Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best solder free electrical connection


Rich Webb

You (septics) are so fucking stupid that you elected George Bush as
president ... twice

Only once, actually. The first time he got appointed by our Supreme
Court but yeah, I'll give you the second.
As for monarchy - where do all you tourists head for ? buck house to see
the queen

Well, to not do so is rather like visiting Paris for the first time and
not bothering to see the Eiffel Tower. It's a tourist code of duty or
something like that.

The Daring Dufas

This thread is one of the worst examples I've seen of a simple question
turning into a hyper-elaborated megillah.

Several people (myself included) said that the terminals should/must be
soldered, and if you felt uncomfortable soldering, find someone who can do
it. That was all that was required, and the exchange should have ended

I don't blame anyone who contributed for trying to help. It's good to help.

But other than the desire for social interaction, why is all this necessary?

But it's so entertaining...... :cool:


The Daring Dufas

Did you not read my post about 10 lines above ?

I'll type it again without sarcasm or pisstaking

"Excuse me, but is the OP a Septic or English ?

If he/she/it is English, it's bugger all use pointing them at Septic
outlets, is it?"

Capiche, ragazzo ?

Any references to Yank suppliers were for examples ONLY.
Sometimes a picture can help one communicate with those
who speak another language. :cool:



The Daring Dufas said:
Any references to Yank suppliers were for examples ONLY.
Sometimes a picture can help one communicate with those
who speak another language. :cool:
Septics.for example

ha ha

Robert Green


Since you've clearly eliminated solder from contention, I would suggest:

"An all-purpose, electrically conductive glue ideal for bonding all kinds of
low-voltage connections. Makes a permanent bond without heat. Lead-free. 0.3
fl.oz. jar."

While it's really more of a conductive paint than a glue, it's been useful
to "replate" switch contacts on IR remote control units and to attach small,
fine wires like those required by glass solar panels where soldering may
cause serious damage if not done expertly. They also sell all sorts of
battery holders and soldering tools.

You might be able to gain strength by building up the material in layers and
then covering it with hot melt glue to add physical strength. Even will all
that I would solder but use a small alligator clip to "wick" the iron's heat
away from the plastic. Buy a new iron and some spare tips and practive a
little. I was amazed to learn how much a good tip is worth when soldering.

The Daring Dufas

Ah - the whinings of the colonial underclass

Don't worry cousin, the next time you're attacked, we'll still come to
your rescue. :cool:



The Daring Dufas said:
Don't worry cousin, the next time you're attacked, we'll still come to
your rescue. :cool:
I should bloody well hope so - the number of times we've had to be there
to help you out of late

.... despite more of our troops getting killed by septic friendly fire in
the first Iraqi fracas

Which brings me round to thinking ...

Have you actually won anything since you came to help us out (at great
expense to us) in WW2 ?

err ... Vietnam ? ... No

Chad ? ... No

and whose defence network was hacked by a 14 year old kid

anyway, bye for a while - off to sunny germany


geoff wrote:
That's a very good example of why most people with brains left Europe
for 'The new World'.

So how come Britain made a better nuclear bomb than the New World? And
the New World wanted as much detail of our superior technology as they
could get?


Bob Eager

So how come Britain made a better nuclear bomb than the New World? And
the New World wanted as much detail of our superior technology as they
could get?

The promblem is that the Septics believe their own war films...for
example, 'U-571'.

Steve S \(another one\)

Michael A. Terrell said:
What superior technology? Lucas?

A giant US engineering company, TRW, put its best brains to work to develop
a successful electric power steering system. They spent a long time and many
millions of dollars. In the end they had to go out and buy the technology
from a little British outfit. Guess who that was? It's now the world most
successful electric power steering system.

Now who the hell was it....

Oh, yes. Lucas.

The Daring Dufas

The promblem is that the Septics believe their own war films...for
example, 'U-571'.

That's odd, I know it's a work of fiction and not a documentary.
Even as a small child, I knew that Superman was not a real person.
Perhaps some people believe everything they read or see in movies
and TV shows. I have found that many Europeans get their stereotypical
opinion of the Southeast U.S. from the media and when they visit,
are surprised that there is no constant banjo music and a Negro
hanging from every other tree.


The Daring Dufas

A giant US engineering company, TRW, put its best brains to work to develop
a successful electric power steering system. They spent a long time and many
millions of dollars. In the end they had to go out and buy the technology
from a little British outfit. Guess who that was? It's now the world most
successful electric power steering system.

Now who the hell was it....

Oh, yes. Lucas.

The US military also purchased the rights to build the Harrier Jump Jet.
I think there has been a lot of technology going in both directions. So
be fair about it, The UK is a great place.


The Daring Dufas

What superior technology? Lucas?

I thought Lucusitis was a disease cause by the use of Lucas products?
Is there not an evil fellow named Lucaser, Prince of Darkness? :cool:



That's odd, I know it's a work of fiction and not a documentary.
Even as a small child, I knew that Superman was not a real person.
Perhaps some people believe everything they read or see in movies
and TV shows. I have found that many Europeans get their stereotypical
opinion of the Southeast U.S. from the media and when they visit,
are surprised that there is no constant banjo music and a Negro
hanging from every other tree.


Indeed, no constant banjo music or Negro's hanging from trees.

Just lots of extremely large people and restaurants that all think you
haven't eaten for months.
I guess the trees couldn't withstand the weight, so the Negro's just
dropped to the ground.

The Daring Dufas

Indeed, no constant banjo music or Negro's hanging from trees.

Just lots of extremely large people and restaurants that all think you
haven't eaten for months.
I guess the trees couldn't withstand the weight, so the Negro's just
dropped to the ground.

Well, there is a lot of press about obesity in the South. There are
lots of big old boys but they can usually pick up a car engine without
breaking a sweat.



No "superior technology" has come out of GB since about 1950. - and
that may be stretchng it. There have been a few "good ideas" since

I might be wrong but I thought Concorde started flying after 1950.
Though then again the Septics didn't like the noise, or was it a classic
case of "Not Invented Here" syndrome?