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Maker Pro

College EE Textbook Recommendations


Tim Shoppa

b. I am interested in undergraduate/graduate EE (electronics) books.
Clive "Max" Maxfield (, for example, has
probably written several good electronics related books (I have fond,
if dim, recollections of "Bebop to the Boolean Boogie"). His books are
not, however, college text books, so they are disqualified from this

Maxfield's books have been used at tech-school level quite succesfully
(although tech schools stopped emphasizing this stuff some years ago.)

I met him in the 90's. I'm not a big fan of his books (the time period
for which his books would've been a good impedance match for me was
probably measured in days and happened decades ago) but he had an
enthusiasm for the subject in particular, and an enthusiasm for
teaching in general.
c. I'm looking for pointers to best-of-breed books. I'm perfectly
capable of randomly locating unvetted textbooks via Internet searches.

Art of Electronics. The math usage there is a little underpowered for
even freshman engineering, so supplement with some books on ODE's and
PDE's and LaPlace transforms etc. (traditionally MATH textbooks even
though almost all the students in those math classes are engineers,
mostly electrical).
