Maker Pro
Maker Pro

BJTs as ultra low leakage protection diodes



Hello, I want is there anyone that has used a BJT instead of ultra low
leakage diode(<10pA) in a serious design. The reason that I do not use
JFET is that I need high breakdown(100V) voltage. So I also need
Bootstrapping I have down some measurements with different JFETs and
BJTs and I didn't find quite big differences.


Robert said:
Do not think BJTs in general are that good; try an LED...

Hello Robert :)
Thanks for replying to my post. The main problem with LEDs is their low
breakdown voltage. I have not measured leakage current of an LED but it
makes sense because GaAs Reverse saturation current is about 10 times
less than Si. Have you used LED as an ultra low leakage diode ? have you
measured leakage currents of LEDs?



Robert said:
Ebrahim wrote:
Do not think BJTs in general are that good; try an LED...

Hello Robert :)
Thanks for replying to my post. I have not measured leakage current of
an LED but it makes sense because GaAs Reverse saturation current is
about 10 times less than Si. Have you used LED as an ultra low leakage
diode ? have you measured leakage currents of LEDs?



What exactly are you trying to protect? IC, fet, ??

I'm Trying to protect input of Ultra low bias current FET OpAmps.



Robert said:
In a way i have "measured" leakage current in LEDs; low microamps for
remaining visibility which i think is astounding, and <1nA in the 1V
(forward) region with corresponding reverse values.
Certainly not in the region you want.

Wow, uA and nA :-o !
then they can't be used as an ultra low leakage. Even humble 1N4148 has
lower leakage ;) .


John said:
Then limit the current before you try to clamp it. You're not going to
have a lot of luck finding a half-amp, 100V diode that leaks picoamps.
Why 100 volts? The opamp can't stand that.
100V is needed for another use(protecting a high voltage discrete
amplifier), not protecting FET opamp. I was hoping that I could find one
low leakage diode for both uses. though for the first application(HV
Discrete amp) I can live with some leakage but for protecting the FET
opamp I really need ultra low leakage and about 500mA load current.

Use a resistor or, if you can't stand the Johnson noise, a pair of
depletion fets or some such. SSRs are interesting as low-resistance
current limiters.
The FET Opamp that I try to protect is opa627 (
resistor is out of question because of Johnson noise as you
mentioned(because voltage could rise up to 100V in some rare occasions
and it needs a really big resistor) and for the same reason depletion
FETs can't be used. SSR(Solid State Relays ?) How?

A high-value resistor bypassed with a small cap is interesting here
too. If the fet has internal ESD diodes, that may be all you need.
No, Ultra low bias current opamps usually do not have internal
protection diodes.



Phil said:
Ebrahim wrote:
What op amp have you ever seen that didn't, and how do you know? Such a
device might be quite interesting in applications, but I don't know of one.
Even femtoamp leakage devices (e.g. the venerable LMC660) have
protection diodes. You can use them for resetting integrators, by
briefly inverting the power rails (with suitable current limits). Win
Hill posted a circuit for that in this very group a few years back.
Hello Phil

Look at data sheet of OPA627, It has shown equivalent schematic. I do
not see any protection diodes in inputs.

There are folks here who post stuff that's way beyond their've been here long enough to know who some of them are.
Joining that group isn't necessarily the best way to achieve respect.
Just saying.

I really do not understand what you are talking about.
I'm not here to join some internal groups, I'm not here to woo members.
I'm not aware of factions of this newsgroup and honestly I do not care
about them if they exist. I'm here to discuss technical issues. I never
claim something that I'm not. I ask questions and if I know something
about a topic I post my opinion. If someone provided documents and
proved that I'm wrong about something, then I learn from him and thank
him, provided that he present his reasons politely and respectfully.
I do not remember I've claimed anything here. so your post really
surprised me.



Robert said:
* "Equivalent schematics" AFAIK have never shown protection diodes, and
in many cases will imply possible operation in regions that just cannot
be achieved with a real device.
Almost all analog and digital devices have a reverse polarity
protection diode "built in" under the bonding pad and many have the same
at the outputs; this appears to be standard practice and is ASS-u-ME-ed
known and therefore not alluded to by most people in the industry.
In a number of cases, an additional diode may be added to the supply
rail and/or the doping of the pad-diode may be adjusted for a (say)
zener breakdown of 5-8V.
Cannot say about that as i have not tried to measure this presumption
- and again industry is fairly quiet..
They do look at Op27
it also has shown equivalent schematics. I can show you many BJT opamp
that have shown protection diodes and also can show you many ultra low
bias current opamps without protection.

If it is assumed to be known there should be some references to show
that can prove this. I couldn't have find one. I'm not expecting you to
show me a reference but I expect people that accuse me of "going beyond
competence" just because I posted something that I assume is true to
provide references to back their claims. I have provided my references:
2 datasheets op27 and opa627(I can post many more).



Getting back to the basic question, breakdown voltages are only
guaranteed at a minimum. Suppose you get a device that has exceedingly
good breakdown?

I did not understand what is your mean. will you explain more please ?



Winfield said:
Ahem. Well, in 32 posts, has anyone answered Ebrahim's
question? Which was, does a C-B junction make a good
low-leakage high-voltage diode, and my answer is yes.
Likely as low as 10pA, but I'd want to check specific parts.

It's the same question one asks before using a transistor at
extremely low collector currents. OK, not too many people
use BJT transistors at 10pA, for one thing they're very slow,
but it's surprising how well they work down in that territory.

Often when doing this trick, one wants very low capacitance,
and I've been disappointed with the high capacitance of the
usual candidates, e.g., 5pF. This is what steers people
back to the old PAD-1 beauties, spec'd at 0.5pF and 0.3pA

When one is in this pA territory, PCB leakage can be a big
problem, and teflon posts and in-air wiring are often used.

***Hello Winfield :) :
Thank you very much for your technical and non-political answer.
So it makes sense to look for such a candidate among high frequency
transistors that should have low capacitance.

Thank you again.
Best wishes for you,


Phil said:
The part of this that makes zero sense is the 100V part. Almost all op
amps, in fact AFAIK every single one ever sold, has PN junctions between
its inputs and its supply pins.(*) That's why the Absolute Maximum
Ratings section of datasheets specifies that you mustn't take their
inputs more than 0.3V outside the supplies.
Not everything on an IC maps well onto a schematic--e.g. schematics
don't show the parasitic SCR inherent in junction-isolated CMOS
processes. It's there, though, as you'll find if you try dumping 20mA
into an input.

Hello Phil:
I think I explained 100V in an earlier post in this thread I quote it again:
"100V is needed for another use(protecting a high voltage discrete
amplifier), not protecting FET opamp. I was hoping that I could find one
low leakage diode for both uses. though for the first application(HV
Discrete amp) I can live with some leakage"

I have also a High voltage discrete op amp and it has nothing to do with
opa627. it is another part of a system. input voltage of up to 100V is
allowed in there. It has a bootstrapped FET input stage. I may want to
ask a question about it later so maybe I post the schematics of it but
first I have to learn ASCII schematics ;) .

About reason of why input voltage shouldn't be more than 0.3 outside the
supplies, well I did not know that and your reason seems reasonable. I
will investigate about that. Thanks.

If you want the same sort of function provided by the input protection
diodes, without a big leakage problem, you can use something like this:

| | |
GGG _ |
A |
| |
| |\ |
0-------------RRRRR---*---RRRRR---|+\ |
| \ |
| >---*-*---0
*---|- / |
| | / |
| |/ |
| |

(Noninverting shown because inverting is reasonably obvious, and
negative polarity left as an exercise for the reader.) You have to
scale the resistances to fit your problem. The idea is that the first
diode has nearly no voltage across it, and hence no leakage or
capacitive current. This isn't a complete solution, because it costs
you SNR eventually, but it's a lot better than nothing.

The diode needs almost no breakdown voltage at all--certainly not 100V.
Something like a BFT25 B-C junction (about 0.3 pF) will work great.
That's an interesting idea, you actually bootstrapped the first diode.
Are you sure that any diode can do this? I mean I think I have done
some measurements with 1N4007 and even in ~0 volt, its leakage was high.
I don't remember the exact numbers, though I must find my papers.

(*) Some chips, e.g. old CMOS->TTL converters use Zeners instead,
because their inputs are intended to be overdriven by volts. Also, some
rail-to-rail input op amps use charge pumps to allow them to run their
input stages on more than VDD-VSS.

Thanks Phil Hobbs


John said:
Yes, I did.

Which was, does a C-B junction make a good

The c-b capacitance of the BFT25 is around 0.5 pF.

The forward and reverse curves should converge around zero volts; I
think I may have had 20 or 30 fA of offset in my test rig.

I've used 2N4402's below 1 pA... not sure how much below.

The PAD parts are tiny jfets, so have high channel resistances, a few
K typically. So they're not very hard clamps.

Did you see my fA tester box?

Hello John,
Thanks a lot :).
Your posts are very useful and give me a lot of inspirations.

Best wishes for you,

Jim Thompson

[email protected] wrote:
On Jun 14, 6:51 am, Phil Hobbs
Ebrahim wrote:
Winfield Hill wrote:
Ahem. Well, in 32 posts, has anyone answered Ebrahim's
question? Which was, does a C-B junction make a good
low-leakage high-voltage diode, and my answer is yes.
Likely as low as 10pA, but I'd want to check specific parts.
It's the same question one asks before using a transistor at
extremely low collector currents. OK, not too many people
use BJT transistors at 10pA, for one thing they're very slow,
but it's surprising how well they work down in that territory.
Often when doing this trick, one wants very low capacitance,
and I've been disappointed with the high capacitance of the
usual candidates, e.g., 5pF. This is what steers people
back to the old PAD-1 beauties, spec'd at 0.5pF and 0.3pA
When one is in this pA territory, PCB leakage can be a big
problem, and teflon posts and in-air wiring are often used.
***Hello Winfield :) :
Thank you very much for your technical and non-political answer.
So it makes sense to look for such a candidate among high frequency
transistors that should have low capacitance.
Thank you again.
Best wishes for you,
The part of this that makes zero sense is the 100V part. Almost all op
amps, in fact AFAIK every single one ever sold, has PN junctions between
its inputs and its supply pins.(*) That's why the Absolute Maximum
Ratings section of datasheets specifies that you mustn't take their
inputs more than 0.3V outside the supplies.
Not everything on an IC maps well onto a schematic--e.g. schematics
don't show the parasitic SCR inherent in junction-isolated CMOS
processes. It's there, though, as you'll find if you try dumping 20 mA
into an input.
If you want the same sort of function provided by the input protection
diodes, without a big leakage problem, you can use something like this:
| | |
GGG _ |
A |
| |
| |\ |
0-------------RRRRR---*---RRRRR---|+\ |
| \ |
| >---*-*---0
*---|- / |
| | / |
| |/ |
| |
(Noninverting shown because inverting is reasonably obvious, and
negative polarity left as an exercise for the reader.) You have to
scale the resistances to fit your problem. The idea is that the first
diode has nearly no voltage across it, and hence no leakage or
capacitive current. This isn't a complete solution, because it costs
you SNR eventually, but it's a lot better than nothing.
The diode needs almost no breakdown voltage at all--certainly not 100V..
Something like a BFT25 B-C junction (about 0.3 pF) will work great..
Phil Hobbs
(*) Some chips, e.g. old CMOS->TTL converters use Zeners instead,
because their inputs are intended to be overdriven by volts. Also, some
rail-to-rail input op amps use charge pumps to allow them to run their
input stages on more than VDD-VSS.
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
I'm not so sure about zener input protection. Generally when you need
to go above the rail, you just use a N mosfet with gate tied to source
and the drain going to the pad. You depend on the breakdown of the fet
to provide input protection. [If you are trying this in layout,
antenna rules may apply.]
Every time I investigated chip damage after ESD testing, it was always
due to over-voltage versus over current. I'm not a fan of high fields
(as found in reverse bias) in semiconductors. They seem to find the
weak spot in the junction and zap it. Forward biased junction might
have hot spots, i.e. current hogging, but in general they are pretty
Transzorbs are pretty bulletproof--its job would be just to limit the
overvoltage across the series protection resistor long enough for the
polyfuse to switch. The resistor and the input diodes would protect the
input devices, at least if it were done right.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net

I am referring to on-chip protection and failure analysis I've done.
I've used transorbs, but only on power rails. In any event, putting
zeners on chip isn't done to my knowledge, at least in MOS/BiCMOS.

See the slide "ground gate NMOS"

I'm sure it isn't done anymore, but check out the CD4049UB for an
example., page 2.


Phil Hobbs

Schematic "representations" on data sheets are often just that,
"representations". The "equivalent" IS done using a capacitively
coupled NMOS.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Jim Thompson

Jim said:
[email protected] wrote:
On Jun 14, 7:32 pm, Phil Hobbs
[email protected] wrote:
On Jun 14, 6:51 am, Phil Hobbs
Ebrahim wrote:
Winfield Hill wrote:
Ahem. Well, in 32 posts, has anyone answered Ebrahim's
question? Which was, does a C-B junction make a good
low-leakage high-voltage diode, and my answer is yes.
Likely as low as 10pA, but I'd want to check specific parts.
It's the same question one asks before using a transistor at
extremely low collector currents. OK, not too many people
use BJT transistors at 10pA, for one thing they're very slow,
but it's surprising how well they work down in that territory.
Often when doing this trick, one wants very low capacitance,
and I've been disappointed with the high capacitance of the
usual candidates, e.g., 5pF. This is what steers people
back to the old PAD-1 beauties, spec'd at 0.5pF and 0.3pA
When one is in this pA territory, PCB leakage can be a big
problem, and teflon posts and in-air wiring are often used.
***Hello Winfield :) :
Thank you very much for your technical and non-political answer.
So it makes sense to look for such a candidate among high frequency
transistors that should have low capacitance.
Thank you again.
Best wishes for you,
The part of this that makes zero sense is the 100V part. Almost all op
amps, in fact AFAIK every single one ever sold, has PN junctions between
its inputs and its supply pins.(*) That's why the Absolute Maximum
Ratings section of datasheets specifies that you mustn't take their
inputs more than 0.3V outside the supplies.
Not everything on an IC maps well onto a schematic--e.g. schematics
don't show the parasitic SCR inherent in junction-isolated CMOS
processes. It's there, though, as you'll find if you try dumping 20 mA
into an input.
If you want the same sort of function provided by the input protection
diodes, without a big leakage problem, you can use something like this:
| | |
GGG _ |
A |
| |
| |\ |
0-------------RRRRR---*---RRRRR---|+\ |
| \ |
| >---*-*---0
*---|- / |
| | / |
| |/ |
| |
(Noninverting shown because inverting is reasonably obvious, and
negative polarity left as an exercise for the reader.) You have to
scale the resistances to fit your problem. The idea is that the first
diode has nearly no voltage across it, and hence no leakage or
capacitive current. This isn't a complete solution, because it costs
you SNR eventually, but it's a lot better than nothing.
The diode needs almost no breakdown voltage at all--certainly not 100V..
Something like a BFT25 B-C junction (about 0.3 pF) will work great..
Phil Hobbs
(*) Some chips, e.g. old CMOS->TTL converters use Zeners instead,
because their inputs are intended to be overdriven by volts. Also, some
rail-to-rail input op amps use charge pumps to allow them to run their
input stages on more than VDD-VSS.
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
I'm not so sure about zener input protection. Generally when you need
to go above the rail, you just use a N mosfet with gate tied to source
and the drain going to the pad. You depend on the breakdown of the fet
to provide input protection. [If you are trying this in layout,
antenna rules may apply.]
Every time I investigated chip damage after ESD testing, it was always
due to over-voltage versus over current. I'm not a fan of high fields
(as found in reverse bias) in semiconductors. They seem to find the
weak spot in the junction and zap it. Forward biased junction might
have hot spots, i.e. current hogging, but in general they are pretty
Transzorbs are pretty bulletproof--its job would be just to limit the
overvoltage across the series protection resistor long enough for the
polyfuse to switch. The resistor and the input diodes would protect the
input devices, at least if it were done right.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
I am referring to on-chip protection and failure analysis I've done.
I've used transorbs, but only on power rails. In any event, putting
zeners on chip isn't done to my knowledge, at least in MOS/BiCMOS.

See the slide "ground gate NMOS"

I'm sure it isn't done anymore, but check out the CD4049UB for an
example., page 2.


Phil Hobbs

Schematic "representations" on data sheets are often just that,
"representations". The "equivalent" IS done using a capacitively
coupled NMOS.

...Jim Thompson

I'm not surprised that it isn't a normal zener--but those parts don't
have normal protection diodes, which is where I was going with it. The
input of a CD4049 isn't the most robust thing in the universe, largely
because of having the weird protection network.


Phil Hobbs

Most "modern" CMOS parts don't have classic diodes, particularly on
output pins.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Jim Thompson

What do they use exactly? Unless they're SOI, there's still the
substrate diode.


Phil Hobbs

On the outputs, yes there are the body diodes... _unless_ they are
tri-state-when-unpowered, then things get a bit weird.

You'd be stunned at the complexity of today's CMOS protection
circuits. I'll dig thru my drawings and see if there's something I
can legally post.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson wrote:> wrote:
[email protected] wrote:
On Jun 14, 7:32 pm, Phil Hobbs
[email protected] wrote:
On Jun 14, 6:51 am, Phil Hobbs
Ebrahim wrote:
Winfield Hill wrote:
 Ahem.  Well, in 32 posts, has anyone answered Ebrahim's
 question?  Which was, does a C-B junction make a good
 low-leakage high-voltage diode, and my answer is yes.
 Likely as low as 10pA, but I'd want to check specific parts.
 It's the same question one asks before using a transistor at
 extremely low collector currents.  OK, not too many people
 use BJT transistors at 10pA, for one thing they're very slow,
 but it's surprising how well they work down in that territory.
 Often when doing this trick, one wants very low capacitance,
 and I've been disappointed with the high capacitance of the
 usual candidates, e.g., 5pF.  This is what steers people
 back to the old PAD-1 beauties, spec'd at 0.5pF and 0.3pA
 When one is in this pA territory, PCB leakage can be a big
 problem, and teflon posts and in-air wiring are often used.
***Hello Winfield :) :
Thank you very much for your technical and non-political answer.
So it makes sense to look for such a candidate among high frequency
transistors that should have low capacitance.
Thank you again.
Best wishes for you,
The part of this that makes zero sense is the 100V part.  Almost all op
amps, in fact AFAIK every single one ever sold, has PN junctions between
its inputs and its supply pins.(*)  That's why the Absolute Maximum
Ratings section of datasheets specifies that you mustn't take their
inputs more than 0.3V outside the supplies.
Not everything on an IC maps well onto a schematic--e.g. schematics
don't show the parasitic SCR inherent in junction-isolated CMOS
processes.  It's there, though, as you'll find if you try dumping 20 mA
into an input.
If you want the same sort of function provided by the input protection
diodes, without a big leakage problem, you can use something like this:
                       0  VDD
           |           |                     |
          GGG          _                     |
                       A                     |
                       |                     |
                       |           |\        |
0-------------RRRRR---*---RRRRR---|+\       |
                                   |  \      |
                                   |   >---*-*---0
                               *---|- /    |
                               |   | /     |
                               |   |/      |
                               |           |
(Noninverting shown because inverting is reasonably obvious, and
negative polarity left as an exercise for the reader.)  You have to
scale the resistances to fit your problem.  The idea is that the first
diode has nearly no voltage across it, and hence no leakage or
capacitive current.  This isn't a complete solution, because it costs
you SNR eventually, but it's a lot better than nothing.
The diode needs almost no breakdown voltage at all--certainly not 100V..
  Something like a BFT25 B-C junction (about 0.3 pF) will work great..
Phil Hobbs
(*) Some chips, e.g. old CMOS->TTL converters use Zeners instead,
because their inputs are intended to be overdriven by volts.  Also, some
rail-to-rail input op amps use charge pumps to allow them to run their
input stages on more than VDD-VSS.
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
I'm not so sure about zener input protection. Generally when you need
to go above the rail, you just use a N mosfet with gate tied to source
and the drain going to the pad. You depend on the breakdown of the fet
to provide input protection. [If you are trying this in layout,
antenna rules may apply.]
Every time I investigated chip damage after ESD testing, it was always
due to over-voltage versus over current. I'm not a fan of high fields
(as found in reverse bias) in semiconductors. They seem to find the
weak spot in the junction and zap it. Forward biased junction might
have hot spots, i.e. current hogging, but in general they are pretty
Transzorbs are pretty bulletproof--its job would be just to limit the
overvoltage across the series protection resistor long enough for the
polyfuse to switch.  The resistor and the input diodes would protect the
input devices, at least if it were done right.

Phil Hobbs
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
I am referring to on-chip protection and failure analysis I've done.
I've used transorbs, but  only on power rails. In any event, putting
zeners on chip isn't done to my knowledge, at least in MOS/BiCMOS.
I'm sure it isn't done anymore, but check out the CD4049UB for an
example., page 2.

Phil Hobbs
Schematic "representations" on data sheets are often just that,
"representations".  The "equivalent" IS done using a capacitively
coupled NMOS.
                                        ...Jim Thompson
I'm not surprised that it isn't a normal zener--but those parts don't
have normal protection diodes, which is where I was going with it.  The
input of a CD4049 isn't the most robust thing in the universe, largely
because of having the weird protection network.

Phil Hobbs

Most "modern" CMOS parts don't have classic diodes, particularly on
output pins.

                                        ...Jim Thompson

A lot of times you just plop in an "off" transistor when a diode would
do, simply to get past layout verification tools.

Yep. An NMOS, gate to ground thru a resistor, source to ground, drain
to pin.... sometimes fancier gimmicks.
Occasionally you see this done with a P-FET do discharge a node using
a parasitic diode from the positive rail.

I have seen 10-15 device structures for protecting outputs when they
are configured as tri-state-when-unpowered ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Jim Thompson

On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 12:28:40 -0400, Phil Hobbs

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 11:29:40 -0400, Phil Hobbs

[email protected] wrote:
On Jun 14, 7:32 pm, Phil Hobbs
[email protected] wrote:
On Jun 14, 6:51 am, Phil Hobbs
Ebrahim wrote:
Winfield Hill wrote:
 Ahem.  Well, in 32 posts, has anyone answered Ebrahim's
 question?  Which was, does a C-B junction make a good
 low-leakage high-voltage diode, and my answer is yes.
 Likely as low as 10pA, but I'd want to check specific parts.
 It's the same question one asks before using a transistor at
 extremely low collector currents.  OK, not too many people
 use BJT transistors at 10pA, for one thing they're very slow,
 but it's surprising how well they work down in that territory.
 Often when doing this trick, one wants very low capacitance,
 and I've been disappointed with the high capacitance of the
 usual candidates, e.g., 5pF.  This is what steers people
 back to the old PAD-1 beauties, spec'd at 0.5pF and 0.3pA
 When one is in this pA territory, PCB leakage can be a big
 problem, and teflon posts and in-air wiring are often used.
***Hello Winfield :) :
Thank you very much for your technical and non-political answer.
So it makes sense to look for such a candidate among high frequency
transistors that should have low capacitance.
Thank you again.
Best wishes for you,
The part of this that makes zero sense is the 100V part.  Almost all op
amps, in fact AFAIK every single one ever sold, has PN junctions between
its inputs and its supply pins.(*)  That's why the Absolute Maximum
Ratings section of datasheets specifies that you mustn't take their
inputs more than 0.3V outside the supplies.
Not everything on an IC maps well onto a schematic--e.g. schematics
don't show the parasitic SCR inherent in junction-isolated CMOS
processes.  It's there, though, as you'll find if you try dumping 20 mA
into an input.
If you want the same sort of function provided by the input protection
diodes, without a big leakage problem, you can use something like this:
                       0  VDD
           |           |                     |
          GGG          _                     |
                       A                     |
                       |                     |
                       |           |\        |
0-------------RRRRR---*---RRRRR---|+\       |
                                   |  \      |
                                   |   >---*-*---0
                               *---|- /    |
                               |   | /     |
                               |   |/      |
                               |           |
(Noninverting shown because inverting is reasonably obvious, and
negative polarity left as an exercise for the reader.)  You have to
scale the resistances to fit your problem.  The idea is that the first
diode has nearly no voltage across it, and hence no leakage or
capacitive current.  This isn't a complete solution, because it costs
you SNR eventually, but it's a lot better than nothing.
The diode needs almost no breakdown voltage at all--certainly not 100V..
  Something like a BFT25 B-C junction (about 0.3 pF) will work great..
Phil Hobbs
(*) Some chips, e.g. old CMOS->TTL converters use Zeners instead,
because their inputs are intended to be overdriven by volts.  Also, some
rail-to-rail input op amps use charge pumps to allow them to run their
input stages on more than VDD-VSS.
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
I'm not so sure about zener input protection. Generally when you need
to go above the rail, you just use a N mosfet with gate tied to source
and the drain going to the pad. You depend on the breakdown of the fet
to provide input protection. [If you are trying this in layout,
antenna rules may apply.]
Every time I investigated chip damage after ESD testing, it was always
due to over-voltage versus over current. I'm not a fan of high fields
(as found in reverse bias) in semiconductors. They seem to find the
weak spot in the junction and zap it. Forward biased junction might
have hot spots, i.e. current hogging, but in general they are pretty
Transzorbs are pretty bulletproof--its job would be just to limit the
overvoltage across the series protection resistor long enough for the
polyfuse to switch.  The resistor and the input diodes would protect the
input devices, at least if it were done right.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
ElectroOptical Innovations
55 Orchard Rd
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
I am referring to on-chip protection and failure analysis I've done.
I've used transorbs, but  only on power rails. In any event, putting
zeners on chip isn't done to my knowledge, at least in MOS/BiCMOS.

See the slide "ground gate NMOS"

I'm sure it isn't done anymore, but check out the CD4049UB for an
example., page 2.


Phil Hobbs

Schematic "representations" on data sheets are often just that,
"representations".  The "equivalent" IS done using a capacitively
coupled NMOS.

                                        ...Jim Thompson

I'm not surprised that it isn't a normal zener--but those parts don't
have normal protection diodes, which is where I was going with it.  The
input of a CD4049 isn't the most robust thing in the universe, largely
because of having the weird protection network.


Phil Hobbs

Most "modern" CMOS parts don't have classic diodes, particularly on
output pins.

                                        ...Jim Thompson

A lot of times you just plop in an "off" transistor when a diode would
do, simply to get past layout verification tools.

Yep. An NMOS, gate to ground thru a resistor, source to ground, drain
to pin.... sometimes fancier gimmicks.
Occasionally you see this done with a P-FET do discharge a node using
a parasitic diode from the positive rail.

I have seen 10-15 device structures for protecting outputs when they
are configured as tri-state-when-unpowered ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Forgot a point, seen only recently... a special schematic symbol that
describes layers to satisfy the LVS.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Fred Bartoli

Jim Thompson a écrit :
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 15:13:04 -0700 (PDT), "[email protected]"

A lot of times you just plop in an "off" transistor when a diode would
do, simply to get past layout verification tools.

Yep. An NMOS, gate to ground thru a resistor, source to ground, drain
to pin.... sometimes fancier gimmicks.

Why the resistor?

Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson a écrit :
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 15:13:04 -0700 (PDT), "[email protected]"

A lot of times you just plop in an "off" transistor when a diode would
do, simply to get past layout verification tools.

Yep. An NMOS, gate to ground thru a resistor, source to ground, drain
to pin.... sometimes fancier gimmicks.

Why the resistor?

Rise-time dependent clamping.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food

Jim Thompson

The protection diodes shown are between inputs.
Related to inputs, note those to the substrate (V-) and if
implemented, those to the supply are most definitely not shown.
For both digital and analog devices, note protection diodes to the
substrate are not shown.
And diodes to the supply (if added) seem to be almost state secrets..

There's a good OP27 model on my website... one I did in the early

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

Obama... Recklessness Cloaked in Righteousness