Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Breadboard lead size

I used to know all of this stuff but haven't worked with electronics for quite a while. I've since built a few kits picked up from jameco and have fixed a few radios and printer for neighbors.

I'm looking to experiment with a TP4056. I'd like to solder stiff leads to it so I can drop it into a standard breadboard. Does anyone know the gauge that will fit the breadboard. Was thinking of using a resistor lead but why not just buy a small spool of solid wire for future use. TIA
What is it you hope to achieve? You can get finished TP4056 boards on ebay, TEN of them for $3 delivered.

... or two for $3 if you'd like to receive them this year.

As far as wire goes, in the past I've sometimes used ~24ga wire from reclaimed CAT5 network cabling. It's not tinned so not for long term use, but neither is a breadboard and I have hundreds of feet of the stuff so I can just grab a new piece without concern about cost. It's impressively shiny/clean copper, the insulation seals and preserves it quite well.
Right now I'm just messing around. I've fixed over a dozen outdoor solar lights for neighbors. Figured on making charger that I can slap 3 or 10 cells into and hook it to my bench supply for charging There's a ton of video's on youtube for them. Picked up 20 TP4096 for free.

I thought of just breadboarding the whole thing as I don't feel like getting into etching a board. Ordered a few rolls of solid 22g tinned to try for 2$
Breadboards are primarily for experimenting not for any sort of long term arrangement.
As far as current, certainly not for anything more than signal level.
Like Dave9 I have used strands from 1.5sq mm mains lighting cable scraps or earth wire.

Can you drop a link to that $2.00 a roll 22awg wire.
Any I saw was around the $25.00/500gm.


Hop - AC8NS
Not sure what length of 22 AWG that 500 gm will provide, but here is a vendor that will sell spools with 25 feet up to 5000 feet for what I think are reasonable prices... a 100 foot spool costs $11.40 plus shipping. From my own personal experience, that represents a "lifetime" supply although your mileage (or kilometers) may differ. BTW, consider using the slightly smaller 24 AWG to save wear-and-tear on the breadboard spring contacts. And, yes, unused 4-wire (red, black, green, yellow) 24 AWG un-tinned telephone wire makes great point-to-point breadboard jumpers. You can also tin the ends after removing the insulation for a slightly more reliable connection.
Not sure what length of 22 AWG that 500 gm will provide, but here is a vendor that will sell spools with 25 feet up to 5000 feet for what I think are reasonable prices... a 100 foot spool costs $11.40 plus shipping. From my own personal experience, that represents a "lifetime" supply although your mileage (or kilometers) may differ. BTW, consider using the slightly smaller 24 AWG to save wear-and-tear on the breadboard spring contacts. And, yes, unused 4-wire (red, black, green, yellow) 24 AWG un-tinned telephone wire makes great point-to-point breadboard jumpers. You can also tin the ends after removing the insulation for a slightly more reliable connection.

Yes, find that a lot with gear within the States.
Searched all over for reasonably priced enamelled copper wire with the same outcome.
Same for RC model building materials.
Seems to be getting worse here as the years go by downunder.


Hop - AC8NS
Since Radio Shack folded its tent, here in the States we usually have to buy inexpensive Chinese-sourced stuff from Amazon or eBay or some other Internet retailer. Of course, if you can afford it, there are still some American on-line retailers too, and I do purchase small onsie-twosie quantities that way from time to time, especially if I want "the real deal" and not a counterfeit look-alike.

Enameled copper wire? RC model building materials? China has TONS of that stuff for sell! At mostly reasonable prices. I thought Australia had a good working relationship with their northerly neighbor? Something happen that I didn't hear about?
Enameled copper wire? RC model building materials? China has TONS of that stuff for sell! At mostly reasonable prices. I thought Australia had a good working relationship with their northerly neighbor? Something happen that I didn't hear about?

Not sure, but it is certainly going down the tube.
Might have something to do with the fact that Aus. gov decided to impose their 10% gst on ALL imports.
Previously it was only on items over $900.00 value.
Who knows the cause, only know the effect.


Hop - AC8NS
Things are getting tough all over the world. Probably a result of a paradigm shift in World Economy that says a country can tax itself into prosperity. Here in Florida we worry about sky-rocketing food costs, across the board on everything. Florida touts its "no income tax" but taxes everything else or requires a permit (cost) and one of more inspections (more cost) before anything gets done.