Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Chinese Hiland 0-30V/Audioguru PSU build (down the rabbit hole)

If R7 measures 0.002V and pin 2 of U3 connects to R7 through R21 then how can pin 2 of U3 be 0.94V? Does the output of the project measure +0.93V? Then something is shorting it to the positive voltage. R7 is 0.47 ohms. 0.94V/0.47 ohms= 2.0A which is a lot of current and where is it coming from? Maybe C8 is shorted a little and is causing the pin 2 voltage. Try replacing C8.
Installed new U2
R12/C6 connected to pin6 of u2
Adjusting P1 causes voltage on pin 6 to go from 0 to 7V
Another problem. P1 is supposed to feed 0V to 11.2V to pin 3 of U2 (measure it) and U2 has a voltage gain of about 2.7 times so its output should go from 0V to about +30V. But if the LED lights then the input of U2 is reduced by U3 driving D9. Then the U3 problem with its pin 2 voltage being too high is not fixed.
Got no spare C8's. Looking at replacing all original components supplied by banggood.

With R12/C6 connected to pin 6 of U2 where do I measure output voltage?

Pin 3 of U2 has got virtually no voltage on it - not stable.

Looking at the 0.94V on pin 2 of U3
Got no spare C8's. Looking at replacing all original components supplied by banggood.
It is a good idea to replace all the cheap Chinese junk (Bangnogood).

With R12/C6 connected to pin 6 of U2 where do I measure output voltage?
The output of U2 is its pin 6 that should be 2.7V higher than its input pin 3: 0V in = 0V out. 2V in= 5.4V out. 10V in= 27V out. 11.2V in (max)= 30V out.

Pin 3 of U2 has got virtually no voltage on it - not stable.
Pin 3 of U2 is fed through R8 and R9 from the slider of the voltage setting pot P1. It should go from 0V to 11.2V as the pot is turned but it is probably wrongly clamped through D9 by whatever is affecting U3. C4 might have the same leakage problem as C8. Disconnect D9 to see if U2 works properly without D9. If not then also disconnect C4.
Audioguru, Ok, If U2 's only job is to V from 0 to 30V when P1 is turned then U2 is working fine (acually 34.4V fine) And Pin 3 to 6 ratio is about 2.7x. This is with new U2. Don't know why it's working, as long as it's stable.

Now, as soon as I get a gap, I'm digging into the hot U3

Thanks again for all the help
Audioguru, Ok, If U2 's only job is to V from 0 to 30V when P1 is turned then U2 is working fine (acually 34.4V fine) And Pin 3 to 6 ratio is about 2.7x. This is with new U2. Don't know why it's working, as long as it's stable.

Now, as soon as I get a gap, I'm digging into the hot U3

Thanks again for all the help
Not so sure I share your confidence. this psu, think I'll name it Frankenvolt when it's finished, has bitten me you know where, too often :)
This is where it gets a bit weird. I couldn't really understand why it suddenly started working. But then I noticed that I had lifted the one leg of D9 to check it. So I soldered the one leg of D9 back and checked it again and I'm back to about 7V max. So D9 has got something to do with the weirdness. Btw D9 checks out fine with deflection one way
The way the current regulation works is using U3 to reduce the output voltage by using D9 to reduce the input voltage of U2. Then if you set the current setting at 1A but the voltage is set to 10V and the load is 5 ohms then U3 senses way more than 1A and reduces the input voltage of U2 so that the current is 1A then output voltage of the project is 1A x 5 ohms= 5V.

Pin 2 of U3 is supposed to be almost 0V when there is no load but you measured 0.94V which is causing the output of U3 to drop from its high of about +30V and reduce the input of U2. Measure the voltage at both ends of R21 (it should be almost 0V) and measure the resistances (without power to the circuit) of R21 (10k) and R7 (O.47 ohms). The negative output of the project should be almost the same voltage as the 0V of the negative end of C1.
Thanks Audioguru

Working back from Pin2 of U3:

Pin 2 = 0.93V
R21 = 0.93/0.002V (still in situ, leg not lifted) Reads 9.95kΩ
Connection point R4 = 0.002V
CP R6 = 0.002V
Pin 4 of U1 = 0V

So components behind R21 all at 0.002V. I don't understand how voltage could jump from 0.002 to 0.93V going through a resistor.

Have I discovered the world's first free energy source?
The BD139 is European, the 2SD9015 is Oriental and of course they are different. If going from one side of the earth to the other side you should look at the datasheet of what you are using.
By swinging the BD139 around I have it's base connected to R20 (30.1 & 1.79V) and then through C8(1.79 & 0.9V)to U2 pin3 at 0.9v

So either the drop through one of the components isn't big enough or I am starting off with too high a voltage