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building electronics beacon for survival


Nico Coesel

Le Chaud Lapin said:
Accidental loss of life is regrettable, but I wonder:

Assuming that there were no cell towers in range, how many people in
this group think they would be able to build some concoction that would
result in their rescue, using only parts canabalized from the vehicle?
Let's say that you get the car, the umbrella, a full tank of gas and a
charged battery, and a very basic set of tools, the kind that would be
found in trunk of an automobile.

What would you do?

Burn the tires!


Don said:
The Kims were out of cellular range, but if they had a pair of FRS
transceivers, Mr Kim would have most likely been in range of talking with
has wife who probably could have helped him by comparing landscape details.

There is conflicting information. It says that James's cell phone
emitted a signal to a cell tower after it received a text message. [A
quick note for those of you who have mothers, sisters, daughters, etc:
A deactivated cell phone can still be used in emergencies to dial 911
in the USA. I save my old phones specifically for this purpose and put
them in the glove compartment powered off].

Accidental loss of life is regrettable, but I wonder:

Assuming that there were no cell towers in range, how many people in
this group think they would be able to build some concoction that would
result in their rescue, using only parts canabalized from the vehicle?
Let's say that you get the car, the umbrella, a full tank of gas and a
charged battery, and a very basic set of tools, the kind that would be
found in trunk of an automobile.

What would you do?

-Le Chaud Lapin-

Hell, why both getting rescued? just build a nice shelter make a bow and some
arrows (I always have my 60lb draw compound bow in the trunk) and hunt the local
wildlife. Gawd what a awesome vacation I'd have. In the spring when the loggers
come back I'd hitch a ride back to civilization and pay frigging taxes again...


There are standard frequencies and transmitters just for this purpose.
On VHF, there.s 131.5MHz, 262MHz. Somewhere up in the 440's there's a
frequency that's picked up by recon satellites, triangulated or
dopplered into a location, and sent down to Earth stations. Most every
plane has a locator beacon that goes off and signals the satellites if
the plane makes any abrupt gyrations, like during a crash. The beacon
is located at the top of the tail so it's likely to be able to eject
itself before the plane goes under water or underground.

There's not much point in building your own.

John Fields

It's the LED blinking post I've been waiting for!!!
I think posts like this irritate the mensa engineers. Kinda like
watching a rerun of Gilligan's Island.

My first thought:
I suggest a pulse circuit driving a Luxeon LED cluster.
But the design can get tricky.
Good Luck

Jim Yanik

A lot of good that will do if you're out of range of a cell phone

seems they were able to "ping" his and the other snow-trapped folks
cellphones when they were turned on,even though there were no CP towers

Maybe they have an air-mobile CP relay on the rescue aircraft?

Michael A. Terrell

AZ said:
and no frying pan?

Be a wild man and fry it on the end of a stick, over an open

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Joel Kolstad

The Real Andy said:
I am a regular hiker. I carry an EPIRB/ELT/PLB. Cost me AU$220, cheap

The EPIRB service was originally designed for ships, and it's not really
designed to scale to hundreds of thousands or even millions of users; I think
that's why you don't see government agencies suggesting that, e.g., everyone
or every vehicle should have an EPIRB.

That being said, there's no reason a system designed for a much larger user
base couldn't be deployed. It's the usual millions of dollars in funding to
put up a satellite that's the hold-up, I imagine -- the question being whether
the money could save more lives if spent differently.


Jim Thompson

seems they were able to "ping" his and the other snow-trapped folks
cellphones when they were turned on,even though there were no CP towers

Maybe they have an air-mobile CP relay on the rescue aircraft?

Modern cell phones are required to have GPS capability for 9-1-1

Around here they offer "track your teenager", so the technology
already exists.

...Jim Thompson

AZ Nomad

Modern cell phones are required to have GPS capability for 9-1-1
No they don't. They'd be 4 times bigger if they had a GPS
receiver. Perhaps you're thinking of cell tower triangulation.


I am thinking to build electronics beacons for both outdoor and traveling.
After seeing James Kim and the Mt. Hood climbers unable to let searchers
locate them. I wonder what I can build some simple electronics light and
electronic signal beacons so that searchers can find us - once we are in
trouble and scream for help. Obviously, these beacons must be cheap and
small and light to carry.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 17:22:32 -0800, "2006Young"

How about carrying extra batteries for your gps enabled cellphone?

How about not traipsing up the side of a mountain in the middle of
a blizzard?

I wonder what the tab was for that "rescue" mission?

FWIW, there have been survival beacons for decades.

Good Luck!

Rich Grise

It's really an interesting mentality, this "survival beacon must be
cheap" thing.
I suggest a vacuum tube WWII walkie-talkie, it'll just melt itself
through the snow.
Speaking of which, a good old 4W Radio Shack CB with a telescoping
antenna would be a good idea, no?

Yeah, and just stick a little Honda 1.5 KW generator in your backpack
to power all this crap....

AZ said:
No they don't. They'd be 4 times bigger if they had a GPS
receiver. Perhaps you're thinking of cell tower triangulation.

Some cell phones do have GPSs, and the phone isn't any bigger. However,
the law stated that the cellular providers have to be able to locate a
phone. There is no legal requirement for a GPS in the phone.

When I had a phone with GPS, I kept the GPS off except for 911.


Thank you for all your suggestions.

Let me add another comments. I notice many animals in the wild were tagged
for searchers to uses electronic tracking devices to locate for studies. Can
you tell me more about these tags devices and tracking instruments? Why can
we build these simple low cost, small and light tag devices. Leave it in car
or carry in backpack with the tag turned off. Turn it on when you are loss
and wait for rescuer.

Make sure to notify family member of which tag devices you carry. So that
rescue searchers can use the correct tracking instruments.


There are standard frequencies and transmitters just for this purpose.
On VHF, there.s 131.5MHz, 262MHz. Somewhere up in the 440's there's a
frequency that's picked up by recon satellites, triangulated or
dopplered into a location, and sent down to Earth stations. Most every
plane has a locator beacon that goes off and signals the satellites if
the plane makes any abrupt gyrations, like during a crash. The beacon
is located at the top of the tail so it's likely to be able to eject
itself before the plane goes under water or underground.

There's not much point in building your own.

Ditto that, 121.5 monitored by aircraft and coast guard and a
"registered" product on 406 for sat rescue.

The Real Andy

The EPIRB service was originally designed for ships, and it's not really
designed to scale to hundreds of thousands or even millions of users; I think
that's why you don't see government agencies suggesting that, e.g., everyone
or every vehicle should have an EPIRB.

MAybe not every vcehice, but here in australia it should be compulsory
for any vehicle leaving a major outback highway.
That being said, there's no reason a system designed for a much larger user
base couldn't be deployed. It's the usual millions of dollars in funding to
put up a satellite that's the hold-up, I imagine -- the question being whether
the money could save more lives if spent differently.

What is there now works resonably well. Millions of EPIRB's does not
mean that there is going to be millions of activated EPIRB's.


Let me add another comments. I notice many animals in the wild were tagged
for searchers to uses electronic tracking devices to locate for studies. Can
you tell me more about these tags devices and tracking instruments?

You can buy these transmitters. See or for instance. They are about $130 for a collar
used with a bird dog or hunting hound. The ones for civilian use
generally use 216 - 220 MHz. The receiver uses a directional antenna
(yagi or similar). The primary restriction for use with animals is the
weight of the transmitter, which has a direct impact on range and
battery life. The two restrictions for using it for a rescue situation
would be that it is approximately line of site only (limited in a
mountainous environment), and the searchers would need to know what
frequency you were transmitting (and hopefully not have anyone else in
the area transmitting in the same frequency).

Joel Kolstad

The Real Andy said:
What is there now works resonably well. Millions of EPIRB's does not
mean that there is going to be millions of activated EPIRB's.

I can see the U.S. easily adding one hundred million EPIRBs with its
population, and with China (long-term) you'd probably get another quarter
billion. With those kinds of numbers, even with only 1 person in a million
inadvertently activating theirs every day, you're looking at a significant
increase in the funding needed to kept the program going.

I'm not claiming it's a bad idea, just that there'd be a significant political
fight to get the funding. The Wikipedia article mentions that the original
program was initiated after two U.S. congressmen died in an airplane crash...
I'm sure the current situation would be different if it had been, e.g., the
Bush twins out there.

I'll definitely heed your advice and take an EPIRB with me if I visit the
Aussie outback someday.


Jim Thompson

Some cell phones do have GPSs, and the phone isn't any bigger. However,
the law stated that the cellular providers have to be able to locate a
phone. There is no legal requirement for a GPS in the phone.

When I had a phone with GPS, I kept the GPS off except for 911.

The law states you must be able to locate within some number of feet
(anyone have the spec on how many feet?). In some high density places
that can be done with triangulation. In the boonies it requires GPS.

AZ is the boonies.

Is AZ Nomad really in AZ ?:)

...Jim Thompson