Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Comedy Thread

The snake-bite 'Tauma...' joke was memorized (with name 'Dave' being own mod) from a joke/funnypics website (uploads only) otherwise I'd correct the OP. ;)


Very interesting.. one would thought all land-masses had snakes, via driftwood, ancient land-bridges, ship stowaways or other. Hmmm...
New Zealand is one of several large islands around the globe where there have never been native snake populations. The others are Antarctica, Iceland, Ireland and Newfoundland. Snakes are more common than lizards around the world, and yet New Zealand is home to several species of lizard and not a single snake. Since snakes have neither evolved nor been deposited on the islands of New Zealand, their appearance would be a threat to other local wildlife, and so they are vigorously repelled.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Nice timing. I am currently introducing my wife to TOS. after they beamed down somewhere she predicted someone would die. I said "no, they're safe, nobody is wearing a red shirt". She looked at me as if I had horns. And why is Kirk wearing a green shirt?