Maker Pro
Maker Pro

College Project: Force Sensor displayed on 7 Segment

Hi everyone!

My name is Estefano, I'm 21 and I live in the UK.
I'm on my last year of my college Engineering course, and for my project I want to build a circuit that will get the readings of a force sensor and display them in Newtons in 7 segment displays.

Now the reason why I chose to do an electronics project is because I'm not very good at it (I'm terrible with electronics). I know it sounds contradictory, but I wanted to choose something that I have difficult with so I can learn, and I would really appreciate if you could give me a hand!

My first question is about the force sensor: This is meant to get the readings of quick force changes, for example the impact of a pellet. Are potentiometers/force sensors that use change in resistance to do this, sensitive enough to get such quick changes? I searched on the internet about this and I couldn't get much of an answer.

For the first stage of my project I need to present 3 different circuit solutions to display the force sensor's value in newtons.

The one that I chose for my project is using a force sensor and then input those readings into a programmable controller.
I sketched a diagram to show better what I'm trying to do.


Seems alright and I'm capable of doing it, problem is the other 2 proposals, I have no idea what to do, and I have to show circuitry for all of them :/

Could someone please give me a hand?

Thanks in advance!


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Yes it is.

How can we create a "Guide Library" here for the benefit of all?
Another separate entry under "resources" maybe?
Who can actually do that?

Consider this a yes vote but I guess that would be Mods & Administration.

Thanks very much for the article, gonna read through it :)

If anyone has anymore suggestions I would very much appreciate it!
You don't need to use a micro. You could use a peak hold (2 opamps) and a cheap panel meter.