Maker Pro
Maker Pro

BJTs as ultra low leakage protection diodes


James Arthur

John said:
By design. Some of the most creative people have also been
schizophrenics. In schizophrenia, the barriers between brain
compartments become leaky, and ideas diffuse into different contexts.
Very often, they make no sense when they get there. Moderated
schizophrenia is great for systems and electronic design, churning up
all sorts of ideas. People can even do it in groups.

The next stage is to winnow out the practical ideas from the insane
ones. Last step is brutal, disciplined, cost-effective, no-risk
implementation of the one that will sell best.

I'm not sure how other people's brains work, but mine is some sort
of massively-parallel possibility generator, followed by a
does-it-make-sense filter--cultivated over time--then some I/O.

At least that's its creative process. Possibly related to the
left-handed, quasi-ambidextrous thing--that changes brains.

Thoughts aren't in any spoken language, but in some sort of parallel
machine language where multiple ideas fire in 300mS, which, if
interesting, are sampled / latched in snapshots, separated, sorted,
parallel-to-serial converted, then translated into language for

Lots of times the thinking parts sit back and listen, amused,
while the talking part spools output.

Talking fast enough to voice the chaos is impossible by factors.

The filter's the difference between madness and sanity.

Weird, huh?