If the cost of a PV system is more important than a PV
| system that is properly designed and built then you would be better
| off with a grid connection.

It's about what cost to get off the grid.

|> And maybe some big rectifiers to isolate the strings from cross-charging might
|> be called for. It would then seem to me the only way to keep the strings
|> charged with the rectifiers in place is to separately charge each string.
|> But that might be an economic benefit from smaller chargers.
| Been there, done that, didn't work and the tee shirt dissolved in the
| wash.

Do you know why it didn't work? Or are you just assuming that because it had
rectifiers, that must be why?
In [email protected] wrote:

| Batteries are the very heart of your system. That should tell you
| something about the choice of battery/ cell used. You sound like a guy
| looking for an excuse to use golf cart batteries.

You sound like a guy wanting to tell everyone to do things exactly the
same way you do things, without being willing to tell them why, whether
you actually know why or not.

| In the last twenty five years I have seen just about every combination
| of battery supply. I have seen things like a twenty four volt system
| made up of batteries of 3 different capacities, 4 different ages and 6
| different brands. Not a pretty sight.

And were you there when it blew up?

| Best choice is a single series string of the correct capacity. Failing
| that being possible the second best option is no more than 2 parallel
| strings to make up the capacity.


Specifically I want to know why for the "no more than 2" part. But I
also want to know how to balance the decision between first best and
second best against other factors that may push for that second best.
Merely ordering the option into 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., is not it.

| Your choice, you spend the money, you wear the consequences. Let's say
| you are willing to spend half a million to build your house, you're
| going to quibble over 50k to power it.

If you have nothing more to add, then what you have said so far will not
play much, if any, role in my evaluation of the designs to use. This is
because you aren't providing information I consider useful. Again, I am
interested in the technical information to go into a design decision that
balances multiple needs, not the "what I did" or "what I would do" (unless
I get a sufficiently significant number of those responses from verified

|> | If by "desired capacity" you mean the ones at a price you want to
|> | pay... Get a grid connection
|> The idea is to eventually get off the grid _and_ do it without carbon based
|> fuel usage (e.g. no gas/diesel generator).
| Easy, not particularly cheap.

Fine. I didn't expect it to lower my costs relative to being always on
the grid.

|> | As pointed out above if cost is the defining point of "desired
|> | capacity" then you should get a grid connection.
|> It's cost WITHIN the plan of going off-grid.
| It costs what it costs to do it so it serves your energy needs. Cheap
| batteries are cheap for a reason.

I expect to pay more than the cost of being on-grid. But this is NOT an
infinite finance to work in.

|> | Lifting batteries has never been a problem for tool using humans.
|> The selection of tool could affect things like battery layout, etc.
|> Smaller batteries have an advantage. Larger batteries are not ruled out.
| So it take two people to move a battery into place. Once it it there
| it ain't going anywhere. I made a harness for larger batteries so they
| could be handled with ease by two.

I want to do it with one person. Maybe that means a fork lift machine and
the space to move the fork lift around. Or maybe it means a block and
tackle assembly that can slide on an overhead rail. Or maybe it means all
the cells/batteries placed on individual roller carts with locking wheels.
Or maybe it means having smaller batteries and doing the lifting more often.
All these options are best balanced out knowing all information (not just
the cost, but also the technical implications, the latter of which I was
hoping I could get pointers to from someone here).

|> |> What I want to know is not so what _the_ best system design is, but information
|> |> about the advantages and disadvantages so that I could weigh one design over
|> |> another. ONE way to explain this might be in terms of the cost of everything.
|> |> For example, just how much of a savings on smaller cells/batteries makes it
|> |> worth going that route, in your opinion/experience. If I can build a system of
|> |> one string of single cells for $30000, and would like to reduce the price, at
|> |> what price level would _you_ decide it's worth going with parallel strings?
|> |> $10000?
|> |
|> | Design by price is often used by those that want to buy a Rollex for a
|> | hundred dollars and complain because it keeps lousy time. At no time
|> | should you choose parallel strings on cost, unless you have not got
|> | the money at all to do better.
|> There seem to be some with opinions that say parallel is, while not the
|> best choice, not all that bad, either. More may say that when considering
|> rectifiers to isolate them from charging each other. But rectifiers have
|> a cost, too (including a voltage drop).
| Batteries are DC, what are the rectifiers for?

They can do things like ensuring that one bank does not cross change another.
They can allow separate chargers for each bank.

|> I'm exploring all options. I'm not interested in specific advice on what
|> I should do (at least not without well explained why) ... I'm interested in
|> the information to make the best decision in the circumstances that will be
|> present at the time the decision is to be made.
| You still sound like a guy looking for an excuse to use golf cart
| batteries.

I am someone looking for the technical information that would be a valid basis
for deciding what circumstances that golf cart batteries can be used in, and
what circumstances they cannot be used in, where "circumstances" involves a lot
of things that I don't even know, yet.

|> Information I want is to know just how close that second best is to first
|> best. Once I get all the issues, I may be able to come up with some idea
|> of this.
| For a maximum of two parallel strings with lots of maintenance and
| care you will not have too many problems.

What issues will happen with 2 parallel strings?

What issues will happen with 3 parallel strings that would not happen with 2?

|> |> Right now I'm not getting much better answers here than I got from Googling.
|> |>
|> |> But I did get one useful answer that the measurement of a single cell can be
|> |> masked when another is in parallel to it ... but that just tells me it is
|> |> better to parallel the strings rather than the cells (which also happens to
|> |> be a lower cost option).
|> |
|> | Cost again. If the cost of a PV system is more important than a PV
|> | system that is properly designed and built then you would be better
|> | off with a grid connection.
|> It's about what cost to get off the grid.
| Ah, in that case you need to know what your daily load will be, how
| many days of autonomy is required.

Days of autonomy will gradually shift to being whatever number of days God
decides not to offer me the opportunity to charge up (e.g. no wind, no sun).

I can't say some particular exact number of days I want to be sure the system
will continue to operate in. If I say some number, I have to face the issue
of what to do when it happens to turn out longer than that. I expect to start
with a low number and build up to a higher number.

|> |> And maybe some big rectifiers to isolate the strings from cross-charging might
|> |> be called for. It would then seem to me the only way to keep the strings
|> |> charged with the rectifiers in place is to separately charge each string.
|> |> But that might be an economic benefit from smaller chargers.
|> |
|> | Been there, done that, didn't work and the tee shirt dissolved in the
|> | wash.
|> Do you know why it didn't work? Or are you just assuming that because it had
|> rectifiers, that must be why?
| Sorry, no rectifiers. Did try diodes. Oh, it worked alright. It was
| just not worth the effort. The strings always ended up at different
| voltages and needing charging to bring them back into line. Then there
| was the game of musical cells trying to get a balance in each string.

Did each string have its own charger and charge controller?

| But if you have the time on your hands, go for it.

I don't know whether I will or won't. I'm looking for the specific technical
info to learn that allows me to figure it out. I do not know if you know what
it is I want to know, or not. But I do know you are not saying it, or pointing
to it, for whatever reason that might be.

m II

You sound like a guy
looking for an excuse to use golf cart batteries.

I take that as a personal insult. There is nothing wrong with golf cart
batteries if his storage needs are modest. If the discharge is kept at
some respectable level, they will last decades. Most batteries don't
die, they're murdered.

Not everyone needing a car needs a limousine.


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
/ /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / /
/ /\ \/ /\ \/This space for rent/\ \/ /\ \/ /
/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/

Densa International©
'Think tanks cleaned cheap'

Due to the insane amount of spam and garbage,
I block all postings with a Gmail, Google Mail,
Google Groups or HOTMAIL address.
I also filter everything from a .cn server.


Ken said:
Don't you think there may be a few less budget constraints,
for those building "a commercial UPS system (or submarine
battery)" system? (Boy!- the "homepower" system I could
build if I had an unlimited budget, it would not look anything
like what I can realistically expect to build on my own. It would
be neat to design a system that included dedicated "operators"
and maintenance men. That could really change a few things.)

Do you think that commercial UPS systems build them in series because it
costs more than a bunch of 12V batteries in parallel? Wouldn't the
manufacturer that wanted to corner the market do a 'forehead slap' and say
"Doh! We can use the cheap stuff like homepower systems and beat everyone
else in the market on price!" Ever wonder why none of them have opted for
the lower price "homepower" system methodology??

Properly sized cells in series cost *less* in the long run.
Would you be surprised to find that "homepower" battery
banks were maintained at something less than military
precision or that maintenance schedules might be somewhat
different without having dedicated personnel standing watch?

Do modern subs use lead acid batteries anymore? (I doubt
they are building any subs with an eye to saving the taxpayer
some money. )

Yep. The reactor plant needs a back up. Diesel engine and battery.
Are there a lot of "Homepower" battery systems running at
430vDC or 270vDC? Neon John is having trouble finding
simple, cheap 48vDC inverters.

I should think since there are a lot of grid-tie inverters with voltage
inputs in that range, there should be inverters available.
While all of us can, and do, appreciate the experience
an ex-submariner can bring to the discussion, is it always
going to be the answer? Will it ever become OT?

The topic is the best way to connect cells together for large capacity.
Just about every commercial battery bank is strickly a single string in
series. Even those manufacturers that are trying to make money selling
their product (where cost is obviously very important).

Maybe they are drawing on knowledge and experience beyond what is available
in a "homepower" news group??



N9WOS said:
Hmm.. lets see what I can drag up.

Two 200KVA UPS's in parallel to share the load. The battery bank for
each of those UPS's has 60 batteries. They are configured as two
banks of 30 batteries. (two series banks of 30 batteries, in
Funny, you go to GE's links for these UPS's and Technical&src=cwc

And all they mention is under 'Battery Data' is that they should be 240
cells (nominally 540 VDC). GE expects you to use a battery consisting of
240 2.1V cells. Yet the link you gave is for an installation with 60
'batteries' in two 30 battery strings.

So it would seem they didn't follow the UPS manufacturer's installation
APC also likes paralleling batteries.
Here is a wiring diagram for extending the uptime on one of their

(And if you notice, they even have fuses in each parallel string.
Like most series parallel strings should have.)

And what APC *doesn't* tell you is how long a multi-parallel bank like that
will last. Why would they care if you buy the batteries from them (I don't
have a kind opinion of APC based on experience with their batteries lasting
less than two years).
Here is another one.

The battery bank that goes with each inverter . Battery Bank.jpg

Has two parallel strings of batteries.

I don't see anything in those that suggests two parallel strings. Guess
I'll have to take your word for it.



clare said:
Man, don't take APC's designs as a model to follow - particularly thir
"consumer" produncs. APC means A Piece (of) Crap

Agreed. Their 'consumer' product units I've used have a battery life
measured in months. After a year or so they won't hold up anywhere near the
load / time expected.

They'll sell you a bunch of 'battery modules' and be glad to take your
money. What they *won't* tell you is that you'll be back in a year buying
some more (or have to scrap the thing and go to another vendor).

In [email protected] wrote:
| On Aug 14, 2:52 am, [email protected] wrote:
|> In [email protected] wrote:
|> | Batteries are the very heart of your system. That should tell you
|> | something about the choice of battery/ cell used. You sound like a guy
|> | looking for an excuse to use golf cart batteries.
|> You sound like a guy wanting to tell everyone to do things exactly the
|> same way you do things, without being willing to tell them why, whether
|> you actually know why or not.
| I have told you why, parallel strings do not charge/discharge in a
| uniform manner. That is the truth.

I'm not doubting the truth of this. I'm wanting to understand the means
by which this happens, and the degree to which it happens. I want to
understand this enough to know how well it may be mitigated. For example
the non-uniform charging may be dealt with by smaller chargers isolated
on each string (not one big charger trying charge the strings in parallel).

|> | Best choice is a single series string of the correct capacity. Failing
|> | that being possible the second best option is no more than 2 parallel
|> | strings to make up the capacity.
|> Why?
| I have told you why, parallel strings do not charge/discharge in a
| uniform manner. That is the truth.

I'm not doubting the truth of this. I'm wanting to understand the means
by which this happens, and the degree to which it happens. I want to
understand this enough to know how well it may be mitigated. For example
the non-uniform charging may be dealt with by smaller chargers isolated
on each string (not one big charger trying charge the strings in parallel).

|> Specifically I want to know why for the "no more than 2" part. But I
|> also want to know how to balance the decision between first best and
|> second best against other factors that may push for that second best.
|> Merely ordering the option into 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., is not it.
| Two strings is manageable without to much pissing about. The decision
| is to buy a single string of the correct Ah capacity.
| If this is not possible then use two parallel strings. Money before
| good design is false economy.

I would not say it is not possible. But there may be (when it comes time
to do this) reasons to prefer the smaller batteries. Reasons can include
the desire for one man handling (can depend on available space). Or it
could be the desire to start small and migrate to larger.

I want to explore means to manage the load balancing before deciding.
Maybe it will be the case that those methods are not worthwhile. I
cannot say today. Today is the learning time. The decision is later.
The conditions will be known then.

|> | Your choice, you spend the money, you wear the consequences. Let's say
|> | you are willing to spend half a million to build your house, you're
|> | going to quibble over 50k to power it.
|> If you have nothing more to add, then what you have said so far will not
|> play much, if any, role in my evaluation of the designs to use. This is
|> because you aren't providing information I consider useful. Again, I am
|> interested in the technical information to go into a design decision that
|> balances multiple needs, not the "what I did" or "what I would do" (unless
|> I get a sufficiently significant number of those responses from verified
|> engineers).
| Not true. You want someone to give you a good reason to choose the
| lowest price option over good design.

No. I want to know all the reasons for all the choices.

| No matter what you decide, be it a single string or six parallel
| strings, if one cell dies and the batteries are older than a yera or
| two then you will be replacing th whole bank. That the way it works.

What happens if you have ONE string of several very large cells/batteries
and one dies? Are you saying you don't have to replace the whole bank in
this case?

|> I expect to pay more than the cost of being on-grid. But this is NOT an
|> infinite finance to work in.
| You have a grid connection, you will find that PV can not replicate
| that level of energy for what you feel is a reasonable cost. What have
| you done to reduce your energy needs.

That is a work in progress. Much of it will be done when I start going
with some battery power. More will be done later. This is not a one big
step all the way project.

|> I want to do it with one person. Maybe that means a fork lift machine and
|> the space to move the fork lift around. Or maybe it means a block and
|> tackle assembly that can slide on an overhead rail. Or maybe it means all
|> the cells/batteries placed on individual roller carts with locking wheels.
|> Or maybe it means having smaller batteries and doing the lifting more often.
|> All these options are best balanced out knowing all information (not just
|> the cost, but also the technical implications, the latter of which I was
|> hoping I could get pointers to from someone here).
| You have been given a great deal of information in this thread.

Quite a lot of it is unsupported "what to do" advice.

|> They can do things like ensuring that one bank does not cross change another.
|> They can allow separate chargers for each bank.
| A diode is not a rectifier.

Rectifiers are made of diodes (or other things).

|> |> I'm exploring all options. I'm not interested in specific advice on what
|> |> I should do (at least not without well explained why) ... I'm interested in
|> |> the information to make the best decision in the circumstances that will be
|> |> present at the time the decision is to be made.
|> |
|> | You still sound like a guy looking for an excuse to use golf cart
|> | batteries.
|> I am someone looking for the technical information that would be a valid basis
|> for deciding what circumstances that golf cart batteries can be used in, and
|> what circumstances they cannot be used in, where "circumstances" involves a lot
|> of things that I don't even know, yet.
| You can use golf cart batteries, they can be wired in series, parallel
| and series/parallel in as many strings as you feel are required. Most
| people only ever do this once. Their second battery bank is usually a
| single string of cells with the correct Ah rating.

And maybe I will migrate to that. One possible path is that I would start with
a small bank and migrate to a larger bank. I may parallel things in the interim.
I will also be looking at possible circuits to manage the load balancing between
parallel strings. Maybe that won't be practical. I'm sure you'll say it won't
but I want to know why, if that's the case.

| Parallel strings do not charge/discharge evenly. Two strings and you
| must monitor the state of charge and equalize the strings more often.
| Basically twice the work of a single string. Three parallel strings
| and you might expect to do four times the maintenance. In the end you
| will have repetitive cell failure. Because of the cost you will
| replace cells/batteries rather than replacing the whole bank, then you
| will remove a string to use the cells/batteries to replace dead cells/
| batteries in the remaining strings.

If it is the case that cost is why I would replace one cell/battery at a
time, then cost would clearly prohibit the monster cells.

| I know, you would never do that.

I believe I can make the right decision ... the one that is right for my
situation, once I know all the issues, how they behave, their workarounds,
methods of managing them, etc.

|> Days of autonomy will gradually shift to being whatever number of days God
|> decides not to offer me the opportunity to charge up (e.g. no wind, no sun).
| No. you have to decide when designing your system. This is one of the
| factors that sizes the battery bank.
| God doesn't give a rats ass whether you sit in the dark or not,

|> I can't say some particular exact number of days I want to be sure the system
|> will continue to operate in. If I say some number, I have to face the issue
|> of what to do when it happens to turn out longer than that. I expect to start
|> with a low number and build up to a higher number.
| "DAYS of AUTONOMY" is not a sliding scale. It is what your batteries
| will provide at the load designed for. What are you going to do, add
| and subtract batteries as required?

Apparently we have a different understand of this term. I don't know
what yours is, then. So it's pointless to proceed on this.

|> |> |> And maybe some big rectifiers to isolate the strings from cross-charging might
|> |> |> be called for. It would then seem to me the only way to keep the strings
|> |> |> charged with the rectifiers in place is to separately charge each string.
|> |> |> But that might be an economic benefit from smaller chargers.
|> |> |
|> |> | Been there, done that, didn't work and the tee shirt dissolved in the
|> |> | wash.
|> |>
|> |> Do you know why it didn't work? Or are you just assuming that because it had
|> |> rectifiers, that must be why?
|> |
|> | Sorry, no rectifiers. Did try diodes. Oh, it worked alright. It was
|> | just not worth the effort. The strings always ended up at different
|> | voltages and needing charging to bring them back into line. Then there
|> | was the game of musical cells trying to get a balance in each string.
|> Did each string have its own charger and charge controller?
| Hang on. You want the cheapest option. Now you want to build multiple
| systems.

Your understanding of "cheapest option" is likely not the same as mine.

|> | But if you have the time on your hands, go for it.
|> I don't know whether I will or won't. I'm looking for the specific technical
|> info to learn that allows me to figure it out. I do not know if you know what
|> it is I want to know, or not. But I do know you are not saying it, or pointing
|> to it, for whatever reason that might be.
| Oh, I know what it is you want to know alright. But to understand you
| need to listen.
| You want some one to tell you what you want to hear.

You want some one to do what you tell them to.

I can see I'm not going to get anything useful from you.
| [email protected] wrote:
|> You sound like a guy
|> looking for an excuse to use golf cart batteries.
| I take that as a personal insult. There is nothing wrong with golf cart
| batteries if his storage needs are modest. If the discharge is kept at
| some respectable level, they will last decades. Most batteries don't
| die, they're murdered.
| Not everyone needing a car needs a limousine.

I think he's upset that I haven't ruled out golf cart batteries long before
the time to make the decision(s). Who knows, maybe I will rule them out at
that time. Or maybe I will find an effective way to manage a dozen strings
of them.
In [email protected] wrote:

| Now you can take that as an insult if you like. But, Golf cart
| batteries only last for decades if they are used as door stops. Most
| people who are capable of learning only ever buy one set of GC
| batteries for their house system. Those that have bought two sets have
| a learning disability.

The real question is, who knows the science behind why this is so? Maybe you
do or maybe you don't. I'm not expecting you to write papers for me. But if
your knowledge is limited to hearing people say things like "I had GC batteries
and I will never do that again", that isn't ruling out to me that someone just
didn't build it right. If you know of the science behind this, please point
it out (e.g. PDFs of papers with graphs and charts and basis in physics, etc).
Otherwise, its doubtful I'd ever get anything useful from you.
| Ken Maltby wrote:
|> | <snip>
|>> FWIW, when commercial applications such as large UPS and even larger
|>> (submarine batteries are about the largest in the world), the
|>> engineers have always opted for special 2V cells that have the right
|>> A-H rating and as many such cells in series as needed to get the
|>> desired voltage. I've never seen a commercial UPS system (or
|>> submarine battery) that was connected in parallel. (maybe they know
|>> more about this than posters :)
|>> Depending on the voltage needed, I've seen UPS systems with 36 12V
|>> batteries connected in series (about 430V). Submarines used about
|>> 128 2V cells (about 270V).
|>> daestrom
|> Don't you think there may be a few less budget constraints,
|> for those building "a commercial UPS system (or submarine
|> battery)" system? (Boy!- the "homepower" system I could
|> build if I had an unlimited budget, it would not look anything
|> like what I can realistically expect to build on my own. It would
|> be neat to design a system that included dedicated "operators"
|> and maintenance men. That could really change a few things.)
| Do you think that commercial UPS systems build them in series because it
| costs more than a bunch of 12V batteries in parallel? Wouldn't the
| manufacturer that wanted to corner the market do a 'forehead slap' and say
| "Doh! We can use the cheap stuff like homepower systems and beat everyone
| else in the market on price!" Ever wonder why none of them have opted for
| the lower price "homepower" system methodology??
| Properly sized cells in series cost *less* in the long run.

Commercial UPSes are put in place usually to prevent _any_ downtime
where even a 5 minute outage every 5 years means a major loss of
money (directly) and/or reputation (which translates to money).

Homepower systems being down can be inconvenient ... as inconvenient
as the utility going out is to the typical grid powered home. You
fix up the system (for example, take a bad string offline and reset
the breakers for the others, and cut the loads down a bit).

I'm sure people vary in how much they consider it inconvenient to
have to go make an adjustment to their battery system. If I have to
swap out a GC battery which I can pick up, vs. have to wait until I
can swap out a 250 lb monster cell and have zero power in the interim,
well ... different people have different needs.

|> Are there a lot of "Homepower" battery systems running at
|> 430vDC or 270vDC? Neon John is having trouble finding
|> simple, cheap 48vDC inverters.
| I should think since there are a lot of grid-tie inverters with voltage
| inputs in that range, there should be inverters available.

Grid-tie inverters I have seen need the grid present and online to run.
When the grid goes down, they go down. These are not homepower inverters.

| The topic is the best way to connect cells together for large capacity.
| Just about every commercial battery bank is strickly a single string in
| series. Even those manufacturers that are trying to make money selling
| their product (where cost is obviously very important).

Commercial battery banks tend to be there to ensure zero outage, or that
famous "five nines" up-time. There's a serious cost to any downtime, even

Some homepower users want batteries to do similar things. Others want them
as the primary source (to smooth out solar/wind availability) and some
occaisional downtime is not a big problem.

Vaughn Simon

Ken Maltby said:
Still lead acid? Not some of the newer much more expensive
exotic batteries? They should want to gain the space savings
if nothing else. In anycase, I haven't seen any sub battery banks
available at my local government surplus auctions, and short of
that I will have to use what is available, and affordable.
This is off the thread subject, and I am not up on current submarine
technology, but there would be little incentive for nuclear submarines to use
anything but lead acid batteries.

First, lead acid batteries are low-risk proven technology. The US Navy is very
risk-adverse when it comes to nuclear technology, and nuclear reactors (not to
mention the submarine itself) need a reliable source of emergency power or
really bad things can happen.

Second, the weight of lead acid batteries is usually a disadvantage in mobile
applications, but in submarines it is not a problem. On my nuclear submarine,
the batteries were located deep down under the deckplates where their weight
contributed to the stability of the hull. Under and around the batteries was
tons of lead ballast. If you substitute a lighter battery technology, you just
need more lead ballast.
Nothing personal, but if you are posting through Google Groups I may not receive
your message. Google refuses to control the flood of spam messages originating
in their system, so on any given day I may or may not have Google blocked. Try
a real NNTP server & news reader program and you will never go back. All you
need is access to an NNTP server (AKA "news server") and a news reader program.
You probably already have a news reader program in your computer (Hint: Outlook
Express). Assuming that your Usenet needs are modest, use for free and/or for a one-time
$3.95 setup fee.
Will poofread for food.
I take that as a personal insult.

No need to feel offended by anything the ghinius writes, particularly
if it's about batteries. Consider that he's on his fifth set with his
own very small power setup. Do you know of anyone else who's gone
through so many? I sure don't, it's a record. In his own words:

"I have just installed my fourth set of batteries in 14 years"

"1st System 4 sets of batteries. 3 sets of which were second hand. 2nd
system 1 set of correctly sized batteries"

Anybody with even a little common sense could have used GC batteries
and needed only half as many replacements.

Nevertheless, you could reasonably think that someone who's learned
the hard way might know *something* worth relating. Unfortunately
that's not true either because those quotes demonstrate that he can't
keep his stories straight. We don't know if it's 4 sets or 5 or maybe
more. As if that point needed any reinforcing, consider another quote
from him:

"Then I went shopping. I bought what was required (all top quality)
and assembled it correctly and turned it on, fifteen years ago."

In fact, from the first two quoted posts we know that his current
installation is only about 7 years old.

So, George Ghio not only holds the record for most dead batteries in a
home power setup, he also lies so much that one would need a second
opinion before accepting his word on the time of day. His battery
lectures are about as credible as someone giving healthy-living advice
based on their claimed personal good health, while alternating between
drags on a cigarette and an oxygen cannula.

Many more examples of his astonishing BS here

So, a basic rule for GC batteries is, if you put them in any system that
doesn't have at least 5 days of autonomy, then you are going to kill them.

Baloney. Batteries can be well-maintained and last the maximum with
zero days autonomy. It's done all the time with grid-connected setups
that only have storage enough to last through short outages.
That is because the charging , and discharging rates are going to kill them.
As for as GC batteries go, it's mainly the charging rates that get them.

Nonsense. The #1 cause of premature failure of home-power batteries is
chronic undercharging.
If you keep the charge/discharge rate in line with design specs then they
will last for decades.

No. Batteries have a finite life-rating usually stated as a number of
cycles at a particular discharge level.

Properly sized cells in series cost *less* in the long run.

That's debatable in the context of home power setups. I tell people to
buy the best batteries they can afford, but only if they've crested
the typical learning curve or can be reasonably expected to do so
quickly. The classic mistake of home power newbies is to over-tax
their installation, resulting in chronic undercharging. The situation
is worst for those who refuse to learn the basics about watt-hrs and
therefore can't relate to the difference between a coffee maker and a
coffee grinder for example. Combine that with a low budget that saves
the cost of a proper battery monitor and there's a high likelihood of
seeing few days or none when the batteries get fully charged. Knowing
all that, some dealers refer to T105s as "training batteries". It's
the smartest and lowest cost (short *and* long term) strategy for
many. How do you tell who needs the training wheels? That's a tough
one. I visited a couple recently who'd let some mid-priced batteries
run very dry. An otherwise intelligent pair who'd probably have been
better off to start with the cheapest batteries since apparently they
intend to learn the hard way. Besides, the cheapest batteries might
cost 4 times less and last 5 times less than the best. Add in the cost
of money and there's not much difference in cost.
