Don said:
The Kims were out of cellular range, but if they had a pair of FRS
transceivers, Mr Kim would have most likely been in range of talking with
has wife who probably could have helped him by comparing landscape details.
There is conflicting information. It says that James's cell phone
emitted a signal to a cell tower after it received a text message. [A
quick note for those of you who have mothers, sisters, daughters, etc:
A deactivated cell phone can still be used in emergencies to dial 911
in the USA. I save my old phones specifically for this purpose and put
them in the glove compartment powered off].
Accidental loss of life is regrettable, but I wonder:
Assuming that there were no cell towers in range, how many people in
this group think they would be able to build some concoction that would
result in their rescue, using only parts canabalized from the vehicle?
Let's say that you get the car, the umbrella, a full tank of gas and a
charged battery, and a very basic set of tools, the kind that would be
found in trunk of an automobile.
What would you do?
-Le Chaud Lapin-