Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best solder free electrical connection



The Daring Dufas said:
I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you are writing
about. Could you find someone to translate it into American?
Septic tank = yank

duh - colonials


In message said:
Cockney rhyming slang - septic tank = yank.
Hardly cockney, universal ex-pat speak

or would one prefer ...


and if you don't know what a merkin is, look it up

The Daring Dufas

Septic tank = yank

duh - colonials

Um, the cultural education is nice but what's it got to do
with electrical connections to a battery holder? Bizarre is
fun but at least I try to keep my jokes within the subject
matter being discussed. :cool:



Um, the cultural education is nice but what's it got to do
with electrical connections to a battery holder? Bizarre is
fun but at least I try to keep my jokes within the subject
matter being discussed. :cool:


It was... Radio Shack used to have UK outlets (but seemed to have
vanished), but the link above was certainly for their US replacement...

Its a long way to go for a battery holder..

The Daring Dufas

It was... Radio Shack used to have UK outlets (but seemed to have
vanished), but the link above was certainly for their US replacement...

Its a long way to go for a battery holder..

The link was to show what the connectors look like, the connectors
are available all over the world except perhaps at the yak dealer
out on the steppes. I have trimmed solder tabs on a number of items
in order to slip a faston connector on them, it's not rocket surgery.


Tim Streater

The Daring Dufas said:
The link was to show what the connectors look like, the connectors
are available all over the world except perhaps at the yak dealer
out on the steppes. I have trimmed solder tabs on a number of items
in order to slip a faston connector on them, it's not rocket surgery.

I'd have thought both the battery holder and the tabs would be available
at Maplins - small electronic parts.

The Daring Dufas

I'd have thought both the battery holder and the tabs would be available
at Maplins - small electronic parts.

Here's the Maplin link to what Brits call Lucar terminals:

The terminals are the same as what are called Faston (fast on) terminals
in The U.S. which slip on to a rectangular metal tab. The oval shaped
solder tabs on the battery holder can be squared off in order to accept
a Faston/Lucar terminal. Trim the solder tab to look like the end of a
male Faston/Lucar terminal and you can make a quick connect.

I hope this makes it clearer and easier to understand the concept.


Smitty Two

The Daring Dufas said:
I have trimmed solder tabs on a number of items
in order to slip a faston connector on them, it's not rocket surgery.

No, but it is half-assed. Solder lugs are much thinner than fast-on male
lugs. You can get the width right, but it doesn't make for a very secure
or reliable connection since the tab is still too thin.

The Natural Philosopher

Smitty said:
No, but it is half-assed. Solder lugs are much thinner than fast-on male
lugs. You can get the width right, but it doesn't make for a very secure
or reliable connection since the tab is still too thin.

and too soft.

The Daring Dufas

No, but it is half-assed. Solder lugs are much thinner than fast-on male
lugs. You can get the width right, but it doesn't make for a very secure
or reliable connection since the tab is still too thin.

It's not for a NASA mission! Great dangling donkey dorks man! It's
for experimentation and playing around! It's not for the next great
military jet interceptor! DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT'S FOR A TOY! GAWWD!


J Burns

The said:
Here's the Maplin link to what Brits call Lucar terminals:

The terminals are the same as what are called Faston (fast on) terminals
in The U.S. which slip on to a rectangular metal tab. The oval shaped
solder tabs on the battery holder can be squared off in order to accept
a Faston/Lucar terminal. Trim the solder tab to look like the end of a
male Faston/Lucar terminal and you can make a quick connect.

I hope this makes it clearer and easier to understand the concept.


FastOn is AMP's trade name for push-on terminals. I believe Lucar
describes them as spade connectors.

Frederick Lucas started a car company by 1914. It went out of business
in 1921. It produced the Lucar. Maybe that's the origin if the trade name.

William Sommerwerck

It's not for a NASA mission! Great dangling donkey dorks
man! It's for experimentation and playing around! It's not for
the next great military jet interceptor! DO YOU UNDERSTAND

This thread is one of the worst examples I've seen of a simple question
turning into a hyper-elaborated megillah.

Several people (myself included) said that the terminals should/must be
soldered, and if you felt uncomfortable soldering, find someone who can do
it. That was all that was required, and the exchange should have ended

I don't blame anyone who contributed for trying to help. It's good to help.

But other than the desire for social interaction, why is all this necessary?


I have to connect this AAA battery holder to a toy. Although I have a small
soldering iron, my soldering skills are poor. I can see myself easily
melting all the plastic around the contacts before I can get anything to
stick to the tabs. (The part of the tabs with the small hole will bend
upwards giving some clearence).

My immediate plan is to poke a few strands of wire through the holes in the
connection tabs twist and then apply some nail varnish to stop it unwinding.
Since its a toy it does not need to be totally foolproof.

If anyone had any ideas that were a bit more sophisticated I would be
gratefull. Thanks.

Considering that a good solder joint has good mechanical connection
your method should would work fine, but you should use quick epoxy instead.
The slow epoxy is best however.

No, but it is half-assed. Solder lugs are much thinner than fast-on male
lugs. You can get the width right, but it doesn't make for a very secure
or reliable connection since the tab is still too thin.
So pinch the connector a bit to tighten it up.

Meat Plow

This thread is one of the worst examples I've seen of a simple question
turning into a hyper-elaborated megillah.

Looks like a lot of people have too much time on their hands.


Yes. All the way to your mail box. Of course, that may require you
to get out of your chair and actually walk.

And pay three times the value in shipping and taxes


aemeijers said:
Yeah, but at least we had the stones to tell the monarchy to bugger
off. Not that we don't do a lot of stupid stuff as well, but at least
we haven't kept a clan of figureheads on the public dole for the last N
You (septics) are so fucking stupid that you elected George Bush as
president ... twice

As for monarchy - where do all you tourists head for ? buck house to see
the queen

.... septics


The Daring Dufas said:
Um, the cultural education is nice but what's it got to do
with electrical connections to a battery holder? Bizarre is
fun but at least I try to keep my jokes within the subject
matter being discussed. :cool:
Did you not read my post about 10 lines above ?

I'll type it again without sarcasm or pisstaking

"Excuse me, but is the OP a Septic or English ?

If he/she/it is English, it's bugger all use pointing them at Septic
outlets, is it?"

Capiche, ragazzo ?