Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Comedy Thread

When I was living with my gf (now wife) she had a house rabbit (Dylan - coz it kept eating her pot...) that could 'sniff out' power wires. I had one of those dual graphics card PC's that used an external plug/connector to parallel them and the frikken rabbit chewed through them all! Cost me a fortune.

As much as it chewed power wires it never, ever found the 'live' one - always the neutrals....... damn...
When I was living with my gf (now wife) she had a house rabbit (Dylan - coz it kept eating her pot...) that could 'sniff out' power wires. I had one of those dual graphics card PC's that used an external plug/connector to parallel them and the frikken rabbit chewed through them all! Cost me a fortune.

As much as it chewed power wires it never, ever found the 'live' one - always the neutrals....... damn...

That actually makes sense: Rabbits instinctively go to ground...
Brother went to the doctor the other day for general checkup.
Doctor says " and how often do you drink " ?
Brother replied "maybe once or twice a year".
Doctor says " and when did you migrate to Australia "?


ohhh dear ! :rolleyes:



Doctor says " and when did you migrate to Australia "?

hmmm ... that would have made more sense if it has said .... " Doctor says " and when did you migrate from Australia "?

since Australians (in general) love their beer/alcohol